All the Like a Dragon Gaiden Quiz Answers

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All the Like a Dragon Gaiden Quiz Answers

What are the correct Like a Dragon Gaiden quiz answers? In Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name, in addition to taking part in the main story, you can also complete secondary missions, as in all the other episodes of the series. In particular, one of these missions is the one linked to the informant, which, once activated, will start a series of secondary missions. In order to continue, you will have to give the correct answer to some questions. In this article, therefore, we will tell you what the Like a Dragon Gaiden quiz answers are that you will have to give in order to continue.

How to start the Quizzy Quester mission

Before we get into the heart of the matter, it is good to give some preliminary information so that you can better understand how the various game mechanics of Like a Dragon Gaiden work. In fact, in this new chapter of the series, the way to start these secondary missions is different from the previous ones. Now, you don't just have to interact with NPCs or get unlocked; you have to take the Akame Network into consideration.

The Akame Network is nothing more than a hub where you can track your progress, both in terms of missions and special requests you will receive from Akame. To be able to identify these missions, all you have to do is look for a white exclamation mark on the map. As you complete these missions, you will level up and have the possibility to take part in ever-changing missions, as well as having the possibility to buy items from Akame's hideout.

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Now that you know how the side quest system works in Like a Dragon Gaiden, it's time you also knew how to start the “Challenge to the Informant” mission. In order to start this series of missions in which your knowledge of Sotenbori will be tested through quizzes, you will have to head to a building located in the southwest at the intersection of Bishop Bridge and Sotenbori Footpath. You won't be able to get confused, as you will see the white exclamation mark on it.

Once you enter the building, you will have the opportunity to arrive in a small office where there is a man named Quizzy Quester. Interact with him, talk to him, and agree to take part in his challenge to start this series of missions in which you will have to give the correct Like a Dragon Gaiden quiz answers in order to proceed. In all, there are six quizzes that you will have to take, each of which will have a single question that you will have to answer. It is very important that you give the correct answer immediately, as you will earn 10 thousand yen as a reward.

like a dragon gaiden quiz answers

All correct Like a Dragon Gaiden quiz answers

The thing to know, first of all, is that even if you don't select the correct answer, this won't stop you from completing the mission. It is not possible to fail this mission, but it is still recommended, for the reason we explained before, to guess the correct answer to the question on the first try. For this reason, in this guide, we will provide you with all the Like a Dragon Gaiden quiz answers that you will have to use to pass all the missions without any kind of problem.

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Quiz answer #1

  • Question: What’s the shop in Sotenbori that sells okonomiyaki called?
  • Answer: Hiratai

Quiz answer #2

  • Question: There’s a place in southeast Sotenbori called Ashitaba Park. If ya got a bird’s eye view of it, what shape would it be?
  • Answer: A triangle

Quiz answer #3

  • Question: Above the entrance to Club SEGA, there’s a billboard of one o’ the seven lucky gods—the warrior-king Bishamonten. What’s he wearin’ on his head?
  • Answer: A helmet

Quiz answer #4

  • Question: What type of onigiri is not sold at the three Poppo stores in Sotenbori?
  • Answer: Plum

Quiz answer #5

  • Question: What’s the most expensive booze ya can drink here in Sotenbori?
  • Answer: Black Champagne

Quiz answer #6

  • Question: There’s a certain karaoke bar in Shofukucho with a woman’s name. It’s called New… what?
  • Answer: Momoko

like a dragon gaiden quiz answers

All the Like a Dragon Gaiden Quiz Answers
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.