Palworld Guide: Best Location to Find Ore

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Palworld Guide: Best Location to Find Ore

This stellar guide will make you a maestro in farming by helping you find ore in Palworld

Among the various resources you will need to survive in this adverse world of Palword, the one that comes to mind screaming its name, is ore. That’s right, to enjoy a smooth gameplay experience in the vibrant world of Palworld and thrive against the many adversities this game throws at you, having ore at your disposal may be vital. Upon the right utilization of this resource, you’ll gain ample advantage to knock down any element posing a threat to you. 

The problem remains onefold – where to look for this crucial material? The world of Palworld is vast and you may easily get distracted, if not lost, without having the knowledge that will lead you to an efficient ore farming experience. Therefore, you must get yourself familiarised with all the content in this article because this one aims to deliver on exactly that dire situation of yours. 

Best Locations to Find Ore in Palworld

The material in concern is more common in the world of Palworld than one may initially think. Despite having such significance in one’s gameplay journey, the game generously offers players with opportunities to obtain this highly valuable resource. Surely, if you are paying attention you’ll have an ample amount of ore at your disposal.  

Palworld Guide: Best Location to Find Ore
Credit: Pocket Pair

If you look carefully at the picture above, you may see the pickaxe is being used to strike at the large mineral stone. If you have not guessed it already, then let us tell you that this is the go-to source where you can mine ore with ease. Whether you are currently in the starting area or you are taking on formidable foes out in the furthest distance of the wilderness, these mineral nodes are relatively common and you should have no difficulties spotting them. So what’s the wait for? Start mining, pal! 

Where to Find Ore In The Beginning Area?

To get an idea of the pinpoint locations of places with a significant supply of ore, please, refer to the below picture. That also indicates a great incentive for setting up your base in the starting area. If you do so, you will have one worry off the list – finding ore. After setting the base, just look up on this map and traverse to the points where your desired materials wait to get collected by their worthy firmer. 

Palworld Guide: Best Location to Find Ore
Credit: Pocket Pair

How to Mine Ores From Mineral Nodes

He who doesn’t have anyone has himself. In the game Palworld he who doesn’t have a pal, has a pickaxe. If there’s anything to learn from that, it is that while getting hand-lent by your treasured pal is a great instance of joy, if they don’t bother with that, you have your pickaxe. Go unleash all your rage at those bloody-looking mineral nodes, and at the end of your therapy session, you will even have a nice reward – Ores!

Wait, what is up with that sad face? You don’t know where to get a pickaxe you say? Don’t worry, pal! We will let you on the secrets. Go out in the wilderness and get yourself with 5 woods. Once you are done, now it's time to get your hands on 5 stones. Have all of these? Great, now come back to your primitive workbench and pray to the crafting goddess while the regular Stone Pickaxe crafting process takes place in front of you. Congratulations, you now have a pickaxe.

Palworld Guide: Best Location to Find Ore
Credit: Pocket Pair

However, the best thing about video games is that they often leave you feeling alone while you’re gaming. In Palworld, Pals will have your back in the ore mining process too! That’s right certain pals have certain abilities that can be utilised to obtain this desirable material even more efficiently. 

Let us introduce “Rushoar’s Reckless Charge”. This unique ability from our beloved Pal Rushoar is a thing of beauty. Moreover, it is also extremely handy because upon using it in the right places you will be rewarded with gratifying outcomes. For example, if you execute this move in front of a mineral node, then upon contact you’ll instantly get a drop of 10 ores! Talk about fantasy animals replacing technology!

Do The Nodes Reappear?

Palworld follows the same rule as other games that involve firming. The rule we’re talking about here is making the material source reappear for the player to come back in the future and firm more resources for his journey. In Palworld too you are given resource nodes that can be mined to gather various kinds of objects. Once they are all used up, they’ll vanish, but only for a while. Let some time pass and you’ll be able to firm the same node for some extra collection of resources. 

The same thing applies to mineral nodes as well – source for our highly desired ores. Once you make them vanish after collecting all they have to offer, don’t grieve over them! Let some time pass, explore nearby areas, take a look at the beautiful sceneries, spend time with your pals and be back at the same spot to find them existing again waiting to be pickaxed into oblivion.

That’s why the clever players will make use of the following method – whenever one comes across an ore node before or after making full use of it, it is advisable to open up the map and mark the area with a specific symbol that will remind you later of the location where mineral nodes exist to obtain ores from. Keeping track of all the node locations by mere memorization has to be compared with an attempt to make a rocket out of high-school algebra.

One last thing to keep in mind is, that while mineral nodes are sure to reward you with a handsome amount of ores, you must keep an eye out for those boring-looking stones. While ore is not guaranteed, when you are in a rush and in desperate need of ores, don’t hesitate to strike some hard blows to the stones. If the goddess of RNG is in your favor, the game will randomly reward you with a small amount of precious ores. 

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Palworld Guide: Best Location to Find Ore
The Old One
When he's not sighing at sub-standard teammates in Dota 2 and CS2, The Old One is writing about those two games (among other things). If you see his name around the site too many times for your liking, well, the guy just never stops writing. Yes, we've tried an intervention.