League of Legends: LEC Returns on June 12 for the Summer Split

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League of Legends: LEC Returns on June 12 for the Summer Split

The LEC is set to return June 12th for the 2020 Summer Split.

With the Spring Split only just finishing, the LEC is set to return for the Summer Split in early June. With MSI canceled, the Summer Split was able to come much earlier in the summer than expected, so there's not much time to wait before you get your hands on some LEC goodness.

The New Schedule

But the LEC isn’t just going into a regular week of play, oh no. The LEC will now introduce “Superweeks” in Week One and Week Eight of the split. In these, matches are played on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The inclusion of the new format will also see the LEC broken up by two one-week breaks. These will take place after Week Four, when the first set of round robins has been played, and Week Eight, when the regular season is over.

The idea for the break also gives the LEC wiggle room given the COVID-19 situation and any unforeseen circumstances in June and beyond.

LEC Summer split 2020 superweek 1 schedule

With the schedule now updated, that means changes to both the Summer Finals date and the EU Masters. Summer Finals will now be held on September 5 & 6, which has been adjusting for the European Masters schedule. Subsequently, the EU Masters Finals will move to September 19 & 20 to make sure there is no LEC overlap.

The LEC also spoke about COVID-19, stating that “We’re continually assessing the situation with COVID-19 and its impact on the Summer Season. Currently, we have yet to determine when and how we will be able to safely bring LEC play back into our studio in Berlin – including when we can welcome back a studio audience.” The LEC also has not made plans to cancel the live final in Malmö, Sweden, a country which has thus far refrained from lockdown. It has, however, closed borders to outside travel.

In any case, the LEC continues to monitor the situation and make plans for alternative scenarios in the event that they need to pivot away from a large-scale live event, much like they were forced to do with the Spring Split Finals.

Images via Riot Games.

League of Legends: LEC Returns on June 12 for the Summer Split
David Hollingsworth
David has written for games media outlets for the last ten years. With his first major esports role being with Esports News UK covering mostly UK League of Legends. David is also a member of the British Esports Association and is an advisor to them on World of Warcraft Esports. More recently David has worked for Esports Insider and Red Bull as an esports journalist. David later became Editor at ESTNN and now leads the current team.