The Talos Principle 2 Pandora Statue Puzzle Solutions

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The Talos Principle 2 Pandora Statue Puzzle Solutions

In The Talos Principle 2, you will also have the opportunity to solve puzzles that are not mandatory for the main plot but which are able to give you an extra challenge and therefore can be taken into consideration for their resolution, such as those of the Sphinx statues. In this article, in any case, we will explain to you in detail how to get to the solutions of The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue puzzles that you can find in the game world. However, get ready because these puzzles will be more complex than the Sphinx ones, so they will take longer to complete. But don't worry; we've got you covered.

East 1

The first of The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue puzzles is located in the East 1 area. The Pandora statue is to the right of the bridge ring, which is located right at the beginning of this area, to be precise, near puzzle room number 8. Since the statue has a green laser receiver, this means that you will need a green beam to activate it. At this point, for the better success of the puzzle, we advise you to solve the one inside the room first so that you can deactivate all the forcefields.

Once this is done, connect the crystal tripod to the red beam and place it in the center of the area. In this way, it will be able to send the red beam towards the fan located at the end of this area. Now, head towards the fan and activate the switch to deactivate it. Place the hexahedron on it and use the RGB converter to connect it to the blue beam and the red crystal to make it green. Now, connect the converter first to the green receiver located near the fan and then connect it to the receiver located on Pandora's box. Now, place it on the cube and activate the switch on the fan to make it rise into the air in order to complete the connections and the first The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue puzzle.

The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue

East 2

The second statue you are looking for is located near the room area of puzzle number 7, although you will have to start from puzzle number 3. What you will have to do, in fact, is use the RGB converter to create a green beam. Additionally, you will need the quantum driller to gain access to one of the colored lasers and the two crystal connectors. Once everything is connected, head towards the door you entered through to see another connector. Connect the RGB converter to it to ensure that the light beam is present in the entire area.

At this point, what you will have to do is follow the light until you get back to the place where the statue was located, that is, near the puzzle room number 8. Entering inside, you will see that the green light will be blocked by a wall. What you have to do in this case is very simple: take a connector from the area and use it to connect the green beam to the receiver located on the Pandora statue. This will allow you to conclude this The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue puzzle.

The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue

East 3

This The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue is located near the rooms of numbers 7 and 8. If you look up, you will notice that there is a dotted line going over your head. Follow the line to know the precise point from which to start. The first thing to do is to go to puzzle room number 3, where you will find an inverter and an RGB converter. Use the inverter on the red laser to create a blue light and connect the RGB converter to the red emitter to create a green light.

At this point, look towards the wall that is near the right corner of the room to be able to see the connector. By using this connector, you will allow a green light to cross the entire island. Your task will be to follow the light until you reach puzzle room number 6. Inside, use the connector to take the green light that comes out of the connector located on the tower, and then send it straight to the statue to conclude this The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue puzzle.

The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue

North 3

This The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue is located near puzzle room number 3. The first thing to do is to go to puzzle room number 2, which is located behind the statue. At this point, take the cube that is on the fan and then exchange it for the accumulator. Climb the fan and ladder to connect the accumulator to the blue beam. Now, head towards the RGB converter on the tower in the right corner of the room.

To create the red beam, you will need to head towards puzzle room number 5. Swap any object for an accumulator and use it to capture the red beam. At this point, you will have to take the RGB converter located on the tower on the wall near the red beam emitter and create the connection. Now, you will have to return to puzzle room number 3, where you will have to connect the green beam created by the RGB converter to the statue.

At this point, you will have to return to the entrance of the room, take the cube, and then exchange it for the quantum drill. Point the drill towards the wall and pass the connector through the hole. Run to the other side and take the connector. At this point, all you have to do is target both the statue and the RGB converter to be able to finish The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue puzzle.

The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue

South 1

Once you leave the transit hub, you can see The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue right near the entrance to the area. The first thing you will notice is that there will be another dotted line. This means that you will have to send a green beam in the direction of it using the connectors found in the area. The first thing to do is head towards the puzzle room and complete the puzzle inside, in case you haven't done so yet.

Now, what you need to do is look north, right near the wooden bridge. Behind you, however, you should be able to see a wall behind you, across the water, right where you can use a quantum drill to make a hole. This will allow you to reveal a green laser emitter right behind you. At this point, take a connector and connect it to the emitter and then look in the direction of a rock spire located above the emitter. Right at the top, you will see another connector that you can direct the green laser towards.

The next step to take is to go in the direction of the room with puzzle number 4, which is located near puzzle number 2. Inside, take a connector and look for a green connector that comes out of the rock tower. At this point, connect it to it and turn it towards the transit station. Right under the flat platform, there is another connector. Direct the light towards it so that I can get to the statue to complete another The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue puzzle.

The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue

South 2

This The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue is located near an alcove to the west of the starting area. The thing you need to do is go to puzzle area number 2 and go through the cave that is nearby to get to the other side of the area. Here you will see a series of connectors that must be activated using a laser.

Also inside the room, you will find anti-gravity panels that create an L shape on the ceiling. Take the gravishifter and aim the panels placed vertically. Once you place the gravishifter, make sure that it is placed on the button that activates the fan. At this point, grab a connector and use the fan to send you in the direction of the anti-gravity panel. Jump to the top of the panel so you are upside down and use the connector on the blue laser emitter and the other connector hanging from the ceiling.

Now head back to the bonus puzzle room where The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue is located. On the cliff near the statue, you will see a purple particle wall that will not allow you to enter that area. On the left, however, there is an anti-gravity panel that you can use. Then enter the room to take the gravishifter, and point it in the direction of the panel. Use the discovered path to find an inverter. Use the inverter to connect it to the connector that receives the blue beam.

Now, what you need to do is go north, following the rock wall where you found the inverter. Here you will see some fans in the air that you can reach by doing some platforming. After the second fan, you will find an RGB converter, take it, and go back to The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue. Place it in the space near the statue and connect it to the inverter and to the blue beam coming out of the connector. This will create a green beam that will be connected to the statue.

The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue

South 3

This is probably the most difficult of The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue puzzles. The statue in question is located in a desert area where there doesn't seem to be anything else. In order to solve this puzzle, the first thing to do is to activate a switch. You will have to return to the area where puzzle number 2 is located and look in the direction of the tower. At this point, you will see a blue laser receiver, which you will need to find the solution to this The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue puzzle.

Take a connector and connect the blue laser to the one coming out of the tower. The next thing to do is send a red laser in the direction of the connector located to the right of the receiver. However, you cannot get the red laser in this room, so you will have to go south into the desert to the bonus puzzle room located in the dunes. Inside, in fact, you will find a red laser emitter. Use a connector to send it to the connector on the tower.

The last thing to do to conclude this The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue puzzle is to go to puzzle room number 3. As soon as you enter, you will have to look to the left to see a hidden compartment that was opened when you activated the receiver on the tower. Inside, you will find a connector that you will have to place on the elevator platform near the pressure plate. Furthermore, place the cube on this platform to make it rise. At this point, you will also be able to connect the red light and finish this The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue.

The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue

West 2

The last The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue is located near puzzle room number 4. Take the connector located nearby and connect the blue laser emitter to it. Now, what you will have to do is go in the direction of puzzle room number 6 and walk along its outer walls until you see a wall that you can use to make a hole using a quantum driller. Alternatively, you can also overcome this obstacle in another way.

If you go back to puzzle number 6, you can get an activator. First, you will have to take a cube and bring it near the left side of the entrance to the room, where there is a corner, right next to the symbol that indicates that you are in the area of puzzle number 6. Place the cube nearby and then place a blue activator right above it. Now, go past the sign with the number 6 and you will see a pile of low rocks. Jump onto them and climb them until you reach the top of the heap, then drop down onto the wall of the puzzle room. Here you can get the activator you were looking for.

Now, all you have to do to finish this The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue puzzle is return to the place where the statue is located. Pay attention to the fact that this statue is the only one without a receiver, so what you will have to do is use the activator to take the blue beam that comes out of the connector located nearby and then leave it underneath the statue to conclude the last of The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue puzzles.

The Talos Principle 2 Pandora statue

The Talos Principle 2 Pandora Statue Puzzle Solutions
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.