LCS Summer 2019: Week Two Day Two Recap

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LCS Summer 2019: Week Two Day Two Recap

Counter Logic Gaming vs Team Liquid

CLG v TL summer19 w2d2 e1560107712143
CLG and TL team compositions with TL Xmithie center. Photo via LoL Esports.

CLG started the day off with a decisive, exciting win over TL. Wiggily in particular took charge to set the pace of the game and gain significant leads for CLG all over the map. Though his counterpart Xmithie found two successful ganks early on, a huge engage from him netted his team two kills and the Rift Herald. From here, he controlled all of the dragons and vision around the Baron.

During the mid game, CLG constantly applied pressure on the Baron, drawing TL in to check. Because of this lack of control, a number of TL members were picked off. Eventually CLG killed four TL members and took the first Baron. This Baron was nullified because of a fantastic Impact Kennen engage, but the momentum didn't shift enough for TL. CLG won a 33 minute team fight, which allowed them to take another Baron buff. They sieged TL's base, taking an Inhibitor before engaging onto TL. After killing a couple of members they smashed TL's Nexus for the win.


  • Time: 36:13
  • Kills: 13-8
  • Turrets: 10-3
  • Gold: 68.7k-60.1k
  • Dragons: 4-2
  • Barons: 2-0

100 Thieves vs Clutch Gaming

100T vs CG summer19 w2d2
100T and CG team compositions with 100T Bang center. Photo via LoL Esports.

The second game of the day featured an extremely hard fought victory for CG over 100T. With the help of Lira, Huni secured First Blood onto Ssumday in a top lane 2v2. Next, CG dove the bottom lane to secured themselves a kill and the First Tower bonus. They continually pushed the pace of the game by finding winning team fights and picks with the Skarner Impale (R). The CG squad slayed their First Baron at 20 minutes, but the game was no where near over.

This was because 100T mounted an incredible defense. Despite losing each of their Inhibitors multiple times, 100T managed to get crucial kills to stall out CG's siege. The best instance of this was after CG's second Baron, where Ssumday landed a multi-man Neeko ultimate to slaughter multiple CG members. But CG stayed unrelenting, and their third Baron proved the breaking point. Here, CG quickly caught out Ssumday and Amazing, breaking the 100T defense. Finally, CG was able to finish off 100T's exposed Nexus.


  • Time: 36:53
  • Kills: 9-16
  • Turrets: 9-11
  • Gold: 62.0k-69.5k
  • Dragons: 0-6
  • Barons: 0-3

Echo Fox vs Team SoloMid

FOX v TSM summer19 w2d2
FOX and TSM team compositions with TSM Smoothie center. Photo via LoL Esports.

The slug fest continued with a fierce, bloody game three. In the end though, TSM was victorious. The early game was relatively quiet, with First Blood coming out slightly before 10 minutes from Rush, but he traded his life for it. Grig started to ramp up in the early-mid game and found a number of kills, making him a threat. TSM also took the First Tower bonus and three Ocean Dragons. Because of this, TSM had a sizeable lead moving past 20 minutes.

But FOX wouldn't go quietly into the night. They came up massive in a 25 minute team fight where they Ace'd TSM and slayed the Baron. Unfortunately for them TSM returned with a vengeance, taking four Baron buffs off the map. From here TSM won back to back team fights and secured a Baron buff of their own at 33 minutes. Empowered by the buff, TSM dove right into FOX's base and Ace'd the defenders before smashing their Nexus.


  • Time: 36:03
  • Kills: 11-21
  • Turrets: 3-8
  • Gold: 60.9k-68.2k
  • Dragons: 1-4
  • Barons: 1-1

Golden Guardians vs Cloud9

GGS v C9 summer19 w2d2
GGS and C9 team compositions with C9 Sneaky center. Photo via LoL Esports.

Froggen debuted his signature Anivia pick to lead GGS to a victory over C9. GGS asserted control over C9 at nearly every point in the game with only a couple of slip ups. The first of these was when Svenskeren getting First Blood onto Hauntzer in the top lane. After this though, GGS set up control over the dragon pit and the bottom side of the map. This allowed them to win a team fight and take two Mountain Dragons. C9 did fight back with a team fight win of their own, which prompted them to turn for Baron.

But GGS, in a 3v5, pulled off a miraculous team fight to Ace C9. C9 managed to secure the Baron before they all died, but this momentum would push GGS to great heights. GGS knocked down some structures but C9's base remained. Later, the Baron respawned and GGS immediately went towards it. They got the objective easily, killing two C9 members too. GGS then decided to group top, where a final team fight erupted with a Licorice Neeko flank engage. It didn't prove effective, and GGS clean Ace'd them. After that it didn't take them long to finish C9's Nexus.


  • Time: 35:22
  • Kills: 17-9
  • Turrets: 8-4
  • Gold: 65.3k-58.2k
  • Dragons: 4-0
  • Barons: 1-1

FlyQuest vs OpTic Gaming

FLY v OPT summer19 w2d2
FLY and OPT team compositions with OPT Dhokla center. Photo via LoL Esports.

Surprisingly enough, OPT emerged from week two of the LCS Summer Split with the only undefeated record. Their win over FLY was focused around Crown's Twisted Fate and looked great for such an unconventional pick. FLY capitalized on OPT over-aggression early, with Santorin killing Meteos for First Blood off a greedy invade. OPT answered back by sending three members mid to kill Pobelter before engaging a team fight where they went one-for-one.

The mid game was slower than usual. OPT was able to pressure FLY away from objectives in order to take them for themselves. At 23 minutes OPT used Twisted Fate's Destiny (R) to catch out Pobelter in the side lane, and OPT took two towers with the advantage. A team fight in the middle lane broke out at 25 minutes, where OPT won three-for-one. Afterwards, they claimed the buff and knocked down multiple structures, including all three Inhibitors. OPT pushed on and killed two more FLY members before smashing their fourth Nexus of the split.


  • Time: 31:03
  • Kills: 3-8
  • Turrets: 1-11
  • Gold: 48.0k-56.8k
  • Dragons: 2-2
  • Barons:

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Featured image via LoL Esports Flickr.

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Brandon Sturak
Brandon is a writer and editor for ESTNN with a passion for esports. He writes about League of Legends and esports generally, providing analysis and commentary on both. He is a founding member of Niagara University Esports, while being the previous mid laner and Head Coach for the NU Esports LoL team as well. Twitter @GhandiLoL