TFT Set 8: Monsters Attack! Champions, Origins, Classes and New Items

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TFT Set 8: Monsters Attack! Champions, Origins, Classes and New Items

Full list of new champions, their traits and the new items in TFT Set 8: Monsters Attack!

We have little more than two weeks of TFT: Dragonlands before we say goodbye to Set 7 and 7.5. The new set will be available to play in Public Beta Environment (PBE) starting tomorrow, and it will be on live servers with the LoL Patch 12.23, which is scheduled on December 7. So before you jump into the PBE, here is all the information you need about TFT: Monsters Attack!

TFT Set 8 Origins


  • Blitzcrank (1-cost)
  • Camille (2-cost)
  • LeBlanc (3-cost)
  • Soraka (4-cost)

A.D.M.I.N. configuration varies for each player each game.

  • 2: Configure the cause and the effect for your A.D.M.I.N. program
  • 4: Configure an additional effect for your A.D.M.I.N. program
  • 6: Outputs of the above tiers are increased by 160%

Anima Squad

  • Sylas (1-cost)
  • Nasus (1-cost)
  • Jinx (2-cost)
  • Riven (3-cost)
  • Vayne (3-cost)
  • Miss Fortune (4-cost)

When an Anima Squad champion kills another champion, they pause to celebrate and your team builds fame. Anima Squad champions gain Attack Damage and Ability Power, +4 additional maximum Health according to their shared fame.

  • 3: 20% Attack Damage and 20 Ability Power
  • 5: 40% Attack Damage and 40 Ability Power
  • 7: 99% Attack Damage and 99 Ability Power


  • Galio (1-cost)
  • Sivir (2-cost)
  • Janna (5-cost)

If there is a Civilian alive, all allies are inspired to fight harder to protect them, gaining mana every 2 seconds.

  • 1: +2 mana
  • 2: +5 mana
  • 3: +10 mana


  • Fiddlesticks (5-cost)

Fiddlesticks starts combat dormant. When ally champions die during this time, Fiddlesticks absorbs their soul granting him 15 Ability Power. After falling below 40% Health or when all allies have died, Fiddlesticks comes alive

  • 1: Bonus Effect


  • Poppy (1-cost)
  • Lulu (1-cost)
  • Annie (2-cost)
  • Zoe (3-cost)
  • Nunu & Willump (5-cost)

Every round, Gadgeteens generate a random modified weapon that can be equipped by any unit. These weapons are powerful, but not durable, and fall apart after 2 rounds of use. Gadgeteens will not make new items to replace items left on the bench.

  • 3: Create 1 item every round
  • 5: Create 2 items every round


  • Ashe (1-cost)
  • Renekton (1-cost)
  • Yasuo (2-cost)
  • Senna (3-cost)
  • Zed (4-cost)
  • Sejuani (4-cost)
  • Mordekaiser (5-cost)

All LaserCorps agents are assigned a combat drone. When attacking or being hit by an attack, the drone has a 50% chance to deal magic damage to the agent's target (0.5 second cooldown). When a LaserCorps agent dies, their drone is re-assigned to the nearest living LaserCorps agent.

  • 3: Drone lasers deal 50 magic damage.
  • 6: Drone lasers deal 130 magic damage.
  • 9: Drone lasers deal 210 magic damage. Each LaserCorps agent gets another drone.

Mecha: PRIME

  • Wukong (1-cost)
  • Draven (2-cost)
  • Jax (3-cost)
  • Sett (4-cost)
  • Leona (5-cost)

Use the PRIME selector to designate a PRIME. At the start of combat, the PRIME combines with the two closest other Mecha units, taking a portion of their base Health and Attack Damage.

  • 3: 75% Health, 75% Attack Damage
  • 5: 100% Health, 100% Attack Damage

Ox Force

  • Talon (1-cost)
  • Fiora (2-cost)
  • Annie (2-cost)
  • Alistar (3-cost)
  • Viego (4-cost)
  • Aphelios (5-cost)

Ox Force units gain Attack Speed that increases with their missing percent health. Ox Force units will fight to their dying breath to defend their city, becoming invulnerable for 1.5 seconds the first time they would die in combat.

  • 2: 5% – 15% Attack Speed
  • 4: 30% – 60% Attack Speed
  • 6: 60% – 120% Attack Speed

Star Guardian

  • Lux (1-cost)
  • Yuumi (2-cost)
  • Rell (2-cost)
  • Nilah (3-cost)
  • Kai’Sa (3-cost)
  • Ekko (4-cost)
  • Taliyah (4-cost)
  • Syndra (5-cost)

When Star Guardians gain mana, they gain more.

  • 3: 35% additional mana
  • 5: 60% additional mana
  • 7: 100% additional mana
  • 9: 150% additional mana 


  • Gangplank (1-cost)
  • Malphite (2-cost)
  • Lee Sin (2-cost)

Supers strike a pose at the start of combat, granting allies 30% bonus damage. For every three-star unit on your team, the bonus damage % is increased by 5%.

  • 3: Bonus Effect


  • Rammus (3-cost)
  • Cho’Gath (3-cost)
  • Vel’Koz (3-cost)
  • Zac (4-cost)
  • Aurelion Sol (4-cost)
  • Bel’Veth (4-cost)
  • Urgot (5-cost)
  • Fiddlesticks (5-cost)

Threats are more powerful than other units. You may field any number of Threats, but they do not gain bonuses for being fielded with other Threats

  • 1: Bonus Effect


  • Kayle (1-cost)
  • Vi (2-cost)
  • Ezreal (2-cost)
  • Sona (3-cost)
  • Samira (4-cost)

The Underground periodically checks in with the loot from their current heist. You may choose to cut and run and take the current loot, or continue the heist to get even better rewards. After completing a heist, a new one begins. It takes 9 total progress for a heist to complete.

  • 3: The Underground makes 1 progress after each Player Combat Round. After a loss, they make 3 progress.
  • 5: The Underground makes 2 progress after each Player Combat Round. After a loss, they make 5 progress.

TFT Set 8 Classes


  • Draven (2-cost)
  • Samira (4-cost)
  • Miss Fortune (4-cost)
  • Mordekaiser (5-cost)

This trait is only active when you have exactly 1 or 4 unique Aces.

  • 1: Execute enemies under 15% health
  • 4: Execute enemies under 30% health 


  • Vi (2-cost)
  • Alistar (3-cost)
  • Ekko (4-cost)
  • Leona (5-cost)

All allies gain bonus Magic Resist. Aegis units gain more.

  • 2: +25 Magic Resist, +50 for Aegis Units
  • 3: +40 Magic Resist, +80 for Aegis Units
  • 4: +60 Magic Resist, +120 for Aegis Units
  • 5: +85 Magic Resist, +170 for Aegis Units 


  • Aphelios (5-cost)

Arsenal units pick the weapons they equip when placed on the board, changing their spell's effects.

  • 1: Bonus Effect


  • Blitzcrank (1-cost)
  • Renekton (1-cost)
  • Lee Sin (2-cost)
  • Vi (2-cost)
  • Jax (3-cost)
  • Riven (3-cost)
  • Sejuani (4-cost)

Brawlers gain additional maximum Health.

  • 2: +20% Max Health
  • 4: +30% Max Health
  • 6: +50% Max Health
  • 8: +89% Max Health


  • Poppy (1-cost)
  • Wukong (1-cost)
  • Rell (2-cost)
  • Riven (3-cost)
  • Sett (4-cost)

Innate: Shortly after the start of combat, Defenders taunt nearby enemies. All allies gain bonus Armor. Defenders gain more.

  • 2: +30 Armor, +60 for Defenders
  • 4: +60 Armor, +120 for Defenders
  • 6: +100 Armor, +200 for Defenders 


  • Gangplank (1-cost)
  • Kayle (1-cost)
  • Fiora (2-cost)
  • Yasuo (2-cost)
  • Nilah (3-cost)
  • Vayne (3-cost)
  • Zed (4-cost)

Duelists' basic attacks grant them bonus attack speed, up to 10 stacks.

  • 2: +6% AS per stack
  • 4: +12% AS per stack
  • 6: +20% AS per stack
  • 8: +35% AS per stack


  • Janna (5-cost)

Janna grants a different buff to all adjacent allies depending on the current weather, which changes every game.

  • 1: Bonus Effect


  • LeBlanc (3-cost)
  • Zoe (3-cost)
  • Zed (4-cost)

Hackers gain omnivamp and summon a H4ckerr!m that takes the unit in the Rider Hex into the enemy backline. The Rider is untargetable for the first seconds of combat.

  • 2: 15% Omnivamp
  • 3: 30% Omnivamp
  • 4: 50% Omnivamp 


  • Lulu (1-cost)
  • Lee Sin (2-cost)
  • Yuumi (2-cost)
  • Sona (3-cost)
  • Soraka (4-cost)
  • Syndra (5-cost)

When Heart units cast their spell, all allies gain stacking Ability Power for the rest of combat.

  • 2: +5 Ability Power
  • 4: +10 Ability Power
  • 6: +15 Ability Power


  • Galio (1-cost)
  • Nasus (1-cost)
  • Malphite (2-cost)
  • Yuumi (2-cost)
  • Alistar (3-cost)
  • Nunu & Willump (5-cost)

When Mascots die, they retreat to the sidelines to cheer on their team. Allies regenerate a percentage of their maximum health every 3 seconds, increased by 1% for each cheering Mascot. Mascots regenerate double this amount.

  • 2: Regain 1.5% Health
  • 4: Regain 2.5% Health
  • 6: Regain 4.5% Health
  • 8: Regain 7% Health


  • Jinx (2-cost)
  • Zoe (3-cost)
  • Ekko (4-cost)

Pranksters spawn a target dummy, when they would first fall below 50% health.

  • 2: Restore 500 health and move to a safe location.
  • 3: The enemy who kills a target dummy is stunned for 1.5 seconds


  • Ashe (1-cost)
  • Ezreal (2-cost)
  • Kai’Sa (3-cost)
  • Vayne (3-cost)

Innate: Recon Units gain attack range. Before casting, if there is a nearby enemy, Recon units will dash to safety. They also gain bonus Critical Strike Chance.

  • 2: +10% Crit Chance
  • 3: +35% Crit Chance
  • 4: +60% Crit Chance. Recon spells can crit


  • Sylas (1-cost)
  • Talon (1-cost)
  • Camille (2-cost)
  • Viego (5-cost)
  • Leona (5-cost)

Renegade units deal bonus damage. The last Renegade standing deals more.

  • 3: 30%, 10% Bonus Damage
  • 6: 60%, 20% Bonus Damage


  • Lux (1-cost)
  • Annie (2-cost)
  • LeBlanc (3-cost))
  • Sona (3-cost)
  • Taliyah (4-cost)

Every 6 seconds, Spellslingers replace their next attack with an orb of magic flung at a random target, dealing 75% of their Ability Power as magic damage. Spellslingers have increased Ability Power

  • 2: +30 AP
  • 4: +60 AP
  • 6: +100 AP


  • Sivir (2-cost)
  • Senna (3-cost)
  • Samira (4-cost)
  • Aphelios (5-cost)

Every 5 seconds, Sureshots gain bonus Attack Damage for the rest of combat.

  • 2: +25% Attack Damage
  • 4: +50% Attack Damage

Item changes for TFT Set 8

Of course, there are also some item changes as there tends to be every new TFT set. Most of these changes in Set 8 are adjustments to current items, including the removal of Dodge Chance as a mechanic, with only one new item added to the game.

  • Banshee's Claw (Sparring Gloves + Giant’s Belt) ⇒ Guardbreaker
    • Grant 15% bonus Attack Damage and 15 bonus Ability Power. Abilities and attacks deal 25% more damage to shielded enemies.
  • Sparring Gloves
    • +5% Crit Chance, +10% Dodge Chance ⇒ +20% Crit Chance
  • B.F. Sword
    • +10 Attack Damage ⇒ +10% Attack Damage
  • Archangel's Staff
    • Grant 10 bonus Ability Power. In combat, gain 20 Ability Power every 5 seconds. ⇒ 20 bonus Ability Power. 10 Ability Power every 5 seconds.
  • Bloodthirster
    • Damage heals the holder for 25% of the damage dealt. Once per combat at 40% Health, gain a 25% maximum Health shield that lasts up to 5 seconds. ⇒ Heal for 20% of the damage dealt.
  • Blue Buff
    • Unique: Grant 20 bonus starting Mana. After casting an Ability, set Mana to 20. ⇒ Grant 10 bonus starting Mana and 20 bonus Ability Power. Reduce the holder's maximum Mana by 10. If the holder gets at least 1 takedown within 3 seconds of casting, gain 20 Mana.
  • Bramble Vest
    • Grants 40 Armor. Negates 75% bonus damage from incoming critical strikes. On being hit by an attack, deal 75/100/150 magic damage to all nearby enemies (once every 2.5 seconds). ⇒ Grants 30 Armor.
  • Chalice of Power
    • Combat start: grant 30 Ability Power to the holder and 2 adjacent allies in the same row. ⇒ 20 Ability Power
  • Deathblade
    • Grant 15/30/45 bonus Attack Damage. ⇒ 40% bonus Attack Damage.
  • Dragon's Claw
    • Grant 80 bonus Magic Resist. Every 2 seconds, regenerate 1.2% maximum Health for each enemy targeting the holder. If the holder is a Dragon, increase ALL bonuses and effects by 20%. ⇒ 30 bonus Magic Resist. Every 2 seconds, regenerate 4% maximum Health.
  • Edge of Night
    • Unique: Once per combat: At 60% Health, the holder briefly becomes untargetable and sheds negative effects. Then they gain 40% bonus Attack Speed. ⇒ 15% bonus Attack Speed.
  • Gargoyle Stoneplate
    • Gain 16 Armor and 16 Magic Resist for each enemy targeting the holder. ⇒ 13 Armor and 13 Magic Resist
  • Giant Slayer
    • Abilities and attacks deal 20% more damage. If the target has more than 2200 maximum Health, deal 45% more damage. ⇒ Grant 15% bonus Attack Damage and 15 bonus Ability Power. Abilities and attacks deal 25% more damage to enemies with more than 1900 maximum Health.
  • Guinsoo's Rageblade
    • Attacks grant +6% bonus Attack Speed. This effect stacks! ⇒ +4% bonus Attack Speed.
  • Hand of Justice
    • Grant 2 effects: +15 Attack Damage and 15 Ability Power, Attacks and Abilities heal for 15% of damage dealt. Each round, randomly increase 1 of these effects by 30%. ⇒ Grant 2 effects: +15% Attack Damage and 15 Ability Power, Attacks and Abilities heal for 10% of damage dealt. Each round, randomly increase 1 of these effects by 30%.
  • Hextech Gunblade
    • Damage heals the holder, and the lowest Health ally, for 25% of the damage dealt. ⇒ Grant 20% Omnivamp. Damage heals the lowest percent Health ally for the same amount.
  • Infinity Edge
    • Unique: Grants 60% Critical Strike Chance and 10% Critical Strike Damage. Each point of Critical Strike Chance above 100% becomes +1% Critical Strike Damage. ⇒ Unique: Grants 15% bonus Attack Damage and 15% Critical Strike Chance. Damage from an Ability can critically strike.
  • Jeweled Gauntlet
    • Grant 10% bonus Critical Strike Damage and 30 bonus Ability Power. Magic and true damage from an Ability can critically strike.  ⇒ Grant 15 bonus Ability Power and 15% Critical Strike Chance. Damage from an Ability can critically strike.
  • Last Whisper
    • Unique: Dealing physical damage reduces the target’s Armor by 50% for 5 seconds. This effect does not stack. ⇒ Grant 15% bonus Attack Damage.
  • Morellonomicon
    • Unique: Grant 20 bonus Ability Power. Magic or true damage from an Ability burns the holder's target, dealing 10% of the target's maximum Health as true damage over 10 seconds and reducing healing by 50% for the duration of the burn. ⇒ 10 bonus Ability Power. Reduces healing by 30%
  • Protector's Vow
    • Grant 15 bonus starting Mana. Once per combat: At 50% Health, allies within 3 hexes gain a 10% maximum Health shield that lasts up to 2 seconds. Shielded allies gain 15 Armor and 15 Magic Resist for the rest of combat. ⇒ At 40% Health, gain a 25% maximum Health shield that lasts up to 5 seconds and 25 Armor and 25 Magic Resist.
  • Rabadon's Deathcap
    • Grant 55 bonus Ability Power. ⇒ 40 bonus Ability Power.
  • Rapid Firecannon
    • Grant 30% bonus Attack Speed and 1 Attack Range. Attacks cannot miss. ⇒ 15% bonus Attack Speed
  • Runaan's Hurricane
    • Grant 10 bonus Attack Damage. Attacks fire a bolt at a nearby enemy, dealing 80% of the holder's Attack Damage as physical damage. ⇒ Grants 20% bonus Attack Damage. Attacks fire a bolt at a nearby enemy, dealing 50% Attack Damage as physical damage.
  • Spear of Shojin
    • Grant 20 bonus Ability Power. Attacks restore 5 additional Mana. ⇒ Every 3rd attack restores 10 additional Mana.
  • Statikk Shiv
    • Grant 10% bonus Attack Speed. Every 3rd attack shocks 4 enemies for 50 magic damage and reduces their Magic Resist by 50% for 5 seconds. ⇒ Grants 20 bonus Ability Power. Lightning deals 30 magic damage.
  • Sunfire Cape
    • Unique: Gain 150 bonus Health (including components). Every 2 seconds, an enemy within 2 hexes is burned for 10% of their maximum health as true damage over 10 seconds. Any healing they receive is reduced by 50%. ⇒ Reduces healing by 30%.
  • Titan's Resolve
    • Gain 2 Attack Damage and Ability Power when attacking or taking damage. After stacking 25 times, gain 25 Armor and Magic Resist! ⇒ 2% Attack Damage
  • Zeke's Herald
    • Combat start: grant 30% Attack Speed to the holder and 2 adjacent allies in the same row. ⇒ 20% Attack Speed
  • Zephyr
    • Unique: Combat start: summon a whirlwind on the opposite side of the arena that removes the closest enemy from combat for 5 seconds. ⇒ Grant 15% bonus Attack Speed.

For more news on TFT Set 8: Monsters Attack, or Teamfight Tactics in general, follow us on ESTNN.

TFT Set 8: Monsters Attack! Champions, Origins, Classes and New Items
Rohat Dicle Kılınç
Rohat is a writer mainly focused on the League of Legends esports scene, and an LCS hopeful.