Remnant 2 Scythe Blade and Hilt: How to Get Them

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Remnant 2 Scythe Blade and Hilt: How to Get Them

If your gameplay focuses heavily on the use of melee weapons, you may be interested in obtaining the Ritualist Scythe. To be able to use this weapon, however, it needs to be created by combining two quest items, namely the Remnant 2 Scythe blade and hilt. In this article, we will tell you how to find these two items, which are fundamental for the creation of this weapon.

How to get the Remnant 2 Scythe blade and hilt

First, you should know that these items are found in the Lost Commune map. Consequently, you will need to have The Awakened King DLC. Once you have started the DLC for the first time, proceed until you reach the Forlorn Coast area. Luckily for you, this area is located at the beginning of this area, so you won't have to search much. Keep in mind that this is a secondary path, so the door will be arched.

However, once you have managed to reach the Lost Commune, what you will have to do is track down two Befouled Altars. You cannot fail to recognize them because they are structures built with bodies that are surrounded by purple candles. Once found, all you have to do is shoot them continuously until they die. However, be aware that more and more enemies will start spawning, so it's not such an easy thing to do.

Once you have been able to find both altars and destroy them, you will be rewarded with the Remnant 2 Scythe blade and hilt. At this point, inspect the Remnant 2 Scythe hilt and rotate it until you can interact with it. At this point, select the Remnant 2 Scythe blade to combine these two items and obtain the Ritualist Scythe. Now, you will have a new weapon in your arsenal that will surely prove very useful during your adventure.

Remnant 2 Scythe

Remnant 2 Scythe Blade and Hilt: How to Get Them
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.