League of Legends: Legends of Runterra Announces Open Beta

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League of Legends: Legends of Runterra Announces Open Beta

Legends of Runeterra is a digital card game, made by Riot Games, based on the League of Legends universe. Riot announced the game during their tenth-year anniversary stream, and it was received with a lot of praise. The game has already had the chance for two closed beta's that required a pre-registration through their site Play Runeterra. Today, Riot announced that the game would officially go into open beta starting January 24th at 11 AM PT. The game will not officially launch until later this year, but fans can rest easy knowing that accounts will no longer be reset and that everything you earn from this point forward you will keep.

Alongside the announcement of the beta season, any players that pre-register before 11:59 PM PT on January 19th (including everyone that has played League of Runeterra in the previous closed betas) will get access to the open beta one day early. The open beta will bring new features such as a friend list, challenge-a-friend game type, their first boards and guardians, as well as a ranked mode that will mirror League of Legends, you will get the chance to climb from Iron all the way to Masters. With the start of Beta Season, there will be an update to over 20 cards that had been in the game prior, like Anivia. The full patch notes will be released a day before early access on the 22nd of January.

As an added incentive to play the game, any player that participates in the open beta will get an exclusive Moonstruck Poro Guardian when the full game launches later this year. The mobile version of the game is also set to be released later in 2020 containing cross-play with the PC counterpart.

For more news on Legends of Runterra as well as other esports don't forget to join us here at ESTNN.

Manny Gomez
Manny ‘Manstr’ graduated with a degree in game design and development but fell in love with the thrill of esports. Manny has always enjoyed talking about professional League of Legends and FIFA. He has been a published video game journalist in Colombia for two different publications. Twitter: @Manster415