League of Legends: Immortals Sign Mid Laner Eika to Finalize 2020 LCS Roster
| Tags: League of Legends
| Author David Hollingsworth

RImmortals have announced the signing of former Team LDLC mid laner Eika as they look to finalize their 2020 LCS roster.
Immortals have confirmed the signing of former Team LDLC mid laner Jérémy “Eika” Valdenaire.
Eika joins Immortals off the back of a 1st place finish in the LFL 2019 Finals and the 2019 Underdogs 2019 tournament. Eika won each of the three LFL events during his time with Team-LDLC and had strong runs at European Masters events in 2019 Summer and Spring.
Prior to signing Eika, the Immortals also finalized deals for four other players. Top laner Paul “sOAZ” Boyer, AD carry Johnny “Altec” Ru, support Nickolas “Hakuho” Surgent and jungler Jake “Xmithie” Puchero.
As things stand Immortals has likely finalized its 2020 roster. The current roster is:
- Top – Soaz
- Jungle -Xmithie
- Mid – Eika
- ADC – Altec
- Support -Hakuho
Immortals had a lot of success in the NA LCS when it was apart of it back in 2016 – 2017. The organization just missed out to TSM at the 2017 Summer Playoffs. With the signing of Xmithie alongside experience in Soaz and youth talent, Immortals is looking to carry on from where they left off when they last had a team in the North American LCS.