CoD: aBeZy Awarded 2021 CDL Champs MVP
| Tags: Call of Duty
| Author Charlie Cater
The First Blood King takes home MVP at Champs.
Atlanta FaZe commanded the Call of Duty League in 2021 and dominated the World Championships. While Cellium picked up his first ring, Arcitys, Simp and aBeZy secured their second, and it was an all-around team performance from FaZe. However, the one standout player was aBeZy, your 2021 Champs MVP.
aBeZy – CDL 2021 Champs MVP
Tyler “aBeZy” Pharris played some exceptional Call of Duty throughout the season, and especially at Champs. A 1.11, 1.13 and 1.08 overall K/D’s at Champs saw aBeZy dominate and perform at his very best during Champs.
His constant pressure on the map saw Atlanta FaZe take over and secure the 2021 Championship. With consistent clutch plays and multi-kills, aBeZy bailed his FaZe team out of tough situations, and thoroughly deserved Champs MVP.