League of Legends: Splyce Vs. Rogue | LEC Group Stage
| Tags: League of Legends
| Author Alex Mcalpine

Game One
Rogue (“RGE”) subverted the expectations of many and took down Splyce (“SPY”) in Game one. SPY’s Xerxe started the game by ganking Finn while RGE ganked bot side, resulting in a kill for each team. SPY continued to focus top side by collecting another kill from Finn at 11 minutes, but RGE was able to counter this play by interrupting Xerxe’s Rift Herald take and taking the objective for themselves. RGE started a fight a couple of minutes later with a cocoon engage by Inspired’s Elise. Both sides responded by teleporting in their solo laners and collapsing with their bot side. The resulting bloodbath ended in a 3 for 0 victory for RGE. While RGE took down the first tower top, SPY returned to the play and managed to get a kill.
RGE continued to play on the offensive and tower dove Vizicsacsi. SPY managed to counter their play by teleporting Kobbe in, resulting in an even 2 for 2 trade and a 2k gold lead for RGE at 15. RGE’s Garen-Yuumi combo began to prove its strength from this point on, running at opponents and forcing skirmishes by utilizing Yuumi’s Prowling Projectile in conjunction with Garen’s movement speed boosts. They managed to get a 2-0 fight by using this combo. The game split open when Finn decided to 1v1 Vizicsacsi. Both sides sent all members to the fight, but RGE started their teleports slightly faster. They cleaned up Vizicsacsi and laid in wait for the remaining members of SPY. The resulting fight was a 4 for 0 for RGE, resulting in a Baron Nashor take and, soon after, the game.
- Time: 25:15
- Kills: 21-5
- Turrets: 10-1
- Gold: 53.8k-39.5k
- Dragons: 3-0
- Barons: 1-0
Game Two
RGE kept the tempo up against SPY, starting Game Two with a solo kill in the mid lane by Larssen. SPY tried to grab the reigns back with a 4 for 1 play in the bot lane, but RGE took the Rift Herald again and pushed for the first two towers on the top side. SPY countered with a kill on Finn and the bot lane turret. As the game entered the mid game where neither team has clear objectives, RGE managed to get the first tier midlane tower for free.
RGE stuck to what worked and picked Vizicsacsi in the top lane. They then moved to the Baron Nashor but turned off and began to fight SPY as soon as they appeared, resulting in a 3-1 for RGE. SPY, seeing the game slip from their hands, tried to force a fight in the mid lane. RGE saw this coming and countered the engage with their own, resulting in a 4 for 0 and the Baron going to RGE. RGE took the Baron and quickly cleaned up the game again; they went through the bot inhibitor and closed the game with a 4-1 fight in the enemy base.
- Time: 27:36
- Kills: 17-7
- Turrets: 9-2
- Gold: 54.1k-45.0k
- Dragons: 1-1
- Barons: 1-0
Game Three
Hoping their luck would change, SPY took blue side for the first time. Unfortunately for them, RGE took their infamous Olaf and closed the game in decisive fashion. Using the early pressure of the Olaf, RGE took advantages top lane and the first drake, an infernal, bot side. Larssen managed to pick up first blood for RGE by killing Vizicsacsi bot with Finn, but he was solokilled by Humanoid when he returned to the mid lane. RGE took “charge” of the game by using Kled’s Chaaaaaaaarge!!! top lane for two quick kills. They then used the Rift Herald to take the first tower top at 15 and secure a 2k gold lead.
RGE transitioned their lead into the mid game by charging into the mid and taking it for free. The game began to stall out, but RGE decided to test their luck and engage on SPY around the dragon. SPY managed to absorb the engage, getting a free kill on the Kled and the first mid turret of the series. The game looked much better for SPY than the previous ones, but RGE managed to pick Humanoid top and go for another early Baron Nashor take. Luckily for SPY, Vizicsacsi pulled off an amazing play at the Baron to stop RGE in their tracks and result in a 3-3. RGE raced back to the Baron and started it once more, but this time they had a plan. When SPY showed up to contest, RGE engaged from three angles, using their Rakan and Kled ultimates to secure a 5 for 0 teamfight and close the game without needing the Nashor.
- Time: 27:02
- Kills: 5-11
- Turrets: 3-7
- Gold: 44.2k-48.4k
- Dragons: 2-2
- Barons: 0-0
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Images via LoL Esports.
Featured image via LoL Esports Flickr.