LoL: CLG’s Unlikely Victory Over Cloud9 – Implications For The Split Ahead
| Tags: League of Legends
| Author Ibriz Daya
For those of us that have been longterm CLG fans, or just LCS fans in general, we’ve come to expect a certain standard from our team in regards to them living up to their name. Counter Logic. What does it mean?
It means losing your first game of the split to a haphazardly assembled Optic Gaming roster, before pulling everything together for an undefeated Week 2 culminating in a successful takedown of North American fan favorites and Worlds semi-finalists Cloud9.
Coming into this season, fans were left perplexed by CLG’s seemingly nonchalant attitude when it came to roster changes. Occasional substitute jungler and Academy League mainstay Wiggily was penned to be starting, alongside veteran European midlaner PowerOfEvil. Yes, while these did seem like upgrades in terms of consistency (if nothing else), the changes being made by the other teams in the League vastly overshadowed CLG’s own.
Frequently-criticized toplaner Darshan is the only remaining member of that iconic Counter Logic Gaming lineup that triumphed over TSM in Madison Square Garden during the 2015 Summer Split of the NA LCS. Stalwart-yet-sometimes-shaky marksman Stixxay is the only other piece of the 2016 Spring Split & Mid Season Invitational iteration of CLG that took North America – and the world – by storm that still plays under the black-and-blue (or should that be white-and-blue, following the release of the controversial new jerseys?) banner, and CLG 2019 still feel like anything but a changed team.
In fact, it’s Biofrost’s now-veteran presence that really fills the void left by franchise player Aphromoo. His mixture of confident shot-calling, as well as consistent playmaking, allows this CLG line-up – and their fans – far more room to breathe when it comes down to the wire. Biofrost was renowned for shutting down in high-pressure situations on TSM, but CLG’s relaxed team atmosphere should work wonders – just look at how well rookies have historically integrated into the organization.
Had they played with this line-up in their game versus Optic, would CLG have won? Probably. Had they played with this line-up against Team Liquid, could another victory have been assured? Maybe, maybe not.
The beauty of the round robin format is that CLG gets a second chance to slay giants (and trip over teams they should easily overcome), and I for one can’t wait for the rest of the split.
Let me know your thoughts on Twitter, and hopefully, I’ve converted you into the Counter Logic Gaming camp!
Images via: LoL Esports Flickr and PaperPull