Diablo 4 Best Barbarian Endgame Builds: Shout Hammer of the Ancients

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Diablo 4 Best Barbarian Endgame Builds: Shout Hammer of the Ancients

One of Diablo 4 best Barbarian endgame builds is the Shout Hammer of the Ancients build, which players can use after completing the main plot. Due to the vast array of choices and the fact that the optimal one will depend on your playing style, we will go into great detail about each option in its own post. For this reason, after discussing the Whirlwind build, we will talk about the Shout Hammer of the Ancients Barbarian build.

Diablo 4 Shout Hammer of the Ancients Barbarian build

The basic idea behind this traditional Hammer of the Ancients Barbarian build is to produce Fury as rapidly as you can before using it to unleash catastrophic, multi-million damage Hammer of the Ancients. Blows are made by the Hammer of the Ancients. This build is exceptionally tough thanks to plentiful sources of Unstoppable and easy access to Fortify. It is also a great addition to any party due to the strong emphasis on shouts.

Focusing on abilities is one of the most important components of character development, which ought to be clear at this time. In Diablo 4, there are a large range of skills that may be used to enhance a class, so it's important to carefully choose the talents that fit best with the build you wish to make. For use with the Diablo 4 Shout Hammer of the Ancients Barbarian build, the following talents are advised:

  • Lunging Strike Level 1
  • Enhanced Lunging Strike
  • Combat Lunging Strike
  • Hammer of the Ancients Level 5
  • Enhanced Hammer of the Ancients
  • Furious Hammer of the Ancients
  • Rallying Cry Level 1
  • Enhanced Rallying Cry
  • Tactical Rallying Cry
  • Challenging Shout Level 1
  • Enhanced Challenging Shout
  • Tactical Challenging Shout
  • War Cry Level 1
  • Enhanced War Cry
  • Mighty War Cry
  • Booming Voice Level 3
  • Raid Leader Level 3
  • Guttural Yell Level 3
  • Aggressive Resistance Level 3
  • Prolific Fury Level 3
  • Pit Fighter Level 3
  • No Mercy Level 3
  • Hamstring Level 1
  • Wrath of the Berserker
  • Prime Wrath of the Berserker
  • Supreme Wrath of the Berserker
  • Heavy Handed Level 3
  • Wallop Level 3
  • Concussion Level 3
  • Tempered Fury Level 1
  • Invigorating Fury Level 3
  • Unbridled Rage

diablo 4 barbarian skills

The Paragon advancement system, which gives you access to a number of talents for the Shout Hammer of the Ancients build, can be used after your character reaches level 50. For stats like Damage, Intelligence, Resistance, and Life, it is advised that you give Normal and Magic Nodes precedence. As you level up, Ghyphs' field of effect expands. As a result, if you can't meet the requirements, we don't suggest allocating more nodes. On the other hand, you can utilize any other Glyph while you wait to acquire the necessary one if you don't have it.

Because of their tremendous scaling capabilities, rare glyphs are currently the best at utilising the Paragon system. Our objective is to access as many Glyph Sockets as we can. This leads in the majority of optimum setups having a total of six or seven Glyph Sockets available for Rare Glyphs when the following considerations are taken into consideration. Rare Nodes and the Magic Nodes that surround them frequently have enough power to justifiably require a two to three points detour via inferior Nodes.

Only seldom is the legendary nodes' pitiful potency sufficient to justify the vast number of points required to achieve them. Warbringer, the sole Legendary Node recommended in this guide, is the lone legendary node. The fewest Paragon Points should be spent on Normal Nodes as you advance through the various Paragon Boards. Not all Paragon Boards are created equal; some have shapes that are more challenging to optimize, while others include a number of Nodes that are not necessarily useful for a variety of designs.

We advise using the exact Rare Glyphs listed below for each of the relevant boards:

  • Starting Board: Crusher
  • Warbringer Board: Exploit
  • Flawless Technique Board: Territorial
  • Decimator Board: Marshal
  • Blood Rage Board: Ire
  • Bone Breaker Board: Wrath

diablo 4 barbarian paragon board

This is how the Shout Hammer of the Ancients Barbarian build functions in terms of gaming style and mechanics. To quickly produce Fury for powerful Hammer of the Ancients attacks through Unbridled Rage, Lunging Strike, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, War Cry, and Wrath of the Berserker all have one thing in common. Hammer of the Ancients can be cast two or three times on most monsters, including Elites, with the right equipment. However, there are a few characteristics of the build worth talking about before we examine the fundamental skill rotation and usage.

To avoid being caught off guard in battle, it is crucial to know how to employ the primary skills of this Shout Hammer of the Ancients build. Due to this, we have made the decision to write a manual on how to produce a specific skill. Let's start by discussing the Furry ability, which is crucial for maintaining the Whirlwind ability's functionality. We suggest using the following techniques to do this:

  • Lunging Strike
  • Enhanced Hammer of the Ancients
  • Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout, and War Cry through Aspect of Echoing Fury
  • Tactical Rallying Cry
  • Tactical Challenging Shout
  • Prolific Fury
  • Prime Wrath of the Berserker
  • The Fury Cost Reduction affix on Boots and Rings
  • Various Paragon Board Nodes

Regarding the Berserk skill, it is already highly potent on its own, but there are certain factors you might consider to increase its potency:

  • Combat Lunging Strike
  • Enhanced War Cry
  • Wrath of the Berserker
  • The Berserking Duration affix on Boots
  • Various Paragon Board Nodes
  • Aggressive Resistance
  • Prolific Fury
  • Aspect of Berserk Fury
  • Aspect of Berserk Ripping
  • Glyph of Ire
  • Various Paragon Board Nodes

Shouts are a vital component of many Barbarian builds, including this Shout Hammer of the Ancients build, due to the continual Fury they provide, the diversity of beneficial effects they have, and the number of ways to reduce their Cooldown. Shouts are available more often than their typical 25-second Cooldown thanks to the Marshal Glyph, Bold Chieftain's Aspect, and the Cooldown Reduction affix that can be rolled on Helms and Amulets. Shouts don't cancel the effects of spells like Whirlwind, so you can keep using the Fury it bestows. This makes it especially powerful with that spell.

If you're farming with a Barbarian that uses the Shout Hammer of the Ancients build, make sure to gather any uncommon item drops that might contain upgrades. It is advisable to keep the preferred aspects from legendary things so that you can extract them in the future and imprint them on correctly rolled uncommon items. When comparing similar item level weapons, swords are recommended over daggers due to their higher damage per hit and implicit critical strike damage. When picking out gear for the Shout Hammer of the Ancients build, the following stats should be given top priority:

  • Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapon
    • + Strength
    • + Vulnerable Damage
    • + Critical Strike Damage
  • Dual Wield Weapon #1
    • + Strength
    • + Vulnerable Damage
    • + Critical Strike Damage
  • Dual Wield Weapon #2
    • + Strength
    • + Vulnerable Damage
    • + Critical Strike Damage
  • Two-Handed Slashing Weapon
    • + High DPS
    • + Strength
    • + Vulnerable Damage
    • + Critical Strike Damage
  • Helm
    • + Cooldown Reduction
    • + Maximum Life
  • Chest
    • + Damage Reduction While Fortified
    • + Damage Reduction vs Close
    • + Damage Reduction vs Bleeding
    • + Damage reduction vs Distant
  • Gloves
    • + Ranks to Whirlwind
    • + Critical Strike Chance
    • + Critical Strike Chance vs Injured
    • + Strength
  • Pants
    • + Damage Reduction While Fortified
    • + Damage Reduction vs Close
    • + Damage Reduction vs Bleeding
    • + Damage reduction vs Distant
  • Boots
    • + Movement Speed
    • + Fury Cost Reduction
    • + Movement Speed After Killing Elite
    • + Berserking Duration
  • Amulet
    • + Cooldown Reduction
    • + Fury Cost Reduction
  • Rings
    • + Resource Generation
    • + Critical Strike Chance
    • + Critical Strike Damage
    • + Vulnerable Damage

diablo 4 barbarian

In Diablo 4, legendary aspects must be considered in order for your Shout Hammer of the Ancients Barbarian build to work effectively. We've decided to put together a list of all the Aspects you'll need to employ for your Shout Hammer of the Ancients build in order for it to work properly. The complete list is shown below:

  • Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapon
    • Edgemaster’s Aspect (Skills deal up to 10–20% increased damage based on your available Primary Resource when cast, receiving the maximum benefit while you have full Primary Resource)
  • Dual Wield Weapon #1
    • Aspect of Limitless Rage (Each point of Fury you generate while at Maximum Fury grants your next Core Skill increased damage)
  • Dual Wield Weapon #2
    • Accelerating Aspect (Critical Strikes with Core Skills increase your Attack Speed for 5 seconds)
  • Two-Handed Slashing Weapon
    • Aspect of the Expectant (Attacking enemies with a Basic Skill increases the damage of your next Core Skill cast by 5–10%, up to 30%)
  • Helm
    • Aspect of Might (Basic Skills grant 20% Damage Reduction)
  • Chest
    • Aspect of Disobedience (You gain 0.25–0.50% increased Armor for 4 seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to 15–30%)
  • Gloves
    • Smiting Aspect (You have increased Critical Strike Chance against Injured enemies. While you are Healthy, you gain increased Crowd Control Duration)
    • Aspect of Berserk Ripping (Whenever you deal direct damage while berserking, inflict base damage dealt as additional Bleeding Damage over 5 seconds)
  • Pants
    • Iron Blood Aspect (Gain Damage Reduction for each nearby Bleeding enemy)
  • Boots
    • Ghostwalker Aspect (While Unstoppable, and for 4 seconds after, you gain increased Movement Speed and can move freely through enemies)
  • Amulet
    • Aspect of Ancestral Force (Hammer of the Ancients quakes outwards, dealing damage to enemies)
  • Rings
    • Bold Chieftain’s Aspect (Whenever you cast a Shout Skill, its Cooldown is reduced by seconds per Nearby enemy, up to a maximum of 6 seconds)
    • Aspect of Echoing Fury (Your Shout Skills generate Fury per second while active)

A few gem, elixir, and potion suggestions for the Shout Hammer of the Ancients Barbarian build will be made as we draw to a close. We advise you to visit the alchemist often to make potions and elixirs that are more potent and durable. It is highly recommended that you consume Weak Assault, Precision, and any other elixirs that increase your stats and grant you extra experience points for 30 minutes. However, for your Barbarian, we advise you to rely on the gems listed below:

  • Weapon: Royal Emerald for Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable Enemies
  • Armor: Royal Sapphire for Critical Strike Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
  • Jewelry: Royal Skull for Armor

diablo 4 barbarian

Diablo 4 Best Barbarian Endgame Builds: Shout Hammer of the Ancients
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.