Teamfight Tactics: “Rise of the Elements” Set Preview

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Teamfight Tactics: “Rise of the Elements” Set Preview

Welcome tacticians of all skill levels to what will hopefully be a preliminary guide to the “Rise of the Elements” seasonal set coming to Teamfight Tactics! This patch will be coming to live servers on 9.22 and is already available for Player Beta Environment testing. If you haven’t created a PBE account yet, now might be the time to do so. With such an influx of new content coming in, it’ll take some time to fully understand it all!

Rise of the Elements Preview

All-new “ELEMENTS”

This time around, “Origins” have been replaced by “Elements”. The entire cast of characters has been rotated out but you’ll see some familiar faces among the new ones!


Synergy: “All allies gain dodge chance.”

Synergy types:

2 unit = 25% dodge chance.

3 unit = 40% dodge chance.

4 unit = 60% dodge chance.

All Cloud units:

Yasuo: Cloud/Blademaster (2 cost).

Qiyana: Cloud/Assassin (3 cost).

Janna: Cloud/Mystic (4 cost).

Lux: Cloud/Avatar (7 cost.)


Synergy: “Crystal Champions have a maximum amount of damage they can take from a single hit.”

Synergy types:

2 unit = 100 max damage.

4 unit = 60 max damage.

All Crystal units:

Skarner: Crystal/Predator (2 cost).

Ashe: Crystal/Ranger (4 cost).

Taric: Crystal/Warden (5 cost).

Lux: Crystal/Avatar (7 cost).


Synergy: “Reduces each enemy’s armor.”

Synergy types:

2 unit = 50% armor reduction.

4 unit = 90% armor reduction.

All Desert units:

Renekton: Desert/Berserker (1 cost).

Sivir: Desert/Blademaster (3 cost).

Azir: Desert/Summoner (3 cost).

Kha’Zix: Desert/Assassin (4 cost).


Synergy: “Electric Champions shock nearby enemies whenever they deal or receive a critical strike.”

Synergy types:

2 unit = 60 damage.

3 unit = 200 damage.

4 unit = 500 damage.

All Electric units:

Ornn: Electric/Warden (1 cost).

Volibear: Glacial/Electric / Berserker (2 cost).

Zed: Electric/Summoner / Assassin (5 cost).

Lux: Electric/Avatar (7 cost).


Synergy: “Basic Attacks from Glacials have a chance to sun their target for 1.50 seconds.”

Synergy types:

2 unit = 20% chance to stun

4 unit = 40% chance to stun

6 unit = 60% chance to stun.

All Glacial units:

Warwick: Glacial/Predator (1 cost).

Volibear: Glacial/Electric/Berserker (2 cost).

Braum: Glacial/Warden (2 cost).

Ezreal: Glacial/Ranger (3 cost).

Olaf: Glacial/Berserker (4 cost).

Lux: Glacial/Avatar (7 cost).


Synergy: “Inferno spell damage burns the ground beneath the target, dealing a percent of that spell’s pre-mitigation damage as magic damage over 5 seconds.”

Synergy types:

3 unit = +80% damage

6 unit = +175% damage

9 unit = +275% damage.

All Inferno units:

Diana: Inferno/Assassin (1 cost).

Zyra: Inferno/Summoner (1 cost).

Varus: Inferno/Ranger (2 cost).

Kindred: Shadow/Inferno / Ranger (3 cost).

Qiyana: Inferno/Assassin (3 cost).

Brand: Inferno/Mage (4 cost).

Annie: Inferno/Summoner (4 cost).

Lux: Inferno/Avatar (7 cost).


Synergy: “When a Light Champion dies, all other Light Champions gain Attack Speed and are healed for 25% of their Maximum Health.”

Synergy types:

3 unit = +10% attack speed

6 unit = +25% attack speed

9 unit = +50% attack speed.

All Light units:

Nasus: Light/Warden (1 cost).

Vayne: Light/Ranger (1 cost).

Jax: Light/Berserker (2 cost).

Soraka: Light/Mystic (3 cost).

Aatrox: Light/Blademaster (3 cost).

Yorick: Light/Summoner (4 cost).

Lux: Light/Avatar (7 cost).


Synergy: “At the start of combat, a random ally gains a Stoneshield.”

Synergy types:

2 unit = 1500 health Stoneshield.

All Mountain units:

Taliyah: Mountain/Mage (1 cost).

Qiyana: Mountain/Assassin (3 cost).

Malphite: Mountain/Warden (4 cost).


Synergy: “All allies restore mana every 4 seconds.”

Synergy types:

2 unit = +10 mana.

4 unit = +20 mana.

6 unit = +40 mana.

All Ocean units:

Vladimir: Ocean/Mage (1 cost).

Thresh: Ocean/Warden (2 cost).

Syndra: Ocean/Mage (2 cost).

Nautilus: Ocean/Warden (3 cost).

Qiyana: Ocean/Assassin (3 cost).

Nami: Ocean/Mystic (5 cost).

Lux: Ocean/Avatar (7 cost).


Synergy: “Poison Champions apply Neurotoxin when they deal damage, increasing the target’s mana cost.”

Synergy types:

3 unit = +50% mana cost.

All Poison units:

Kog’Maw: Poison/Predator (1 cost).

Dr. Mundo: Poison/Berserker (3 cost).

Twitch: Poison/Ranger (4 cost).

Singed: Poison/Alchemist (5 cost).


Synergy: Shadow units deal increased damaged for 5 seconds at combat start, refreshed on takedown.

Synergy types:

2 unit = 50% increased damage (self-takedown).

4 unit = 100% increased damage (any shadow takedown).

All Shadow units:

Malzahar: Shadow/Summoner (2 cost).

Veigar: Shadow/Mage (3 cost).

Sion: Shadow/Berserker (3 cost).

Kindred: Shadow/Inferno/Ranger (3 cost).

Master Yi: Shadow/Mystic/Blademaster (5 cost).

Lux: Shadow/Avatar (7 cost).


Synergy: “Steel Champions gain damage immunity for a few seconds when they are reduced below 50% health.”

Synergy types:

2 unit = 2 seconds of immunity.

3 unit = 3 seconds of immunity.

4 unit = 4 seconds of immunity.

All Steel units:

Rek’Sai: Steel/Predator (2 cost).

Nocturne: Steel/Assassin (3 cost).

Lux: Steel/Avatar (7 cost).


Synergy: At the start of combat, a random Woodland Champion makes a copy of themselves.

Synergy types:

3 unit = 1 copy.

All Woodland units:

Ivern: Woodland/Druid (1 cost).

Maokai: Woodland/Druid (1 cost).

Neeko: Woodland/Druid (2 cost).

LeBlanc: Woodland/Assassin/Mage (3 cost).

Lux: Woodland/Avatar (7 cost).

All New Traits

Traits (or classes) are back, this time pairing with elemental bonuses rather than origins. There are a few returning traits that have been updated as well as some brand-new ones!


Synergy: “Innate: Alchemists ignore collision and never stop moving.”

Synergy types:

1 – unit

All Alchemist units:

Singed: Poison/Alchemist (5 cost).


Synergy: “Innate: At the start of combat, Assassins leap to the farthest enemy. Assassins gain bonus Critical Strike Damage and Chance.”

Synergy types:

3 unit = +75% critical strike damage and +10% critical strike chance.

6 unit = +150% critical strike damage and +20% critical strike chance.

All Assassin units:

Diana: Inferno/Assassin (1 cost).

LeBlanc: Woodland/Assassin/Mage (2 cost).

Nocturne: Steel/Assassin (3 cost).

Qiyana: Cloud/Assassin (3 cost).

Qiyana Inferno/Assassin (3 cost).

Qiyana: Mountain/Assassin (3 cost).

Qiyana: Ocean/Assassin (3 cost).

Kha’Zix: Desert/Assassin (4 cost).

Zed: Electric/Summoner/Assassin (5 cost).


Synergy: “An Avatar’s Origin Element is counted twice for Trait bonuses.”

Synergy types:

1 unit

All Avatar units:

Lux: Cloud/Avatar (7 cost).

Lux: Crystal/Avatar (7 cost).

Lux: Electric/Avatar (7 cost).

Lux: Glacial/Avatar (7 cost).

Lux: Inferno/Avatar (7 cost).

Lux: Light/Avatar (7 cost).

Lux: Ocean/Avatar (7 cost).

Lux: Shadow/Avatar (7 cost).

Lux: Steel/Avatar (7 cost).

Lux: Woodland/Avatar (7 cost).


Synergy: “Innate: At the start of combat, Berserkers leap to the nearest enemy. Berserkers have a chance to hit all units in a cone in from of them with their attacks.”

Synergy types:

3 unit = 40% chance.

6 unit = 80% chance.

All Berserker units:

Renekton: Desert/Berserker (1 cost).

Volibear: Glacial/Electric/Berserker (2 cost).

Jax: Light/Berserker (2 cost).

Sion: Shadow/Berserker (3 cost).

Dr. Mundo: Poison/Berserker (3 cost).

Olaf: Glacial/Berserker (4 cost).


Synergy: “Blademaster Basic Attacks have a 40% chance to trigger additional attacks against their target. These additional attacks deal damage like Basic Attacks and trigger on-hit effects.”

Synergy types:

2 unit = one additional attack.

4 unit = two additional attacks.

6 unit = three additional attacks.

All Blademaster units

Yasuo: Cloud/Blademaster (2 cost).

Sivir: Desert/Blademaster (3 cost).

Aatrox: Light/Blademaster (3 cost).

Master Yi: Shadow/Mystic/Blademaster (5 cost).


Synergy: “Druids regenerate health each second.”

Synergy types:

2 unit = 40 health per second.

All Druid units:

Ivern: Woodland/Druid (1 cost).

Maokai: Woodland/Druid (1 cost).

Neeko: Woodland/Druid (2 cost).


Synergy: “Mages have a chance on cast to instead Doublecast.”

Synergy types:

3 unit = 50% chance.

6 unit = 100% chance.

All Mage units:

Vladimir: Ocean/Mage (1 cost).

Taliyah: Mountain/Mage (1 cost).

Syndra: Ocean/Mage (2 cost).

LeBlanc: Woodland/Assassin/Mage (2 cost).

Veigar: Shadow/Mage (3 cost).

Brand: Inferno/Mage (4 cost).


Synergy: “All allies gain increased Magic Resist.”

Synergy types:

2 unit = 70 magic resist.

4 unit = 150 magic resist.

All Mystic units:

Soraka: Light/Mystic (3 cost).

Janna: Cloud/Mystic (4 cost).

Nami: Ocean/Mystic (5 cost).

Master Yi: Shadow/Mystic/Blademaster (5 cost).


Synergy: “Predators instantly kill enemies they damage who are below a threshold.”

Synergy types:

3 unit = below 20% threshold.

All Predator units

Kog’Maw: Poison/Predator (1 cost).

Warwick: Glacial/Predator (1 cost).

Skarner: Crystal/Predator (2 cost).

Rek’Sai: Steel/Predator (2 cost).


Synergy: “Every 3 seconds, Rangers have a chance to double their Attack Speed for 3 seconds.”

Synergy types:

2 unit = 30% chance.

4 unit = 65% chance.

6 unit = 100% chance.

All Ranger units:

Vayne: Light/Ranger (1 cost).

Varus: Inferno/Ranger (2 cost).

Ezreal: Glacial/Ranger (3 cost).

Kindred: Shadow/Inferno/Ranger (3 cost).

Ashe: Crystal/Ranger (4 cost).

Twitch: Poison/Ranger (4 cost).


Synergy: “Summoned units have increased health and duration.”

Synergy types:

3 unit = 40% increase.

6 unit = 100% increase.

All Summoner units:

Zyra: Inferno/Summoner (1 cost).

Malzahar: Shadow/Summoner (2 cost).

Azir: Desert/Summoner (3 cost).

Annie: Inferno/Summoner (4 cost).

Yorick: Light/Summoner (4 cost).

Zed: Electric/Summoner/Assassin (5 cost).


Synergy: “Wardens gain increased total Armor.”

Synergy types:

2 unit = +100% armor.

4 unit = +250% armor.

6 unit = +400% armor.

All Warden units:

Ornn: Electric/Warden (1 cost).

Nasus: Light/Warden (1 cost).

Thresh: Ocean/Warden (2 cost).

Nautilus: Ocean/Warden (3 cost).

Malphite: Mountain/Warden (4 cost).

Taric: Crystal/Warden (5 cost).

System Changes

Elemental hexes are also joining the fray, adding another layer of both depth and RNG. Each elemental hex has the potential of giving whatever unit is placed within a buff, similar to the elemental origin bonuses.

Inferno Hex: “This champion starts combat with an additional 30% attack speed.”

Cloud Hex: “This champion has an additional 30% chance to dodge enemy attacks.”

Ocean Hex: “This champion stars combat with 30 additional mana.”

Mountain Hex: At the end of each planning phase, this unit permanently gains 30 max health.”


Thanks for checking out ESTNN’s Teamfight Tactics “Rise of the Elements” preview of the upcoming patch. Stay tuned for our early strategy guide to help you hit the ground running on the PBE and live servers!

Yuri Custodio
Yuri is a student at St. Clair College in Windsor ON, studying Esports Administration and Entrepreneurship. Yuri is passionate about all aspects of esports and specializes in League of Legends and Overwatch. He has competed in the Collegiate Overwatch League for his school team - Saints Gaming.