How to Complete Bounties and Challenges in No Rest for the Wicked

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How to Complete Bounties and Challenges in No Rest for the Wicked

Here’s a complete guide on picking up the Bounties and Challenges in No Rest for the Wicked.

Moon Studio’s latest project, No Rest for the Wicked, is best described as a love child between games like Diablo and Dark Souls. With tight, weighty combat, secrets hidden behind every corner, and a lore-filled world whose story often escapes you, the game is perfect for players who like to challenge themselves and explore a beautiful world.

Like any other RPG, leveling up your character and getting the perfect build is a core part of the game. And in No Rest for the Wicked, farming for resources or getting levels is pretty easy. Even if you don’t want to go around killing enemies aimlessly, you can use the Bounties and Challenges feature to add some extra Coppers to your pocket.

In this article, we’ll explore how you can find and complete the Bounties and Challenges in the game. Let’s dive in.

Where to Get Bounties and Challenges In No Rest for the Wicked

Bounties and Challenges in No Rest for the Wicked serve as replayable daily or weekly quests to help you farm for resources, or items. They also bring you a decent bit of currency(Copper, Silver, and Gold).

But to access this feature, you need to finish the Prologue and play the game until you reach Sacrament. It shouldn’t take you more than a couple of hours. If the first boss, Warrick the Torn, is giving you trouble, we recommend checking out our guide on how to defeat him.

How to Complete Bounties and Challenges in No Rest for the Wicked

Now, once you reach Sacrament, head to the Rookery, talk to Roan, and he’ll tell you to rest at the Rookery Lodgings. Go inside the Lodgings and sleep for the day. The next day, Sacrament will open up for you completely, along with all the shops and merchants the town has to offer.

How to Complete Bounties and Challenges in No Rest for the Wicked

Now, head outside and go to the City’s Cerim Whisper Point. Near the stairs that lead up to the War Room, you’ll find an NPC named Captain Randolph with a question mark above his head.

Talking to this NPC will give you the option to choose from all the daily and weekly Bounties and Challenges that are available for you to complete. You can choose multiple Challenges if you want, but for the Bounties, you can only choose one from daily and weekly quests. For those wondering, this is the NPC who gives you the Cerim Armor set in No Rest for the Wicked.

How to Complete Bounties and Challenges in No Rest for the Wicked

How to Complete Bounties and Challenges in No Rest for the Wicked

Picking up Bounties and Challenges is one thing; completing them is another. Since the game doesn’t hold your hand for very long, some players find it confusing to finish these recurring quests.

Since there are no map markers for these quests, you need to read the description to know what you need to do. For Bounties, you’ll usually need to kill a certain group of enemies at the mentioned location. Use the fast travel feature in the game to get to the spot, dispose of the enemies, and return to Randolph to claim your rewards.

When you complete the objective, you’ll usually get a big pop-up notification in the middle of your screen. If you get one, it’s time to visit Randolph to claim your rewards.

For Challenges, things can be a bit more confusing. Some of the Challenges will require you to collect a specific number of resources. However, even when you have plenty of it in your inventory, you won’t get any notification that you’ve completed the Challenge.

How to Complete Bounties and Challenges in No Rest for the Wicked

The thing is, simply collecting resources isn’t enough for the Challenge to count as completed. You also need to hand them over to Captain Randolph if you want to complete the Challenge.

So head over to Sacrament, talk to Randolph and open the Challenge that you’re doing. When you select it, you’ll see the option to contribute the resource. Turn them in, and Randolph will give you your rewards.

If any Challenge or Bounty seems overwhelming or you simply don’t want to take the hassle, you can also abandon the quest by talking to Randolph. These quests refresh daily and weekly, so don’t worry about finishing them too much. Their main purpose is to serve as a way to get extra items or money in No Rest for the Wicked.

And there you have it; this is all there is to know about completing the Bounties and challenges in No Rest for the Wicked. Check-in on ESTNN to find more guides, tips, and tricks about the game. Good luck!

How to Complete Bounties and Challenges in No Rest for the Wicked
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