LoL: MSI Rumble Stage Day Four Recap
| Tags: League of Legends
| Author David Hollingsworth

We're now deep into the second Round Robin as we move into the MSI Rumble Stage Day Four set of matches.
Day Four would see even more important outcomes decided. Could SGB stay at MSI, would G2 continue their losing streak and who would stake a claim to first place?
MSI – PSG v G2
A huge first blood for PSG, who look to make a march on the 4th spot at MSI. A huge team fight for PSG, as they knock down four members of G2 and drop a Rift Herald into the G2 mid-lane. PSG secure a kill in the bot lane, while G2 attempted Baron, they lacked the damage to push it down. As a result, PSG picked up an inhibitor tower for their trouble. G2 found their moment, after PSG found a pick onto caPs, G2 turned the fight and knocked down three members of PSG. G2 secured the Baron but PSG left them with just two members with the Baron buff. Soul Drake is secured next for PSG as they take down four members of G2. PSG managed to force a Baron under the noses of G2 as four members of G2 fell. With it, PSG claimed the win as they knock down G2 for a second time.
Quick Stats:
- Teams: PSG – G2
- Time: 33:15
- Kills: 18-8
- Turrets: 10-3
- Gold: 66.6k – 58.2k
- Dragons: 4-1
- Barons: 1-1
MSI – T1 v EG
Double-kill first blood for T1 in the bot-side, as EG couldn't stop a 4-for-2 dive. 10-minutes in, T1 had a 3k lead as EG fell even further behind. A big mid-game for EG, as they get kills on the board, however, it costs them a loss of control on the Rift. With Baron about to spawn, EG found themselves with an exposed Inhibitor turret. T1's lead was 5k as the team's setup for Baron. With T1 looking to force a Baron, EG managed to win the forced team fight. With all five members alive, four members of T1 dropped as EG flipped the game on its head. With the Drake the next objective, this time T1 did find the play, as they won the fight 4-for-3 and picked up a third Drake. T1 forced a 50/50 on the Baron, with EG able to steal it away and knock down four members of T1. EG pushed into the T1 base and left after taking down the mid-lane inhibitor. The fight put EG into a gold lead for the first time in the game.
EG with Baron still on, moved into the T1 base. They took down all five members of T1 as EG matched T1's record in the Rumble Stage. Crucially, giving them a 1-1 in the head-to-head.
Quick Stats:
- Teams: T1 – EG
- Time: 31:56
- Kills: 11-22
- Turrets: 5-8
- Gold: 56.1k – 62.4k
- Dragons: 3-1
- Barons: 0-2
First blood secured for RNG, as SGB fumbled a gank in the mid-lane. The kill is traded back, but first blood gold is gifted to RNG. SGB picked up a huge play in the bot-side river as SGB pulled ahead. RNG claimed a Rift Herald as they moved back into a lead and regained their foothold on the game. The gold lead continued to swing, as SGB this time found two kills in the bot side of the map. The flip-flop continued as RNG won a fight and claimed a Baron, with SGB left claiming a Rift Herald. SGB might well have found the play to win the game, with RNG caught out in the mid-lane. SGB picked off four members of RNG.
Baron is secured by SGB, however, they hand over Cloud Soul to RNG as they reset on the map. With Baron, SGB tried to get into the RNG base but they over-pushed, failing to get an inhibitor and losing too many members. It's a nightmare fight for SGB, with RNG setting up a trap near Elder Drake. RNG walked away with three members alive, as SGB were aced and the win went to RNG.
Quick Stats:
- Teams: SGB – RNG
- Time: 35:22
- Kills: 25-19
- Turrets: 6-8
- Gold: 66.5k – 67.3k
- Dragons: 0-4
- Barons: 1-0
MSI – G2 v T1
G2 picked up a double kill first blood, as they look to undo their recent bad run of results. G2 continued to pick up kills across the map, with G2 moving to a 4-0 lead in kills and a 1.5k lead. Just like that, however, T1 found a way back, picking up huge kills across the map as the gold lead is neutralized. G2 were able to secure a Drake after dropping behind in the gold. However, T1 picked off 2 members of G2 for just 1 given back in return. G2 lost an early inhibitor prior to Baron spawning, gaining very little on the map in return. T1 baited G2 into a Baron but G2 fell for the trap as T1 secured a huge win as they secure second place. For G2, it leaves them being caught up in a potential fight for 4th spot with just one day of matches left.
Quick Stats:
- Teams: G2 – T1
- Time: 21:35
- Kills: 9-18
- Turrets: 2-9
- Gold: 38.6k – 44.7k
- Dragons: 2-1
- Barons: 0-0
First blood secured for SGB, as they looked to upset PSG's good run. PSG fought back by the mid-game, slowing the game down as they recouped the gold lead SGB had built. It was SGB next with the major play, winning a mid lane fight, before charging into the PSG base and knocking down the inhibitor tower. A 2-for-1 is next up for PSG, as they desperately try to stay in the game. SGB quickly regrouped after the play, securing a Baron and moving to 4k ahead. With Baron still in hand, SGB knocked down two members of PSG, and they moved into the base. SGB fluffed their execution, however, as they fail to end the game. PSG got picked apart once again in their own jungle, as SGB finally picked up a win in the MSI Rumble Stage.
Quick Stats:
- Teams: SGB – PSG
- Time: 28:24
- Kills: 15-9
- Turrets: 9-3
- Gold: 54.3k – 47.9k
- Dragons: 2-2
- Barons: 1-0
First blood went over to RNG as they look to cement their place at the top of the table. EG got a kill onto the Rift but RNG answered back. Forging ahead to a 3k lead by 13-minutes. With 5-minutes, RNG had moved to well over 6k ahead, as they put EG to the sword. RNG turned their attention to the EG inhibitor tower next, as they prepare for the freshly spawned Baron. With Baron secured, RNG pushed into the EG base and it was too little too late for EG to mount a defense. RNG moved to a 7-1 record, as they look to lock in the top spot.
Quick Stats:
- Teams: RNG – EG
- Time: 24:21
- Kills: 25-4
- Turrets: 9-1
- Gold: 52.7k – 36.1k
- Dragons: 3-0
- Barons: 1-0