How to Fix wow51900118 Error in World of Warcraft

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How to Fix wow51900118 Error in World of Warcraft

wow51900118 is an issue that you might encounter on your journeys in WoW, so let's take a look at some solutions.

Thankfully, wow51900118 error in WoW is pretty standard, and you've done nothing wrong. There's no need to panic, however, as this error is perfectly normal, and not (probably) your fault. ANyone that has been playing during a patch period, maintenance or a new expansion release will have seen this error code at some point or another.

So, let's take a look at a brief guide to get it sorted for you.

Why am I getting WoW Error wow51900118

  • It’s a common error indicating that the game servers are under maintenance.
  • Maintenance is scheduled weekly: Tuesdays for NA and Wednesdays for EU.
  • The error can also occur during unscheduled emergency maintenance.

Simply put, the game is in maintenance. Maintenance happens once a week across all servers. For NA it's Tuesday, while EU is on Wednesday. Normally, this occurs at a specific set time, however, Blizzard does sometimes start early, or overextend.

Alternatively, Blizzard might have dropped an emergency maintenance, in which case, the box on the left side of your screen should tell you everything. Failing that, head to the Blizzard Community Support Twitter accounts for NA and EU.

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Another place to look is the official World of Warcraft Server Status page. Here, you can see the current status of all servers, which should tell you that your one is under maintenance, hence why you're getting the above code. However, if it doesn't, you'll need to look deeper.

The last real option is to look to the official r/wow Reddit to see if anyone else is having the same issue as you. Finally, you might need to contact the Blizzard in-game support for WoW (which you can do without being in the game). But, as we said, the error is specifically for server maintenance, so, give it some time and everything should go back to how it was before.

How do I check the status?

  • Blizzard Community Support Twitter accounts for NA and EU.
  • Official World of Warcraft Server Status page.
  • The r/wow subreddit for community reports.
  • Blizzard in-game support for direct assistance.

How to fix World of Warcraft Error wow51900118

  • Patience is key as the error is typically temporary.
  • Verify your own internet connection.
  • Wait for the maintenance period to end.

Patience is the only solution. As we said, you've done nothing wrong, the game is just down for either weekly maintenance or emergency maintenance. Check the Community Support pages above for more details. Though, if you want to be sure, check your own connection just to be on the safe side.

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wow51900118 Why is it happening

  • Regularly scheduled maintenance or updates.
  • Emergency maintenance or hotfixes by Blizzard.
  • Major patches or seasonal updates may extend maintenance periods.

The likely answer is simply the weekly maintenance. Though, large patches, especially major seasonal patches can cause their own extended maintenance or problems. As we mentioned above, this error will most likely happen as a result of the weekly maintenance. Though, it can happen under special circumstances, such as a major error or Blizzard applying an emergency hotfix to the game. These are, however, very rare, so, now that you've read this article, maybe take another look and see if the problem has been solved.

How to Fix wow51900118 Error in World of Warcraft
David Hollingsworth
David has written for games media outlets for the last ten years. With his first major esports role being with Esports News UK covering mostly UK League of Legends. David is also a member of the British Esports Association and is an advisor to them on World of Warcraft Esports. More recently David has worked for Esports Insider and Red Bull as an esports journalist. David later became Editor at ESTNN and now leads the current team.