CoD MW3 Zombies Camo Challenges – Rare and Best Unique Camos
| Tags: Call of Duty
| Author Jordan Ashley

How can you complete all of the MW3 Zombies camo challenges? While daunting at first, most of the MW3 Zombie challenges are fairly simple to grind away at!
Modern Warfare 3 is here with tons of content to explore. One of the more fun aspects of this latest game is the return of the zombies mode. Far from just a fun distraction, the Zombies mode can be a major part of the game. The MW3 Zombies Camo Challenges are a great way to grab some extra cosmetics just from playing through the horde mode.
There are quite a few weapons in Modern Warfare 3. No matter which you’re using, it makes sense to try and unlock all the free Camos that you can. This is a great way to customize your weapon, even if you’re using a loadout that’s pretty widely popular. A camo can still personalise how you’re playing. There’s quite a few different ways to unlock MW3 Zombies Camos.
MW3 Zombies Challenges
There are a few different challenges where you’ll need to show off your zombie fighting skills. Here, we’re going to cover all of the Modern Warfare 3 Zombies Camo challenges. Each weapon has different base camo challenges, the mastery is a lot simpler though.
All MW3 Zombies Camo Challenges – Base Camos
SVA 545 Zombie Xamo Challenges
- Wayward – Get 250 kills
- Topo Ghast – Get five kills without releasing the trigger button x 20
- Sludge – Get 250 kills in medium/high threat zone
- Chaos – Get 250 kills with four perks
Holger 556
- Subterranean – 250 Kills
- Topo Gloom – 10 kills in five seconds x 10
- Palette Cyst – 250 kills in Tac Stance
- Caustic River – Get 200 critical kills
MCW – MW3 Zombies challenges
- Wyvern – 250 kills
- Vehement Rage – 10 Kills in five seconds
- Tempest Shards – 250 Hipfire kills
- Toxic Spots – Five minic kills
FR 5.56
- Puncture – 250 kills
- Digital Wildwoof – 300 kills using Platinum Camo
- Unseen Ravager – 30 Hellhound kills
- Anomaly – 250 hipsire kills
Rifles – MW3 Zombies Camo Challenges
- Reality Blur – 250 kills
- Spirit Glitch – 250 kills in medium/high threat zones
- Forest Sands – 250 kills with Frost
- Black Satin – 20 consecutive kills without taking damage x 10
- Mutated Flare – 250 kills
- Tide Surge – 10 mangler kills
- Cacophony – 200 critical kills
- Green Satin – 250 point blank kills
KVD Enforcer
- Symptomatic – 250 kills
- Palette Cursed – 10 disciple kills
- Grim Reaper – 10 kills in 5 seconds x 10
- Thanatos – 250 kills in medium/high threat zones
Katt-AMR – Modern Warfare 3 Zombies Camo Challenges
- Ruination – 250 kills
- Topo Stone – 200 critical kills
- Palette Corpse – 250 kills at rare or higher
- Dimensional Shift – 250 kills with frost
- Calamity – 250 kills
- Topo Ash – 250 kills with fire
- Palette Adjustor – 250 kills at rare or higher
- Puzzled – 200 critical kills
SMGs – MW3 Zombies challenges
- Nocuous – 250 kills
- Topo Blaze – 30 hellhound kills
- Inner Demon – 250 kills at rare
- Living Tissue – 250 kills with full attachments
WSP Swarm
- Familiar – 250 kills
- Unmarked Grave – 250 point blank kills
- Terracotta – five mimic kills
- Death Form – 250 kills in medium/high threat
- Disoriented – 250 kills
- Toxic Sands – 250 kills with frost damage
- Ferver – 20 consecutive kills without taking damage
- Torment Glitch – 250 kills with full attachments
Rival-9 – MW3 Zombies Camo Challenges
- Fading Breath – 250 kills
- Cartilage – 5 mimic kills
- Tomb Glitch – 100 kills after a field upgrade
- Cold Snap – 250 kills with toxic
Shotguns – Challenges
Lockwood 680
- Dark Sands – 250 kills
- Palette Rage – 250 hipfire kills
- Magma Beast – 250 electric kills
- Riddled – 20 consecutive kills without taking damage x 10
- Burnt Sands – 250 kills
- Below Zero – 250 kills with 4 perks active
- Palette Buried – 250 kills in medium/high threat
- Inkblot – 10 kills in five seconds x 10
Riveter – Modern Warfare 3 Zombies Camo Challenges
- Marrow Seeds – 250 kills
- Global Panic – 10 kills in 5 seconds x 10
- Palette Infected – 250 fire kills
- Melting Hope – 10 Mangler kills
LMGs – MW3 Zombies challenges
Pulemyot 762
- Dirt Filaments – 250 Kills
- Pain Glitch – 100 kills in one match
- Purple Ooze – 250 kills at rare
- Blurred Myopia – 5 Mimic Kills
- Psychedelic Ridge – 250 kills
- Topo Spirit – 250 kills in Tac Stance
- Stonework – 250 kills with rare gun
- Spectral Sight – 200 critical kills
Mastery Cameos – Modern Warfare 3 Zombies Camo Challenges
While there’s differences for the base level camos across the game, the Mastery Cameos are different. These largely have the same challenges for you to do. Every gun has the same batch of unlock conditions for this level.
The Mastery Cameos are going to take some more time. Unfortunately, they aren’t challenges where you can focus on a single weapon. The very highest level will require you to diversify! Looking at the best MW3 weapons in each category though, there’s plenty of reasons to mix things up. These are the MW3 Zombies challenges you’ll have to do for each weapon to unlock Mastery Cameos.
- Golden Enigma – Get 100 Kills and extract in a single deployment
- Zircon Scale – Get 300 Pack-A-Punch kills
- Serpentinite – Get 10 special or elite Zombies kills
- Borealis – Finish 36 of the Serpentinite Camo Challenges
Those are all of the MW3 Camo challenges. The bulk of these are basically just going to require grinding. You’ll have to play a lot of zombies to unlock the ones that you want. Having a mastery cameo tied to completing different challenges too could be a problem though. Even if you’re focusing only on guns you play, you’ll have to do the challenges for quite a few to unlock the Borealis Camo for most weapons.
This final camo will mean you’ll need to work gradually, there’s not a quick way to get 36 done! With enough time and plenty of zombies killed though, you should be able to unlock all of these MW3 Zombies camo Challenges.