Best Games Like Elden Ring

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Best Games Like Elden Ring

Elden Ring has been a huge success since its launch, reaching huge sales figures. This is thanks to the fact that FromSoftware has changed the game structure slightly compared to other soulslikes, creating an explorable open world structure. For this reason, therefore, many have wondered which games like Elden Ring they can play after seeing everything possible in the game created by the Japanese company and also to pass the time before the DLC, which has been officially announced. In this article, therefore, we will provide you with a list of games like Elden Ring that you should definitely try (in case you haven't).

How did we choose these games like Elden Ring?

To be honest, we didn't decide to use very stringent parameters to create this selection of games like Elden Ring. In fact, in the following list, there are non-soulslike titles and non-open world titles, which, for one reason or another, we have nevertheless decided to include in this list, also to make it as varied as possible and to give the possibility for more players to find the right game.

Dark Souls

We cannot fail to include the Dark Souls series in such a list. Anyone who has played Elden Ring but hasn't yet had the chance to play the Dark Souls trilogy should definitely consider it. Probably many of you have already played these three games (also created by FromSoftware), but we are sure that among you there are those who haven't yet. In fact, Elden Ring was, in reality, the first soulslike game played by many people, captured by its open world structure.

If you are among those who loved the world of Elden Ring, know that all three chapters of the Dark Souls saga have a lot in common in terms of atmosphere. They are both dark, and with the presence of castles, catacombs, and dungeons to explore to find objects (and also enemies to defeat). Furthermore, we can also say that the gameplay has many points in common and there are game mechanics with which you will already be familiar.

games like elden ring

Lords of the Fallen (2023)

Lords of the Fallen is the sequel/reboot of the title of the same name released in 2014, which, although it should have been rewarded for trying to take the structure of the souls and create its own, did not entirely succeed in its aim and, today, is a product that can easily be overlooked, especially after the release of the new version in 2023. However, in case you are curious to also try the original title, you can still do so, although we warn you that there are several problems that have never been resolved.

The Lords of the Fallen, released in 2023, however, despite some initial technical problems that made the gaming experience not as smooth as expected, is a completely different product that is worth playing. Although it does not have an open world structure like Elden Ring, it is a game that still has points of contact with it, and not only because it falls into the soulslike genre. This, as well as others, is present in this list of games like Elden Ring for its settings and its dark fantasy atmospheres, which are very reminiscent of those of the FromSoftware game.

games like elden ring

Monster Hunter: World

Purists will be surprised to see Monster Hunter: World on this list, but we can tell you that, in some ways, it's certainly no outsider. Elden Ring puts the player in front of memorable boss fights in terms of both difficulty and grandeur, and Monster Hunter: World is no different. If you love complex boss fights and need a good strategy to complete them, Capcom's game is certainly an excellent choice for you.

In fact, in the game, you will be called to fight against large creatures that will give you a real hard time but that will be truly satisfying to defeat once you understand how to do it. Obviously, the approaches to use will be different for the creatures and it is the same thing that also happens in Elden Ring. The difference lies in the fact that in Monster Hunter: World, in addition to not being an open world, you will have the opportunity to fight directly against these creatures without having to defeat a myriad of enemies along the way. If you love epic boss fights, Monster Hunter: World could definitely be for you.

games like elden ring


Both Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor and Middle-earth: Shadow of War are two experiences that any RPG lover should consider, even if they aren't fans of The Lord of the Rings. Both games are real gems that have gone a little unnoticed but which should still be taken into consideration today, especially for some innovative game mechanics for their release period, namely the Nemesis System.

Obviously, from the point of view of pure gameplay, there are not many points of contact with Elden Ring since they are not soulslikes, but both games will give you the possibility of a vast exploration of the game world and of having to deal with some settings and dark fantasy atmospheres typical of The Lord of the Rings. So, if you are looking for a basically simpler experience that is able to arouse the same emotions in terms of settings and atmospheres, these two games like Elden Ring could be for you.

games like elden ring

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

Who doesn't know Skyrim? Even if you have never had the opportunity to play him, you surely know of his existence. Skyrim is a product that can be defined as something more than just a game and people have enjoyed playing it for years and years, in all its versions. Although the gameplay is not that close to that of Elden Ring, we decided to include Skyrim in this list for its freedom of exploration and for its settings and atmospheres, which are in many ways similar to those of FromSoftware's game.

Since its release is much earlier than that of Elden Ring and the other games like Elden Ring on this list, we cannot help but think that the other games took Skyrim as inspiration (even if not totally, but in part). Bethesda's game is certainly a timeless work that will continue to have a very active community, especially as regards the PC one, with many modders who, even today, create a myriad of mods, some of which also manage to make the gameplay more similar to that of a soulslike.

games like elden ring

Best Games Like Elden Ring
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.