LoL: Evil Geniuses Sign Impact And Lost
| Tags: League of Legends
| Author David Hollingsworth

Evil Geniuses has begun to finalize its 2021 LCS roster by bringing in a new top laner and a new ADC.
Evil Geniuses has picked up Jung “Impact” Eon-yeong from Team Liquid and Lawrence “Lost” Sze Yuy Hui from the TSM Academy. Both players are NA residency and will play alongside Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnson who is expected to remain in the jungle.
Impact joins having spent the past three years at Team Liquid, though was made available for transfer after Team Liquid picked up Barney “Alphari” Morris from Astralis. Impact was previously at Cloud9, NRG Esports, and Team Impulse. He was also part of the SK Telecom youth system back in 2013/2014.
As for Lost, he should find himself back in a starting roster after moving to the LCS from Legacy Esports back in 2017 when he signed for the FOX Academy. He moved to the starting roster for the 2019 Summer Split before moving to TSM Academy in 2020.
Evil Geniuses are rumored to be signing Lee “IgNar” Dong-geun from FlyQuest. As of now, the mid laner is still unknown, though Daniele “Jizuke” di Mauro is still contracted to the roster, though it is not known if he will stick around for 2021. One possible roster addition could be Tim “Nemesis” Lipovsek who is available for sale with Fnatic rumored to be signing Yasin “Nisqy” Dinçer from Cloud9.
Evil Geniuses has confirmed the sale of Heo “Huni” Seung-hoon to TSM, freeing up a spot for Impact and likely giving them the cash to make more changes going forward.