LoL Patch 13.24 Full Reveal Showcases 11 Buffs, 2 Nerfs and 1 Adjustment
| Tags: League of Legends
| Author Bence Loksa
After the teaser, the LoL Patch 13.24 Full Reveals was posted by the developers, so now we know what to expect next week!
After Matt Leung-Harrison, AKA Riot Phroxzon revealed the planned changes for Patch 13.24 of League of Legends yesterday, we finally got all the actual buffs and nerfs for the update. Even though Phroxzon teased 12 buffs and 2 nerfs alongside the release of the game’s newest champion, Hwei, the Vel’Koz buff turned out to be an adjustment, as the E buff had to be delayed in order to iron some bugs out. But the rest of the changes are coming as promised, although they are subject to change – let’s dive right into it!
LoL Patch 13.24 Full Reveal
The Buffs
- The damage of his W will be increased later, so the soldiers will hit harder
- This is only a smaller revert on the changes the Emperor of Shurima received in the last patch, should make his on-hit builds even better!
- Another nerf revert, Braum’s ult will have a longer minimum knockup duration by .3 seconds
- His mana regen also got a buff, he will have 7 instead of 6
- The nerfs were aimed at his pro presence, and they hit the mark, but were a bit too harsh.
- The cooldown on the Gargoyle’s Q will be decreased in the later levels by 2 second to make him a bit more proactive again.
- Passive CD decreased at later ranks
- The fat man was hit hard when the developers gutted his E spam build after repeated nerfs over the entire season, so his Passive’s cooldown will decrease with every 5th level, going down to 6 seconds at lvl16.
- W damage provided by resists and Mana cost decreased
- The balance team can’t seem to hit their mark, so they are buffing K’Sante again after nerfing him hard in the last update – this time upping the damage Armour and MR gives the ability by 20%, as well as lowering the mana cost at all ranks.
- W resistances increased at higher ranks, while her R’s damage has been buffed by 50 at all ranks
- Even though engage Supports are the meta right now in both proplay and casual games, Leona has been lagging behind.
- His E’s cooldown has been decreased early by 3 seconds
- Lucian has disappeared after years of reigning the botlane when Riot removed his OP combo with Nami, Riot is shifting some power to his early game.
- His Q’s AP ratio has been increased
- Morde has been building tank for a while, and Riot wants to push him back to a more bruiser-y build before the next season
- His Ult now reveals the target
- This is just a small QoL, so brushes don’t cancel Death Realm.
- Her base mana and mana/level has been increased by 55 and 10 respectively
- Qiyana has been struggling a bit, with these buffs, she doesn’t need to sacrifice runes or item slots to be on par with other assassins.
- His Range Q will reset his auto attack timer, like his melee Q
- Just a small update to make playing Talon more fluid.
- AD Growth increased to 2, W damage increased by 10 at all ranks
- Zeri has been pushed to obscurity (again), but this time, she didn’t come back stronger, so the balance team tries to revive her – but only a bit.
13.24 Full Preview!
Azir: Partial revert of the W damage, as the changes were directionally positive, just off in magnitude.
Braum: A while ago, we nerfed Braum's knockup duration that reduced his pickrate in Pro and made him more playable in normal by a significant amount. It…— Matt Leung-Harrison (@RiotPhroxzon) November 29, 2023
The Nerfs
- AS Ratio Growth increased, Armor decreased by 2, Q damage decreased later, W Attack Speed decreased by 5% as well as the E Damage Reduction, while the R damage scaling from Bonus AD has been decreased by 25%, but 10% of it was shifted to Bonus AP
- Briar has been a nightmare to balance, as the bruiser build is too strong. While they nerfed this playstyle, the Attack Speed damage dealer build still needs some help to be the top pick.
- Base Health down by 55, while the E Slow has been nerfed by 5% at all ranks
- Even though Ivern is not unstoppable as he was a few months back, he’s still very strong with a very healthy clear (after his first) and good ganks, so Riot is trying to shave down some of that.
The Adjustments
- W and E bugfixes
- These are not instead of the buffs that were promised, the Eye of the Void is just getting ready for some love.
- Hwei will be released next week with patch 13.24!
Overall, this patch brought a substantial number of buffs, and this time around, Phroxzon and his team touched champions that were long forgotten. With the new meta already shaping on the PBE, it will be interesting to see which characters will have a blaze of glory before the new season drops. Stay tuned!