Palworld Stats Complete Guide: Best Upgrades, Max Level, Respec

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Palworld Stats Complete Guide: Best Upgrades, Max Level, Respec

Since Palworld is a game in which there is a strong survival component and you need to explore a big map, knowing which are the best Palworld stats to boost can save your life. As in any other game that offers this game mechanic, in fact, every time you increase your level, you will get a Stats Point that you can use to improve your stats. But which one should you improve? At the beginning, you may have difficulty identifying the best statistics to boost, so in this article, we will try to give you some useful advice.

Best Palworld Stats to Upgrade

The first statistics on which you will have to concentrate your efforts are undoubtedly HP, Stamina, and Weight. Although the game gives you the opportunity to improve six different statistics, these three are the most important ones that you will have to focus on from the beginning. In fact, increasing your health bar will allow you to live longer and be able to take more hits before dying; increasing Stamina will allow you to run and attack for longer; and finally, increasing Weight will allow you to carry more objects.

How to Upgrade Stats in Palworld

Now that you know which Palworld stats you will need to focus on, at least at the beginning of your adventure, it is important to know how to boost them. Fortunately, it's not a difficult thing to do. Just go to your inventory and in the bottom right corner, you will be able to see all your Palworld stats and their levels. To actually upgrade them, all you have to do is click on the “+” button and spend the points you have.

One thing we want to underline is that at the moment, there doesn't seem to be any other way to get points to boost Palworld stats other than level up. As a result, this makes the process of getting even a single point quite long, especially as you progress and need more experience points to level up. It is for this reason, therefore, that we advise you to use the points wisely and spend them on the statistics we told you previously.

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Can you respec in Palworld?

Furthermore, another thing to consider, which should make you choose even more carefully how to spend the points you earn, is that Palworld does not give you, at least for the moment, the possibility of respec. As a result, every decision you make is final and you will have no way to retrace your steps. There are no objects or systems that allow you to respec, but we can't say that this feature won't be added in the future.

However, there is a way to repair your mistakes in a superficial and temporary way. In fact, as you surely know by now, in Palworld there are different Pals that can be captured, each of them with different characteristics, and this is precisely what can be useful to you. In fact, some Pals allow you to have bonuses relating to your Palworld stats, such as the possibility of increasing your Weight or your Stamina. Although this is not a direct way to manage your statistics, it can still be a way to try to repair some badly spent points when you still don't know how.

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Palworld Max Level

Finally, a topic similar to that of statistics is the max level you can reach in Palworld. Now that the game is in Early Access, the Palworld level cap for both your character and your Pals is 50. Consequently, once you reach this level, you will no longer earn experience points and will therefore no longer be able to obtain Stats Points. Obviously, we cannot rule out that once the game leaves Early Access, this level will be raised, perhaps up to level 100.

Furthermore, still relating to the question of levels, Palworld has a game mechanic that allows for level sync. What does it mean? If you manage to capture a Pals of a higher level than your character, the game will scale its level to match your character's level. For this reason, you will not be able to take advantage of the Pal's full potential, so I recommend using it when your level is similar to his.

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Palworld Stats Complete Guide: Best Upgrades, Max Level, Respec
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.