The Finals: Leaderboards and Ranked System

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The Finals: Leaderboards and Ranked System

Here are all the details about The Finals: Leaderboards and Ranked System with its new release

The Finals has been unexpectedly released at the last Game Awards by Embark Studios. The released version has ironed out many issues that were spotted by players during the beta phase. Alongside numerous new features, the released version includes multiple quick-play modes and a Tournament mode. Players have received the new features with positive feedback and have said that the game is heading towards a better place.

So here are all the details about the new Leaderboards and Ranked System in The Finals.

The Finals: Leaderboards and Ranked System

With its official release, The Finals has added many newly added features and content, such as the Tournament mode. The Tournament mode includes a Normal and a Ranked mode. The game will also have several Ranked Leagues and a Seasonal Leaderboard. This will add a new competitive edge for the shooter, something that players have asked for since the beta phase.

Ranked Tournament System

A Tournament will have 46 players who are divided into 16 teams. The Tournament will have two parts, a Knockout Phase and the Final Round. During every Knockout Round, four teams will be competing to place in the top 2 to move on to the next round.

The Finals: Leaderboards and Ranked System
Credit: Embark Studios

You can win these rounds by cashing out at the cashout points, or by eliminating the enemy teams to reduce their cash.

There will be a total of three knockout rounds. After those, there will be only two teams left. The two teams will compete in the Final Round. Whoever wins the Final Round wins the whole thing. During the Final Round, a team can win only by having the most cash after the time runs out.

Ranked Tournament Rules

The rules during this mode will be a little different compared to Quickplay or Tournaments. This is mainly because there are more players and rounds. These rules include the inability to swap items from the reserve loadout in the middle of a match. A player can swap items only between two rounds. The maps and game show events will be the same as the rest of the modes.

The Finals: Leaderboards and Ranked System
Credit: Embark Studios

Game Rules

  • Length: Up to 4 Rounds
  • Limited Respawn Credits: 3 per team
  • Overtime: If a cashout is in progress when time ends
  • No swapping items from reserve before the end of a round
  • League Progression: Yes

Knockout Round Rules

  • Earn the most cash by cashing out successfully or eliminate teams for team wipe loss
  • Promotion to the next round by coming into the top 2

Final Round Rules

  • Earn the most cash by cashing out successfully
  • No penalties for a team wipe
  • Win a round by reaching the cash goal

Ranked Tournament Ranks

There are 5 ranked leagues in The Finals currently. Each rank has four tiers. Every player will start the season at the lowest rank, Bronze 4. Players will be able to climb the rank leagues by gaining Fame Points (FP). Each tier has a specific amount of FP which players will have to earn to be promoted. The number of FP rewarded will depend on the player's current ranks and the round in which they got eliminated.

The Finals: Leaderboards and Ranked System
Credit: Embark Studios

Here are all the leagues in The Finals Ranked Tournament System:

  • Bronze
    • Bronze 4 (0 FP)
    • Bronze 3 (250 FP)
    • Bronze 2 (500 FP)
    • Bronze 1 (1000 FP)
  • Silver
    • Silver 4
    • Silver 3
    • Silver 2
    • Silver 1


  • Gold
    • Gold 4
    • Gold 3
    • Gold 2
    • Gold 1


  • Platinum
    • Platinum 4
    • Platinum 3
    • Platinum 2
    • Platinum 1


  • Diamond
    • Diamond 4
    • Diamond 3
    • Diamond 2
    • Diamond 1

One factor everyone should remember is that players cannot be demoted from the league that they are currently in. If a player reaches Silver 1 then they cannot go back to Bronze League, the most they can fall is Silver 4.

Ranked Tournament Leaderboards

The game also has a leaderboard that displays the top 1000 players in The Finals based on the number of Fame Points. The leaderboard will also have the player's level, the amount of money they cashed out, and their FP.

Since most people have not unlocked the Ranked mode yet, Season 1 is not available on the game website yet. It can only be accessed in-game. The current leaderboard is available in-game and on the website.

Ranked Tournament Dates

During the beta test, the Ranked Tournaments were available during the entire phase. With that in mind, it can be assumed that the mode should be active as long as each season lasts. Therefore, since Season 1 will end by 12 March 2024, the ranked mode should last for the same period. However, since there is no official announcement, this date may be subject to change.

Make sure you stay updated with our website to check out other articles about The Finals.

The Finals: Leaderboards and Ranked System
The Old One
When he's not sighing at sub-standard teammates in Dota 2 and CS2, The Old One is writing about those two games (among other things). If you see his name around the site too many times for your liking, well, the guy just never stops writing. Yes, we've tried an intervention.