LoL: Winners And Losers Of Preseason 11 – Support Edition
| Tags: League of Legends
| Author Alex Armatas

Who said supports can't carry?
Preseason has settled down and Riot doesn’t plan on making any big changes before Season 11. Get a head start on your competition by learning the meta and picking the champions that won the preseason.
S Tier – Champions that you should pick if they aren’t banned
Leona – The damage and the utility
- Extremely tanky support that can lock-down people forever.
- Long-range ultimate allows for high pressure in lane.
- Can one v one enemy bot laner with Mythic.
Morgana – The anti-meta support
- Spellshield to protect her bot laner.
- Hard CC bind that is good at shutting down engages.
- Falls off late game against QSS.
Thresh – One-hook One-kill
- High-lane pressure with strong bush control.
- Strong set-up with lantern.
- Extremely good at helping teams control objectives.
A Tier – Champions that are strong, but require a little more work to pull off
Lulu – The face-roll support
- Straightforward kit to help your teammates survive.
- Enables carries who are fed on your team, not just your laner.
- Good at shutting down assassins.
Janna – The auto-win support
- Provides passive movement speed.
- Strong peel against divers.
- Synergizes best with traditional ADCs.
Mao’kai – the AP carry tree
- Can win lane off of cheesing with saplings.
- Strong bush control with saplings and Q.
- Can lose all-ins against engage supports.
B Tier – Viable, but have less impact than higher tiers
Brand – The “I’ll do it myself” support
- Can 1v2 lane with high base damage.
- Strong team fighting with ultimate.
- Provides little utility to the team.
Nautilus – The chain CC champion
- Wins lane off of one hook.
- One-dimensional champion who excels at going in.
- Can become useless if behind.
Yuumi – Autopilot cat
- Can support the whole team.
- Hyperscales into late game.
- Strong poke.
Losers of the Preseason (Don’t play these champions)
Braum – Better off in competitive
- Low lane pressure.
- Underwhelming damage and tankiness.
- Requires champions to auto-attack for passive.
Lux – AP mage support
- Weak lane phase that easily gets punished.
- Itemizes full damage.
- Can struggle to pressure against meta engage supports.
Karma – The enchanter that doesn’t heal
- Outshined by counterpart enchanters.
- ADCs that synergize with Karma aren’t meta.