How To Get a Pet in Palia?
| Tags: Features
| Author Zlosterr
If you want to get a pet in Palia, you must do a few specific things that we are about to address in this article. Let’s dive in.
Palia is a pretty fun game that offers a lot of things, such as farming, hunting, fishing, and more. After we’ve learned how to get gold in Palia, it is time for something even more interesting – getting a Pet.
Learning how to get a pet in Palia will make your overall experience even more enjoyable. You can find different kinds of bets that look like a cat, and they are often called Palcats. Besides looking cool, these creatures will follow you as you move around and complete different tasks. What’s interesting is that this pet does not have any real “maintenance”. In fact, the game even allows you to have more than one pet, and you can switch between them.
How to get a Pet in Palia?
Users who want to get a Palcat as a pet will have to purchase Palia Coins. The latter is the in-game currency that you can get from the Premium Store. As expected, it costs real money, and you can use the in-game currency to get different costumes. It seems like the game will reward you with your first Palia Pet after you purchase those things.
For now, people who want to get a pet in Palia will have access to the following options:
- Nocturnal Palcat
- Sandy Palcat
- Snowy Palcat
- Island Palcat
As mentioned, these pets only look cool, so do not expect them to give you any real advantage. Also, don’t forget that the game is still in beta, so it is very likely to have access to new pets.
More Information about the Palia Pet
As mentioned, you will get your first pet in Palia after getting Palia Coins. To be specific, Sandy Cat will be the first option you will get when you purchase 3000 coins. In other words, you’ll have to spend around $33 to get it.
Pets in Palia can’t be fed, groomed or interacted with. Furthermore, you can only equip one pet at a time. To do that, you must:
- Open the inventory
- Find the Collections section
- Look for the paw print and you will find all of the available pets in Palia
- Choose the pet you want and equip it
Don’t forget that you can switch between the different pets whenever you want to.