Nightingale Dedicated Servers – What We Know So Far

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Nightingale Dedicated Servers – What We Know So Far

If you are looking for any Nightingale dedicated servers, now is the time to learn everything about them. Let’s begin.

Nightingale is one of the latest and most popular survival games created by BioWave. After learning more about the game’s settings, a lot of people also want to know more about the Nightingale dedicated servers. So, here’s what you need to know.

Nightingale Dedicated Servers – Are They Available?

Yes, you can find many different Nightingale dedicated servers to choose from. However, the important news to remember is that these servers are “official”. What this means is that you won’t be able to find any Nightingale private servers, at least during the game’s launch. However, the game's Community Manager has confirmed the dedicated servers will be live at launch.

“For Nightingale, we will have dedicated official servers at early access launch. This means that if you're playing with friends and you invite them to your Realm and you all set that as your respite point, any one of you at any point will be able to start up that realm regardless of who is online. This is all included in the initial game offering as it's fundamental to our studio principle of ‘fantastic spaces, meaningful places.”

The idea behind only offering official servers is to allow the people behind the game to analyze different data. Since they will have access to those things, they can use them to fix bugs and other issues that might be affecting players.  

What we’ve learned is that private servers will most likely become available later once the game is out of its early access. This is good news, and it probably explains why there are so many websites that have started advertising the fact that they offer servers for this game.

Opinions on Nightingale's Dedicated Servers

Our team decided to dig deep into the Nightingale dedicated servers topic and found an interesting discussion on the Steam community forum.

It seems like some players are in favor of this decision and even encourage the devs not to allow any kind of private servers. One user said in particular: “I was so wanting private servers. Now I am stuck with server maintenance/crashes/restarts that I have no control over. What to do? What to do?”

We’ll keep an eye on the Nightingale dedicated servers topic and let you know when there’s something new. In the meantime, we suggest taking a look at our other Nightingale articles because we’ve covered a lot of the hot topics.

Nightingale Dedicated Servers – What We Know So Far
Zlosterr has been a fan of esports for many years and mainly focuses on Dota 2. He has more than five years of experience writing Dota 2 content for numerous platforms. Besides being a passionate fan of the game, he's also played for various amateur teams.