LoL: Unicorns of Love Extends Contracts With CIS Squad For Two Years
| Tags: League of Legends
| Author Slava Britvin
German esports organization Unicorns of Love has just announced their current CIS roster will continue to play under their banners for a further two years.
Despite having a bad start at Worlds 2020, UoL has become the first CIS team that has passed to the main Worlds event within the last 4 years. The organization is going to keep working with the whole roster, including coaches, analyst, and the media team.
“After the recent news that we are building the' largest gaming house in the Europe in our hometown of Hamburg, many people have asked if we are ending our participation in League of Legends CIS.” The announcement began. “We are very happy to announce that, quite the opposite, we sign the entire team in Moscow for the next 2 years.” Unicorns announced that all five of their CIS players, as well as the coaching staff of Invi, Sheepy and Toucan Celeste would be staying on. The current media team will also remain with the org, and leadership will continue under Alexander “MagisterElk” Brykov (co-owner of UoL).
UoL ended their announcement with a message of support. “We hope that we will continue to be successful in the CIS region and to produce great content.” It said. “As soon as it becomes safe again, we will meet with you and welcome fans.” The organizations CEO, Jos “UOLdad” Mallant signed off telling fans; “We are immensely grateful for your incredible support!”
Here's the current roster of UoL.CIS:
- Vladislav “BOSS” Fomin
- Kirill “AHaHaCiK” Skvortsov
- Lev “Nomanz” Yakshin
- Ilya “Gadget” Makavchuk
- Alexander “SaNTaS” Lifashin
- Dmitrii “Invi” Protasov (coach & manager)
- Jean-Pierre “Toucan Celeste” Giaccone (analyst)
- Fabian “Sheepy” Mallant (organization founder & head coach)