ESTNN Daily: Esports News Recap – March 7th
| Author Nick Johnson

Welcome to the ESTNN Daily, where you can sit down, relax, and let us run down your daily esports recap! Here’s your news for March 7th. We’ve got a retirement, some guest hosts for the LEC, and Baptiste bugs, oh my. Let’s dive right in.
League of Legends
In League news today, legendary Lee Sin player Choi “inSec” In-seok announced his retirement from competitive League of Legends. InSec’s Lee Sin play is so famous, one of the character’s combos is named after him. League loses one of its best to the ravages of time.
In the way of Champions, looks like Urgot is next on Riot’s nerf/buff list. Today’s PTE patch buffed up some of his damage, removed the shield from his W, and others. Riot Repertoir let everyone know that they are now attempting to build up his solo queue presence.
DOTA 2 Annoucnements
As reported here on ESTNN, the next DOTA 2 Major will take place at Disneyland Paris. The dates are May 4th to May 12th, so ya’ll don’t have much time to grab your baguettes and plane tickets if you want to attend. Tickets actually go on sale next Monday, March 11th. This is the first time that Mars Media will be hosting an event outside of China. Learn more about the Paris Major here!
Overwatch News

Watch out if you see someone pick Baptiste in your PTR games. A hilarious bug is making the rounds which shows Baptiste’s ultimate buffing enemy damage. This only applies to enemy projectile damage, but since his ultimate is so strong it’s a big problem. It’s probably a bug, which means Kaplan and Co. over at Blizzard will have it patched out. That said, it would be kind of cool if this was a feature. Think about it – you’d have to be much smarter with where you placed it if the enemy team could use it too.
Blizzard also released all of Baptiste’s cosmetic options onto the PTR, so we’ve got his full set available now. I’m partial to the Wasteland skin. Don’t @ me.
CounterStrike: Global Offensive Recap
Valve went ahead and released a patch for CounterStrike: Global Offensive yesterday. The patch added a new command that can lower the CPU memory usage by 40% in some cases, which is absolutely insane. CS:GO has always been a CPU-heavy game, and now with it going free to play Valve finally seems to be doing something about it. The update also added some new communications options. You can read our article on the patch here.
If you’re both League of Legends and Counterstrike fans, you’re in luck. CS: GO desk-host Alex “machine” Richardson and interviewer Frankie Ward are all set to guest host the LEC this week. Of course, Quickshot is taking all the credit (I like his hair, though, so he’s forgiven).
I'm so excited to announce that this weekends #lec guests will feature @MACHINEgg hosting and @getfrank interviewing!!
They join us straight from the IEM CSGO major and I'm so excited to see what flavour they bring the broadcast. pic.twitter.com/qFVazrrDVU
— Trevor Henry (@Quickshot) March 7, 2019
Fortnite News
Everyone seems to be loving Season 8, but a nasty bug seems to be cropping up for some. Several “instakill” areas have been found on the map. Fork Knife in Fatal Fields seems to be one of these spots. No worries, though! Epic took to Reddit to let everyone know that a hotfix is incoming.
That’s all for the ESTNN Brief for Wednesday, March 7th! Make sure to head on over to ESTNN.com to catch up on all of the latest news and check back here tomorrow for another Episode of The Daily!