Starfield Audio Cutting Out: How to Fix it
| Tags: Features
| Author Diana D'Estefano

Apparently, the Starfield audio cutting out issue is a type of bug that several players are experiencing. Although the game has been described as one of the best of the year, it is not free from some technical problems that are making part of the community turn up their noses. Playing any game without the aid of audio is not a good experience, but in a title like Starfield that focuses heavily on dialogue and narrative, it is probably even more so. For this reason, therefore, in this article, we will explain how to try to solve this annoying problem.
How to fix the Starfield audio cutting out issue on PC
At the moment there are no official announcements from the developers in which it is clearly stated what the reason that could cause this type of problem is, but according to what the community has reported, it seems that it is more linked to the fact of installing the game on a normal hard disk or external SSD.
Since the origin of the problem is not clearly known, there are several methods that seem to have solved the problem, and below we will explain in detail what to do in each case. Some users circumvented the bug by installing the game on an internal SSD, while others played in offline mode.
Install Starfield on an internal SSD
The first solution we propose is to try installing Starfield on an internal SSD, rather than an external one. This solution, in fact, solved the problem for many users. However, everything also depends on the reading and writing speed of your SSD which, if it is not very fast, may not resolve the situation and the Starfield audio cutting out issue may still be present.
Play the game in offline mode
Another solution that seems to have resolved the issue is to play in offline mode. At this point, you will have to follow two different procedures if you play via Steam or via Xbox Game Pass. In the first case, simply disconnect your PC from the internet and that's it. In the second case, however, you will have to follow a few more steps because you will have to set up the offline mode permissions, but nothing too complicated.
First, you will need to open the Xbox application on your PC. At this point, click on your Profile Name (located at the top left), select the “Settings” option, select the “General” tab and check the button next to the “Offline Permissions enabled” option. Once this procedure has been completed, you can disconnect your PC from the internet and start playing.
Run Starfield in administrator mode
Some users have confirmed that running the game in administrator mode is a solution that allows you to solve the Starfield audio cutting out problem. All you have to do is search for the application on your PC in the search bar and click on the “Run as administrator” option.
Update the graphics drivers
Another solution you can test is to update your graphics drivers. This procedure is usually used to resolve performance-related problems, but it is still good practice to ensure that they are always updated because you could run into various problems. Therefore, what you need to do is go to your NVIDIA or AMD control center and make sure your graphics drivers are the latest available.
Disable extra graphical features
To try to solve this problem, you can also disable the additional graphics settings that are present in the game. In this case, what you will have to do is start the game and go to “Settings”. At this point, click on “Display” and disable the following features: Dynamic Resolution, Motion Blur, Upscaling, and VRS. Some users have reported that disabling these additional graphics components solved the problem, although you will have to make some compromises.
Set high-performance mode
Set your PC to high-performance mode seems to be another solution to resolve the Starfield audio cutting out issue. First, press the “Windows + I” key combination on your keyboard to open Settings. At this point, click on “System” and then “Power”. Set the “Poer mode” to “Best performance”. Now, the next step is to go back to “System” and then click on “Display”. Here you have to click on “Graphics”, on the game and then on “Options”. Finally, select the “High performance” option, save, and restart your PC.
Update the game
Finally, the most drastic solution is to update the game directly. Since many users are experiencing this type of problem, it is likely that Bethesda is already working on a permanent solution and that fixes will soon be available to resolve the Starfield audio cutting out issue. Without considering the fact that updating games periodically is still a good habit to have.
How to fix the Starfield audio cutting out issue on console
In case you are playing the Xbox Series Although it seems like a very complex thing, it is actually much simpler than you might imagine. First, if you are playing, save and exit the game. At this point, you will have to turn off the application completely and you will not have to use the quick resume function. In fact, using this function will not allow you to solve the problem as it saves the state of the game.