Claire Redfield Dead By Daylight Survivor Guide: The Heroine

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Claire Redfield Dead By Daylight Survivor Guide: The Heroine

Are you looking to learn how to play Claire Redfield like a pro? Then, take a look at our Claire Redfield Dead by Daylight Survivor guide

There are a total of 39 Survivors in Dead by Daylight’s catalog, yet none have ever come close to the experienced field medic, Claire Redfield. She is a fearless and gifted medic who faces dangers head-on to save her teammates, no matter the circumstances. She was introduced in the twenty-fifth DLC in Dead by Daylight’s history of DLCs as a legendary outfit for Jill Valentine.

The DLC was titled “CHAPTER 20: Resident Evil” and released on 15 June 2021. Naturally, it became one of the most popular DLC releases with players loving the combination of the two most popular horror video games and of course, Claire became an instant fan-favorite because of her load out. However, she has a bit of a learning curve to her special mechanics, so take a look at this Claire Redfield Dead by Daylight Survivor guide.

Claire Redfield Ultimate Dead by Daylight Survivor Guide

Claire Redfield Dead By Daylight Survivor Guide: The Heroine

Credit: Dead by Daylight Official Website

Claire Redfield is a young girl who is the sister of Chris Redfield. She is a valiant girl who chose to leave University in order to go looking for her brother, whom she has not heard from for weeks. They have a very close bond, which is the result of the siblings being the last two members of their family to exist. Not only is she valiant, but she is a savior who is willing to protect people in danger. She will do anything to save her allies from getting hurt, even if it means losing her own life in the process. She is invaluably heroic and it is very visible to her allies who admire that quality in her.

You can also Prestige this Survivor like others by leveling up the Bloodweb using Bloodpoints and getting her three unique perks in your other Survivor’s inventories when reaching Tier I, II and III respectively. It is crucial to know what perks a Survivor comes with before deciding to play with them. This is because using the load out of a Survivor properly is key to fully understanding their mechanics and playing accurately.

Hence, it is vital to have as much knowledge as possible about the Survivor before opting to play with them. For this reason, here is everything you need to know about Claire Redfield's mechanics:

Unique Perks

Here is a list of the 3 unique perks that she comes with:

  • Counterforce: This perk allows you to cleanse Totems 20% faster and you earn a stackable 20% speed bonus for cleansing further Totems. After you cleanse a Totem, you can reveal the aura for the furthest Totem for 2,3 or 4 seconds.
  • Resurgence: This perk allows you to instantly get a 40,45 or 50% gain in your healing progress after you are unhooked or unhook yourself.
  • Blast Mine: This perk allows you to place a trap on Generators after you repair them up to 50%. This trap stays active for 100, 110 or 120 seconds and when the Killer damages the Generator, it explodes halfway through, instantly blinding and stunning them along with anyone nearby. The Auras of all trapped Generators are also revealed to Survivors while the trap is active.

Best Builds

Here is a list of the 2 best builds for Claire Redfield:


Here are the perks for the Blaster build:

  • Blast Mine: This perk allows you to place a trap on Generators after you repair them up to 50%. This trap stays active for 100, 110 or 120 seconds and when the Killer damages the Generator, it explodes halfway through, instantly blinding and stunning them along with anyone nearby. The Auras of all trapped Generators are also revealed to Survivors while the trap is active.
  • Resilience: This perk grants you a 3/6/9% speed bonus for all actions you perform while in an Injured state.
  • Dead Hard: This perk allows you to dash forward after pressing the Active Ability button, which triggers the Endurance status effect for 0.5 seconds. While you are dashing forward, you can avoid all sorts of damage. When the ability deactivates, you are hit with the Exhausted status effect for 60, 50 or 40 seconds.
  • Self-Care: This perk allows you to heal yourself without a Med-Kit at 25,30 or 35% of the normal healing speed.

Totem Hunter

Here are the perks for the Totem Hunter build:

  • Counterforce: This perk allows you to cleanse Totems 20% faster and you earn a stackable 20% speed bonus for cleansing further Totems. After you cleanse a Totem, you can reveal the aura for the furthest Totem for 2,3 or 4 seconds.
  • Inner Healing: This perk allows you to automatically heal 1 full Health State when hiding inside a locker for 10, 9 or 8 seconds. It activates each time you cleanse a Totem.
  • Resilience: This perk grants you a 3,6 or 9% speed bonus for all actions you perform while in an Injured state.
  • Iron Will: This perk reduces the sound of your grunts of pain when you are injured by 25, 50 or 75%

Tips for playing Claire Redfield as a Survivor

Here are some of the best tips for playing as her in the game:

  • Use her perks to their fullest abilities, do not hesitate to rely on them. Choose your playing style based on the build you choose.
  • Lean into the stealth play style and use her special mobility skills to evade Killers easily. One of the best things you can do is crouch behind a window to avoid long-range attacks.
  • With Claire, make sure to pan your camera around and keep a look at your surroundings. Your best bet when playing with her is to help your teammates, so look sharp.
  • Use obstacles and pallets near you to prolong your chase, buy your allies more time.

Pros and Cons

Here are the pros and cons of playing with her:


  • Great stealth ability
  • High evasion potential
  • Easy way to counter Generator sabotage
  • Good for helping teammates


  • Dull without perks
  • Not good for an aggressive playstyle
  • Always the main target for Killers
  • Hard to stay uninjured

Countering Claire Redfield

Here are some perks you can use to counter Claire Redfield easily:

  • Eruption: This perk activates when you damage a Generator by highlighting all others in yellow, instantly regresses all progression by -10% and Survivors fixing the other Generators scream while revealing their aura to you for 8/10/12 seconds. It deactivates when any Survivor is put in the dying state alongside making all Generators explode and start regressing instantly.
  • Bamboozle: This perk allows you to block a window for 8,12 or 16 seconds after you Vault the window. You also get an increase in your Vaulting speed at 5, 10 or 15% which can allow you to easily catch Claire in a chase.
  • Enduring: This perk allows you to reduce your Pallet stun duration by 40, 45 or 50% which can let you prolong a chase.


Check out our Rebecca Chambers Survivor guide and stay tuned out for other guides in the future.

Claire Redfield Dead By Daylight Survivor Guide: The Heroine
Who knew combining a love for cheesy one-liners and Valorant would lead to a writing career?