NRG Re-enters League of Legends By Acquiring GAM Esports

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NRG Re-enters League of Legends By Acquiring GAM Esports

NRG has re-entered competitive League of Legends by acquiring Vietnamese champions GAM Esports.

It’s been a hot minute since NRG was last in League of Legends, but the organization is re-entering in some style. Not content with purchasing any old side, they’ve decided to pounce on the current Vietnamese (VCS) champions GAM Esports.

GAM Esports has acquired the VCS side as part of their new endeavor NRG Asia. This is the first major news to come from the North American organization’s NRG Asia project. NRG will also acquire the Vietnamese entertainment company CMG.ASIA as part of the deal for GAM Esports.

As VCS champions, GAM Esports should have been in Iceland right now competing at MSI. Sadly, due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, the side was unable to attend, the result of which caused MSI to rethink Group A. Though, with GAM Esports’ past success’ as the best side in the VCS since 2017, winning the two and coming second twice since rebranding to GAM Esports in 2018.

On the international stage, GAM Esports has been impressive, too. With their last showing at Worlds 2019, the side was known for their aggressive plays, and solid meta reads. Sadly, COVID-19 restricted their showing at Worlds 2020, so they’ve not been seen on the world stage for nearly two years.

NRG Esports is back after the 2016 LCS relegation

After their 5th place showing in Spring 2016, it all went horribly wrong for NRG Esports in the following Summer Split. Ending the split in 9th place, they went on to lose 0-3 to Echo Fox and subsequently left the North American LoL scene.

Its latest move will likely bring the side slightly more success, with GAM Esports being the most successful side in the VCS, that success is only likely to continue on.

NRG Re-enters League of Legends By Acquiring GAM Esports
David Hollingsworth
David has written for games media outlets for the last ten years. With his first major esports role being with Esports News UK covering mostly UK League of Legends. David is also a member of the British Esports Association and is an advisor to them on World of Warcraft Esports. More recently David has worked for Esports Insider and Red Bull as an esports journalist. David later became Editor at ESTNN and now leads the current team.