Deep Rock Galactic Survivors Biomes – Full Beginners Guide

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Deep Rock Galactic Survivors Biomes – Full Beginners Guide

This guide will discuss everything you need to know about the Deep Rock Galactic Survivors Biomes as a beginner including the resources and enemies

Deep Rock Galactic: Survivors is the spin-off game of the original first-person shooter we know and love, Deep Rock Galactic. You play as a dwarf on a mission to collect ores, kill enemies and upgrade your weapons for survival. During these missions, you have to visit different biomes to find all the resources you need to survive in the world. As the game is in early access, there are only 3 explorable biomes at the moment. Hence, here is a full beginners guide on the Deep Rock Galactic Survivors Biomes and how to navigate them including the resources and enemies you’ll encounter.

Deep Rock Galactic Survivors Biomes Guide

As mentioned before, Deep Rock Galactic Survivors is in early access which is why all the biomes are not available to explore yet. Only 3 biomes are available to explore in the game and they include the Crystalline Caverns, Magma Core and Hollow Bough. All of the three biomes vary from each other vastly, with different rock hardness levels and unique enemies. Hence, here is a detailed guide on each of the Deep Rock Galactic Survivors Biomes including the ores or resources and the unique enemies you’ll find:

Crystalline Caverns

Deep Rock Galactic Survivors Biomes - Full Beginners Guide
Credit: IGN

The first biome on the list of the Deep Rock Galactic Survivors Biomes is the Crystalline Caverns. This is the easiest out of the 3 biomes on the list, thanks to its unique environment with zero vegetation. The biome is filled with an abundance of worthless crystals, some of which pose a threat while others are just…there. The biome has a Rock Hardness level of 3 or Hard and the landing depth is 0.9 km – 1.3 km. 

Enemies or Glyphids that you will face in the Crystalline Caverns biome include lots of tiny critters or alien bugs, Loot Bugs that come bearing loot and Glyphid Dreadnoughts of all types like the Elite Mactera. The Glyphid Dreadnoughts are bosses that spawn randomly in swarms during missions on the biome and they have to be killed as quickly as possible using high damage weapons.

As for the resources or Ores that can be found in the Crystalline Caverns biome, they depend on the type of mission or Hazard you are embarking on. The Ores that typically can be found include Morkite and Aquarq. Crafting materials or Ores found specifically in this biome include scarce Jadiz and plenty of Bismor. 

There are 5 different Hazard Levels and all the goals are given below in detail:

  • Hazard Level 1:
    • Complete the Dive
    • Collect 100 Gold
    • Upgrade Deepcore GK2 to Level 12

  • Hazard Level 2:
    • Complete the Dive
    • Equip 4 [KINETIC] weapons
    • Upgrade “Lead Storm” Powered Minigun to Level 18

  • Hazard Level 3:
    • Complete the dive
    • Collect 30 Red Sugar
    • Upgrade “Warthog” Auto 210 to Level 21

  • Hazard Level 4:
    • Complete the dive
    • Mine 2,000 blocks of Rock and Stone
    • Reach [Level] 55 with the Recon Scout

  • Hazard Level 5:
    • TBA

Magma Core

Deep Rock Galactic Survivors Biomes - Full Beginners Guide
Credit: IGN

The second biome on the list of the Deep Rock Galactic Survivors Biomes is the Magma Core. As the name suggests, this is a fire or hot biome filled with molten lava that can deal damage to your Dwarve. The floors are covered with the Hot Rock that deals damage over time and it spreads further when explosions destroy the terrain nearby, leaving more Hot Rock in its wake. The biome has a Rock Hardness level of 3 or Hard and the landing depth is 11 km – 12 km. 

Enemies or Glyphids and Hazards that you will have to face in the Magma Core biome include the typical tiny critters or alien bugs, Loot Bugs that come bearing loot and Glyphid Dreadnoughts of all types like the Elite Mactera. The main Hazard in this hot biome besides the Hot Rocks are the Exploding Plants, which are deadly. They explode or detonate when your Dwarve gets too close to them and they cause a chain reaction, tipping off the other Exploding Plants nearby which causes a massive explosion dealing lots of damage.

The Ores that typically can be found in this biome include the classic Morkite and Aquarq. Crafting materials or Ores found specifically in this biome include scarce Croppa and an abundance of Magnite. 

There are 5 different Hazard Levels in this biome and all the goals are given below in detail:

  • Hazard Level 1:
    • Complete the dive
    • Collect 20 Red Sugar
    • Reach [Level] 25 with the Gunner

  • Hazard Level 2:
    • Complete the dive
    • Collect 150 Nitra
    • Upgrade LMG Gun Platform to Level 10

  • Hazard Level 3:
    • Complete the dive
    • Mine 1,000 blocks of Rock and Stone
    • Upgrade Voltaic Stun Sweeper to Level 21

  • Hazard Level 4:
    • TBA
  • Hazard Level 5:
    • TBA

Hollow Bough

Deep Rock Galactic Survivors Biomes - Full Beginners Guide
Credit: IGN

The third and last, but definitely not the least, biome on the list of the Deep Rock Galactic Survivors Biomes is the Hollow Bough. The biome has a Rock Hardness level of 2 or Medium and the landing depth is 0.7 km – 0.8 km. This is the hardest biome to navigate in the game out of the 3 available ones because of its incredible vegetation. This biome with filled with lots of tree-like structures with lots of innocent-looking vines growing here and there. 

However, those innocent-looking vines are actually deadly voracious plants of two different types. The types of vines include the Regenerating Vines and Bloated Vines. The Regenerating Vines are brown, dry-looking vines that cover empty spaces, blocking your path. They are easy to destroy, but as the name suggests, they regenerate after some time. The Bloated Vines are more dangerous vines that are red and spikey with lots of thorns on them. They are impenetrable and getting too close to them will deal lots of damage to your Dwarve. 

Enemies or Glyphids that you will have to face in the Hollow Bough biome include the typical tiny critters or alien bugs, Loot Bugs that come bearing loot and Glyphid Dreadnoughts of all types like the Elite Mactera. The Ores that typically can be found in this biome include Morkite and Aquarq. Crafting materials or Ores found specifically in this biome include scarce Jadiz and an abundance of Bismor. 

It is advisable to use The Driller class of Dwarves in this biome to make navigation somewhat easier. There are 5 different Hazard Levels in this biome and all the goals are given below in detail:

  • Hazard Level 1:
    • Complete the dive
    • Mine 750 regenerating vines
    • Reach [Level] 30 with the Engineer

  • Hazard Level 2:
    • Complete the dive
    • Collect 100 Nitra
    • Upgrade CRSPR Flamethrower to Level 18

  • Hazard Level 3:
    • Complete the dive
    • Collect 500 Gold
    • Upgrade BRT7 Burst Fire Gun to Level 21

  • Hazard Level 4:
    • TBA

  • Hazard Level 5:
    • TBA

With that, you’re done learning all about the Deep Rock Galactic Survivors Biomes! Make sure to prep yourself adequately with the right weapons before embarking on your mining journey in these biomes. Also, make sure to check out our guide on the best classes for solo players in Deep Rock Galactic Survivors.

Deep Rock Galactic Survivors Biomes – Full Beginners Guide
The Old One
When he's not sighing at sub-standard teammates in Dota 2 and CS2, The Old One is writing about those two games (among other things). If you see his name around the site too many times for your liking, well, the guy just never stops writing. Yes, we've tried an intervention.