Baldur’s Gate 3 Classes: The Paladin Class and Subclasses Guide
| Tags: Features
| Author Diana D'Estefano
In a game like Baldur's Gate 3, choosing the class that most closely matches your playing style is essential. You might find, for example, that you use some skills more often than others or that some races are more closely associated with particular classes than others. We have decided to give you a comprehensive overview of the Paladin class in this article after our analysis of the Bard class so that you are aware of its distinctive qualities in Baldur's Gate 3.
The Paladin class overview
There are twelve classes to choose from in Baldur's Gate 3, including the Paladin class. A Paladin's finest saving throw skills are Wisdom and Charisma, while their strongest talent is Strength. Additionally, they have a 1d10 Hit Dice. They are adept with a variety of tools, including basic weapons, martial weapons, all armors, and shields.
Paladins are a ray of hope in gloomy times because you are driven by the oaths they took to protect justice and righteousness. This class is perfect for anyone who wants a class that can combine fight-oriented gameplay with some attributes tied to other classes that do not have strength as one of their main abilities.
The Paladin class features
We have compiled a list of all the features you will have access to if you decide to begin your Baldur's Gate 3 adventure as a member of the Paladin class in order to provide you a better knowledge of Baldur's Gate 3 Paladin class and all the benefits it offers.
- Proficiency in Wisdom Saving Throws: Increase Wisdom Saving Throws by your Proficiency Bonus.
- Proficiency in Charisma Saving Throws: Increase Charisma Saving Throws by your Proficiency bonus.
- Proficiency with Light Armor: Wearing Light Armor won't give you a disadvantage in combat or stop you from casting spells.
- Proficiency with Medium Armor: Wearing Medium Armor won't give you a disadvantage in combat or stop you from casting spells.
- Proficiency in Heavy Armor: Wearing Heavy Armor won't give you a disadvantage in combat or stop you from casting spells.
- Shield Proficiency: Wearing a shield won't give you a disadvantage in combat or stop you from casting spells.
- Simple Weapon Proficiency: When making attacks with simple weapons, add your proficiency bonus.
- Proficiency with Martial Weapons: Increase all attacks made with Martial Weapons by your Proficiency Bonus.
- Charges for Channel Oath: 1
The Paladin subclasses
The four subclasses of The Paladin are available for users to select in Baldur's Gate 3. Subclasses are variants of the main class that enable players to gain abilities and characteristics exclusive to that subclass while still taking advantage of the benefits of their parent class, even if they decide to choose a different course. The Paladin is capable of joining the following subclasses:
- Oath of Devotion
- Holy Rebuke: You can use your Oath to grant an ally a vengeful aura that causes 1d4 Radiant Damage to any melee attackers who touch them.
- Oath of Ancients
- Healing Radiance: Invoke your Oath to allow nature to heal all of your allies nearby.
- Oath of Vengeance
- Channel Divinity: At level 3, you receive the following two Channel Divinity options when you take this pledge.
- Abjure Enemy: You utter a prayer of condemnation while channeling your channel divinity as you present your holy emblem. Pick a creature that is visible to you and is within 60 feet of you. Unless it has a fear immunity, that creature must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. This saving throw is unfair to fiends and the undead. If the creature fails the save, it is terrified for a minute or until it sustains damage, whichever comes first. The creature's speed is zero while it is scared, and no speed bonuses are available to it. The speed of the creature is reduced by half for a minute after making a successful save, or until the creature sustains damage.
- Vow of Enmity: You can use your Channel Divinity to utter a vow of enmity as a bonus action against a creature that you can see that is within 10 feet of you. For one minute, or until the creature loses all of its health points or becomes unconscious, you get the advantage on attack rolls made against it.
- Relentless Avenger: At level 7, your supernatural focus allows you to block an enemy's retreat. You can move up to half your speed as part of the same response after hitting a creature with an opportunity attack, and you can move up to that speed only once. No opportunity attacks are sparked by this maneuver.
- Channel Divinity: At level 3, you receive the following two Channel Divinity options when you take this pledge.
- Oathbreaker
- Spiteful Suffering: Put a foe in the depths of your inner darkness. Each turn, the target sustains 1d4+3 necrotic damage, and attacks made against it are advantageous.
- Control Undead: Gain control of an undead creature by utilizing the strength of your Oath.
- Dreadful Aspect: Allow your deepest feelings to come to the surface as a sinister pulse to frighten nearby foes.