LEC Summer 2022 All-Pro Teams are Announced

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LEC Summer 2022 All-Pro Teams are Announced

With the LEC Summer 2022 done and playoffs not quite here, the league announced the All-Pro teams.

LEC’s Summer Split was one of the closest in recent memory, with many players’ forms rising and falling throughout the season. Not many players did shine above the rest, there wasn’t a clear MVP favorite like Vincent ‘Vetheo’ Berrié was in the last split. With all being said, the voters, which consist of LEC players/coaching staff, broadcast talent and media members, finally decided on the fifteen players that will make up three All-Pro teams.

1st All-Pro Team:

  • Top: Sergen ‘Broken Blade' Çelik – 99 Points
  • Jungle: Javier ‘Elyoya' Prades Batalla – 137 Points
  • Mid: Yasin ‘Nisqy' Dinçer – 129 Points
  • ADC: William ‘UNF0RGIVEN' Nieminen – 94 Points
  • Support: Norman ‘Kaiser' Kaiser – 114 Points

2nd All-Pro Team:

  • Top: Barney ‘Alphari' Morris – Points: 73
  • Jungle: Marcin ‘Jankos' Jankowski – Points: 76
  • Mid: Rasmus ‘caPs' Borregaard Winther – Points: 94
  • Bot: Markos ‘Comp' Stamkopoulos – Points: 84
  • Support: Raphaël ‘Targamas' Crabbé – Points: 79

3rd All-Pro Team:

  • Top: Andrei ‘Odoamne' Pascu – Points: 69
  • Jungle: Mark ‘Markoon' van Woensel – Points: 41
  • Mid: Vincent ‘Vetheo' Berrié – Points: 41
  • Bot: Matúš ‘Neon' Jakubčík – Points: 44
  • Support: Adrian ‘Trymbi' Trybus – Points: 62

MAD Lions dominance

The first All-Pro team was dominated by MAD Lions, who made a return to the Playoffs after a disappointing Spring Split. All four players on the roster were voted into the 1st All-Pro team, except İrfan Berk ‘Armut’ Tükek who came in fourth, despite having a good year when he is a top two top laner in both gold difference at 15 and kills.

Still, both duos (jungle/mid and bot lane) of MAD find themselves a spot in the top team in a split where UNF0RGIVEN took a good step forward with his improvement. Kaiser found himself back in the conversation for one of the best supports in LEC. Nisqy and Elyoya are also understandable choices, as Nisqy was a heavily talked about player on the LEC broadcast as having turned the MAD roster around, and the Spanish jungler was one of the best performers in the league.

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Who was snubbed?

As it happens with every voting of this kind, the community once again started to talk about who got the worst end of the stick and missed a rightful shoutout. The most common sentiment was the four players from MAD being in the 1st team, while they finished the league second with a 12-6 record. There is a great argument for both Jankos and caPs performing much better. Especially during the later weeks of LEC, but it should be remembered that this is a full-season award and G2 mid/jungle duo had some not-so-good games during the mid split, while the MAD duo was much more consistent.

The more objectionable choice, in my personal opinion, should be the ADC selection. Comp was the most important player for Rogue’s split, and probably the biggest reason why they managed to finish third. Even when we look at the statistics, he is ahead of UNF0RGIVEN in Gold and XP difference, damage per minute, with less gold share and only one less kill. Not to mention Comp has the highest kill participation % of any player in the league (Except for LIMIT who played 7 games). Comp was in the conversation as an MVP frontrunner and probably deserved a 1st Team nod.

Then there were some people left out due to unfortunate circumstances. After a very good split, Luka ‘Perkz’ Perković couldn’t find himself a place in either of the three teams as VIT couldn’t make playoffs after finishing the season with a five-game losing streak. In the same notion, both solo laners of XL in Finn ‘Finn’ Wiestål Erlend ‘nukeduck’ Våtevik Holm were excluded after their mid split struggles, even after a good start to LEC Summer 2022.

LEC Summer 2022 All-Pro Teams are Announced
Rohat Dicle Kılınç
Rohat is a writer mainly focused on the League of Legends esports scene, and an LCS hopeful.