Stormcharged Leather Farm Spots in War Within

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Stormcharged Leather Farm Spots in War Within

Stormcharged Leather Farm Spots can be found across War Within, in this guide we'll highlight a couple of them so you can get your fill of Leather.

Stormcharged Leather is the key leatherworking resource for those looking to make Leather armor. For those looking to make anything out of Mail, you can see our Gloom Chitin Farm guide. You're going to need a lot of Stormcharged Leather, so it's a good job you found our Stormcharged Leather Farm guide!

Stormcharged Leather Farm Spots

There are currently two really good spots to farm Stormcharged Leather, one in Hallowfall and one on the Isle of Dorn.

Isle of Dorn

Stormcharged Leather Farm Spots

/way Isle of Dorn 73, 33

Head northeast near the Cinderbrew Meadery where you will see large numbers of Tempest Wolves, these are Elites, but they are what we are looking to farm. You will also get a nice amount of Thunderous Hide and Honed Bone Shards.

A note about this spot, if you farm the mobs on the West side you'll be very close to the Bee farming spot, if you are not level 80 you need to be careful as these mobs are all level 80, most of whom are Elite. For level 80s, it's less of an issue, however, they are still a pain to deal with.

Stormsurge leather spot
Kill the circle ones, avoid the cross. Bees are bad


Stormcharged Leather Farm Spots

/way Hallowfall 26, 53

On the very South-West corner of Hallowfall near the Veneration Grounds where the zone's story ends, you will find hoards of Lynx and Shalehorn. As with the Isle of Dorn, you'll also get a nice Thunderous Hide farm in this area.

 The Right Tools for the Job

Now you know the location, it's time to make sure you are prepared. The War Within, at least if you are leveling via the story, does not feature scaling enemies or zones. War Within is a linear questing experience, the mobs will be level-appropriate for the zone. So for the Isle of Dorn, you will find mobs at 70-72, while Hallowfall are around 75-77, so bear that in mind if you do this while you level.

Next up, while being a Skinner is obviously important, making sure you have your “Mother's Skinning Knife” toy from Legion is also really important. For those that don't know, this toy lets you skin all mobs in a 40-yard radius. So it's pretty useful when farming mobs on this scale.

Stormforged Leather Farm Tips and Tricks

  • Pick up skinning
  • Have your Mother's Skinning Knife
  • Do it in a group, ideally two groups of 4 – you can normally find these on the group finder search for “Stormforged Farm” or “Leather Farm”
  • Go to the area at level 77/78 and level while farming
  • If solo, pet classes or tanks are ideal though spawn rate will be considerably lower
  • Spec into the Luxurious Leathers subsection of the Tanning tree to increase your drop rates and increase the chance of rank 2 and 3 drops
  • Put 20 points into the Luring Specialization increasing the amount of leather you receive
  • Also unlocks the Beast Lure Scent. A 5-minute cooldown which will aggro all beasts that are not tagged by other players in a 60-yard range
Stormcharged Leather Farm Spots in War Within
David Hollingsworth
David has written for games media outlets for the last ten years. With his first major esports role being with Esports News UK covering mostly UK League of Legends. David is also a member of the British Esports Association and is an advisor to them on World of Warcraft Esports. More recently David has worked for Esports Insider and Red Bull as an esports journalist. David later became Editor at ESTNN and now leads the current team.