Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible Boss Guide, TLDR Edition

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Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible Boss Guide, TLDR Edition

Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible, is bringing 9 new bosses for players to defeat in patch 10.1. That is a lot of mechanics to learn. To help you out here is the quick TLDR on every boss in Aberrus to prepare for every fight quickly.

Below are our TLDR guides for every boss. For a more detailed look at each of them, head to the end of each bosses TLDR guide for a full write up on each. Guides were first published during PTR raid testing and will be updated as PTR continues and the raid is live.

Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible Boss Guide – TLDR

TLDR Kazzara the Hellforged Boss Guide

Kazzara the Hellforged


  • Players targeted by Dread Rift move away from the raid to drop the Molten Scar to the side of the room.
  • Players fixated by Rays of Anguish should kite it away from others, these rays leave a Molten Scar on the ground.
  • Watch positioning during Wings of Extinction as this ability does a knockback.
  • Avoid Hellbeam frontal and do not stand in any ground effects.
  • On heroic and up Rays of Anguish need to be kited through Dread Rifts to despawn them.
  • On mythic Rays of Anguish that touch Molten Scars deal heavy raid wide damage.



  • Be ready for raid-wide damage when Kazzara hits 70%, 50%, and 30% health.
  • After an armor break, Kazzara pulsates raid-wide damage for the rest of the fight. This increases in frequency every time her armor breaks.
  • Be ready for raid-wide damage during Wings of Extinction.
  • On mythic be ready for heavy raid-wide damage if a player kites a Ray of Anguish over a Molten Scar.

You can read the full guide here.

TLDR Amalgamation Chamber Boss Guide

The Amalgamation Chamber

This fight starts with two bosses, the Essence of Shadow and Eternal Blaze. When one boss reaches 50% health they merge into the Shadowflame Amalgamation.

You can read the full guide here.

TLDR Essence of Shadow Boss Guide


  • Players should only be within 50yds of one boss to avoid getting hit by abilities from both bosses.
  • Run away from Coalescing Void ASAP.
  • Umbral Detonation is cast on random players, this spawns a pool when it expires. This should be dropped near the sides of the room.
  • Do not get hit by purple orbs on heroic and mythic.
  • On mythic players with Corrupting Shadow that touch players with Blazing Heat will trigger Volatile Shadowflame. This is a dot that increases the damage they take and deals damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds, this effect stacks. The stacks applied will be equal to the player's stacks of Corrupting Shadow or Blazing Heat. This removes all applications of Blazing Heat and Corrupting Shadow, and is the only way to remove these effects.


  • Use active mitigation for Shadow Spike.
  • On heroic and mythic Essence of Shadow and Eternal Blaze must be 25 yds apart at all times or their damage is increased by 200%.


  • Watch stacks of Corrupting Shadow which is applied every 5 seconds for 20 seconds. This reduces a player’s maximum health by 1% and makes them take shadow damage every 5 seconds. This increases in intensity with each stack.
  • Top off players with Umbral Detonation before it expires.


  • The bosses should be damaged evenly since they merge once one hits 50% health.

TLDR Eternal Blaze Boss Guide




  • Watch stacks of Blazing Heat, this dot deals fire damage every second and increases in intensity with each stack.
  • Be ready to heal up players that soak Fiery Meteor.

TLDR Shadowflame Amalgamation Boss Guide

This boss combines both boss abilities.


  • 5 or more players stack on the player targeted by Gloom Conflagaration, then everyone run out from the effect that follows ASAP.
  • Players with Blistering Twilight should move out of the group, when the debuff expires it will drop a pool on the ground and flames will shoot out of the player.
  • On Heroic and Mythic one player must soak each circle spawned by Convergent Eruption. After the soak players will want to run away ASAP to avoid orbs moving towards them.
  • On Mythic half of the raid will be marked with Corrupting Shadow and the other half will be marked with Blazing Heat. Players will need to clear their stacks by running into each other to prevent the effects from becoming deadly.



  • The boss puts Shadowflame Contamination on all players every 10 seconds which reduces their maximum health by 1% and deals damage every 2 seconds, this effect increases in intensity with each stack.
  • Be ready to heal up players that soak Gloom Conflagaration.

TLDR The Forgotten Experiments Boss Guide

The Forgotten Experiments

This is a 3 boss fight but players will only face one boss at a time so it is not a cleave fight. On Mythic the next boss will join the fight when the current boss reaches 50% health.

TLDR Neldris Boss Guide



  • All three bosses have the same tank mechanic called Infused Strikes. This causes their melee attacks to put a stacking dot on their target that deals damage every second. The only way to clear this dot is to touch another player with Infused Strikes. Tanks should be careful about when to clear, because doing so causes an Infused Explosion that deals raid-wide damage. 


  • Be ready for raid-wide damage when Infused Explosion goes off, this also applies a dot to all players.
  • Spot heal players that have the Rending Charge bleed. On Mythic this bleed never expires. 
  • Be ready to heal up players that are too close to the boss when Bellowing Roar goes off.  

TLDR Thadrion Boss Guide



  • Coordinate dispels of Unstable Essence with your team, every time this is dispelled it deals raid-wide damage and then is applied to a random player again. Healers will need to manage this dot for the rest of the fight even after Thadrion is killed. On heroic and mythic when Unstable Essence is dispelled it spawns an Erratic Remnant. 
  • Erratic Remnants will occasionally deal arcane damage to all players.
  • Be ready for raid-wide damage during Violent Eruption. On heroic and mythic each Erratic Remnant will also deal raid-wide damage during Violent Eruption.  


  • On heroic and mythic kill Erratic Remnants ASAP.  

TLDR Rionthus Boss Guide


  • Move out of the way when he casts Deep Breath.
  • Do not let Temporal Anomaly reach the boss by running into it to knock it away. On Mythic, touching the Temporal Anomaly applies a debuff so players should take turns knocking it back.
  • Players targeted by Disintegrate should move away from others. 


  • Focus heal players targeted by Disintegrate. 

You can read the full boss guide here.

TLDR Assault of the Zaqali Boss Guide

Warlord Kagni

This is a fight that takes place on top of a wall of Aberrus, there are two battlements on the right side and the Elder’s Door is on the left. Players will need to prevent adds from reaching the door throughout the fight. The raid will need to make two groups and assign them to a battlement as adds will continuously spawn on both.   


  • Avoid getting hit by any ground effects, none of them are good.
  • Pick up rubble and take it to the yellow arrows, use the extra action button to throw it off the battlements to reduce the amount of adds that spawn.
  • Players targeted by Blazing Spear should run out of the group to drop the spear, then come back in.
  • In phase 2 players should stay spread when Flaming Cudgel is cast.
  • All players need to help soak Catastrophic Slam in phase 2, on heroic this applies a debuff so the raid should split into two groups and each group takes turns soaking.  
  • On heroic look out for Obsidian Guards shooting a beam from their shields with Volcanic Shield.
  • On mythic pheonix adds spawn, when killed they will turn to ash and respawn after a certain amount of time. Players will either cc the phoenix adds and ignore them, or cleave them down depending on how much health they have.


  • The boss is Warden Kagni and needs to be tanked the entire fight.
  • Pick up all the adds so none of them attack the Elder’s Door.
  • Tanks need to face Heavy Cudgel away from the group and swap at 2-3 stacks.
  • The off-tank should pick up any stray adds that spawn so they don’t kill other players.  
  • In phase 2 the Heavy Cudgel turns into Flaming Cudgel. Works pretty much the same as it did in phase 1 with the addition of now doing raid wide damage.


  • Be ready for raid wide damage, and a raid-wide dot called Barrier Backfire, if the adds attack the Elder’s Door. On heroic the dot applied when the Elder’s Door is attacked will be permanent.
  • The Magma Mystic’s Magma Shield will pulsate damage every 4 seconds and increases in intensity with each pulse until the DPS break it.
  • Look out for the Obsidian Guard’s Scorching Roar, this deals heavy damage.
  • On Mythic watch for Vigorous Gale from Ignara the phoenix which does pulsing nature damage.
  • In phase 2 be ready for raid-wide damage after every cast of Flaming Cudgel.
  • When the boss gains Ignara’s Fury he will pulsate damage every 4.5 seconds.
  • Heal up players soaking Catastrophic Slam, the fewer players that soak the more damage that everyone takes.  


  • Break the Magma Mystic’s shield ASAP and dps adds when possible. If the boss is in the area then cleave off the boss.  

You can read the full boss guide here.

TLDR Rashok the Elder Boss Guide

Rashok the Elder


  • Players targeted by Searing Slam need to take it to the wall of the room to drop a Lava Vortex. Make sure not to overlap Searing Slam with a Lava Vortex or it will do high raid-wide damage.
  • On Mythic players with Searing Slam will want to stand near an orb of Shadowflame Energy to get rid of it before it touches the ground.
  • Avoid the magma waves that spawn from Lava Vortexes.
  • Players should stack on the area targeted by Charged Smash to evenly split the damage and reduce how much energy Rashok gains.
  • Doom Flames will spawn several circles, each circle must be soaked by a player to avoid raid wide damage.
  • Avoid the Shadowlava Blast frontal.
  • Avoid the swirls that spawn when Rashok’s energy is being drained. 


  • Tank the boss away from the middle of the room which is shown by a circle spell effect.
  • Rashok’s tank buster is a combo attack. He will cast some combination of Flaming Slash twice then Earthen Crush, or Flaming Slash, Earthen Crush, then Flaming Slash. The off tank should taunt ASAP after the first Flaming Slash to prevent the other tank from getting killed.
  • Bring the boss to the middle of the room before he hits 100 energy or he will wipe the raid.
  • Once his energy has been drained take Rashok out of the middle ASAP or he will instantly gain 100 energy and wipe the raid. Rashok's energy can only be drained 3 times.   


  • When a lot of Lava Vortexes are out watch the player with Searing Slam as they will take damage based on how many Lava Vortexes there are.
  • When Rashok is brought to the middle of the room he casts Scorching Heatwave. This pulsates Shadowflame damage to all players.
  • On heroic Scorching Heatwave applies a stack of Scorched Flesh, which permanently increases the damage players take from Scorching Heatwave by 2% per stack. Be ready for heavy damage as these stacks increase.
  • On Mythic, Rashok will cast Unleash Shadowflame which will deal raid-wide damage and spawn orbs of Shadowflame Energy that will explode after 15 seconds. When an orb explodes it deals Shadowflame damage to all players, increases damage taken from Shadowflame Energy by 1,000% and puts an absorb shield on everyone. Healers should coordinate CDs to remove this shield ASAP. 

TLDR The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn Boss Guide

The Vigilant Steward Zskarn


  • The area is covered in inactive Dragonfire Traps that Zskarn will occasionally activate. Players need to avoid getting near active traps which emit a lava pool.
  • Pick up parts from defeated Dragonfire Golems to deactivate Dragonfire Traps and free up more room in the encounter area.
  • Get away from the activated dragon statues during Tactical Destruction ASAP.
  • Players need to position carefully before Blast Wave goes off, since this ability will knockback all players.
  • On heroic, some players will get the Unstable Embers dot, this puts a circle on the player and will deal damage to anyone in it.
  • On mythic, players with Unstable Embers will have Elimination Protocol cast at them. Arrows below the boss show the direction the Elimination Protocol beams will take. Players with Unstable Embers should stand still so others can avoid getting hit by Elimination Protocol.  


  • Move the boss throughout the fight to avoid active Dragonfire Traps and Dragon Statues.
  • The main tank buster mechanic is Searing Claws. This deals fire damage and puts a dot on the target that deals fire damage every 0.5 seconds for 6 seconds. More testing is needed to know when the best time to swap would be. 
  • Zskarn will occasionally spawn Shrapnel Bombs that the off tank should detonate ASAP. Defensives need to be used for this as the bombs hit hard and apply a dot that deals damage every second for 8 seconds.  


  • Be ready for raid wide damage during Blast Wave.
  • Watch the tank’s health when they go to detonate Shrapnel Bombs.
  • If a Shrapnel Bomb does go off it will deal heavy raid-wide damage and put a hard-hitting dot on everyone that deals damage every second for 10 seconds.
  • On heroic some players will get Unstable Embers, which deals fire damage to them every second for 10 seconds, make sure to keep an eye on these players.
  • On mythic Zskarn will cast Elimination Protocol on all players with Unstable Embers, these players must be topped off before the ability goes off.  


  • Ranged dps should switch to Dragonfire Golems that spawn to prevent them from activating more traps. Melee dps can help out if the golem is near the boss.
  • DPS should interrupt golems casting Activate Dragonfire Trap. On Mythic, golems will gain Reinforced Defenses at 50% health, or when at full energy, making them immune to all CC.

TLDR Magmorax Boss Guide



  • Players targeted by Molten Spittle should get away from the boss and other players, when the dot expires the player drops a Magma Puddle that slowly grows in size.
  • To get rid of Magma Puddles, one player needs to soak it until it disappears, doing this applies a stacking dot called Searing Heat.
  • Make sure to position correctly before Overpowering Stomp to avoid getting knocked off the platform.
  • Avoid the Blazing Breath frontal.
  • On heroic if a player gets 20 stacks of Searing Heat they will die.
  • On mythic Magma Puddles cannot be fully removed, only reduced in size. 
  • On mythic one player with Molten Spittle will have Explosive Magama applied. Some players need to help soak this effect to split the damage evenly among them. Any players that help soak will get a debuff increasing their fire damage taken by 200% for 15 seconds. The Magma Puddle left behind will be reduced in size based off how many players were hit. 


  • Always keep the boss away from Magma Puddles to prevent him from getting Blazing Tantrum.
  • The tank buster is Incinerating Maws which deals physical damage and puts a stackable dot on his target that deals fire damage every 1.5 seconds, and increases the fire damage the player takes by 50% for 30 seconds. Depending on the frequency of his casts, tanks may need to switch at 1-2 stacks.  


  • Spot heal players soaking Magma Puddles.
  • Be ready for raid wide damage during Igniting Roar and Overpowering Stomp.
  • If the boss gains Blazing Tantrum, be ready for raid-wide damage every second. 

TLDR Echo of Neltharion Boss Guide

Echo of Neltharion

This is a long fight with several phases. Each phase has unique abilities so let’s break it down phase by phase.  

Phase 1 


  • Twisted Earth will spawn walls around the area, these walls block line of sight so the raid needs to make sure not to get split up by this.
  • Players targeted by Rushing Darkness need to stand near a wall to break it.
  • Avoid standing in any ground effects.
  • On mythic, players with Volcanic Heart must line of sight themselves from the entire raid. Anyone in line of sight of someone with Volcanic Heart will take massive damage and get a hard hitting dot. 


  • Calamitous Strike should be aimed at the walls to break them. This is the tank buster and applies a debuff that increases physical damage taken by 200% for 25 seconds. Tanks should swap after each application.
  • Tanks need to position the boss near the sides of the room, or adjust as they go, to make sure Echoing Fissure does not block the majority of the room.  


  • Every time a wall is broken the raid has Shatter applied, this is a 6 second dot. This effect can stack so if multiple walls are broken the raid will have higher stacks.
  • Watch the health of players with Volcanic Heart and Rushing Darkness.
  • Echoing Fissure does raid wide damage when the cast finishes.
  • At 70% health Neltharion will cast Surrender to Corruption dealing shadow damage every second throughout the cast and then a big burst of damage when the channel ends.   

Phase 2 

This phase starts after Neltharion casts Surrender to Corruption, this cast will corrupt random players in the raid.  


  • Players will still need to break walls in this phase and avoid ground effects.
  • On heroic players that are corrupted will be hostile to allies. The group should make sure to not attack these players, they are not mind controlled and are the raids only hope of killing the adds in this phase. When an add's shield is broken the corruption is removed. 
  • If Neltharion reaches 40% health while the Voice from Beyond adds are still casting Empower Shadows he will gain a shield that reduces his damage taken by 99%.


  • Tank buster changes to Sunder Shadow and Shadow Strike. Sunder Shadow deals physical damage and forces the player into their shadow. While controlling their shadow the player is incoporeal and can move through Twisted Earth. Then Netharion will cast Shadow Strike, striking the player’s body and hurling it towards their shadow. The player will receive their bodies missing health as shadow damage and get a debuff that increases their damage taken from Sunder Shadow by 300% for 40 seconds. Tanks need to use this to break Twisted Earth and give the raid access to the Voice from Beyond adds. 


  • Volcanic Heart and Shatter dots still occur in this phase.
  • Heal up the tank ASAP after they get hit by Sunder Shadow.
  • When a Voice from Beyond is brought into reality it will pulsate raid wide damage with Ruptured Veil every 6 seconds until killed.
  • Umbral Annihilation deals heavy raid wide damage and gives Neltharion a permanent buff that increases his next Umbral Annihilation by 100%.  


  • Focus down one Voice from Beyond add at a time to break their damage absorb shield. Once their shield has been broken they are pulled into reality.
  • On heroic the corrupted players are the only ones who can attack the Voice from Beyond adds while their shield is active.  

Phase 3 

Once all Voice from Beyond adds have been killed phase 3 will start. 


  • Players need to balance how much of the wall they destroy because Neltharion will turn part of the wall into portals with Sunder Reality.
  • Rushing Darkness is still cast in this phase.
  • When Neltharion casts Ebon Destruction stand on a portal to take 99% reduced damage. Otherwise stay away from the portals because they reduce the damage players do by 99%. Any portals players are in when Ebon Destruction goes off despawn.
  • On Mythic each portal can only protect one player. 


  • Tank buster is the same as in phase 1, use it to break walls. Off tank should pick up all the Twisted Aberration adds so they do not kill other players. 


  • Shatter is still applied in this phase when walls break.
  • Players standing on portals will take shadow damage every 1.5 seconds. 


  • Twisted Aberration adds will need to be cleaves so the raid does not get overrun.
  • On heroic these adds gain a stacking buff every 8 seconds that increases their damage by 50% per stack. This can become deadly if the adds are ignored, adds with higher stacks should be prioritized.  

TLDR Scalecommander Sarkareth 

While Sarkareth is not available for testing we can still read about some of his abilities in the dungeon journal. Keep in mind not all his mechanics may be in the journal yet, and everything is subject to change. Before getting into the phases you need to know about a mechanic that is active in all 3. 

There is a passive effect active in all phases called Oblivion. Any player struck by a Void ability gains a stack of Oblivion. This deals damage every second for 25 seconds and can stack. At 10 stacks the player will be moved to the Emptiness Between Stars. Here the player must quickly pick up their mind fragments to get back to the boss room or they will die. There will be Astral Flares around the player can also pick up to gain a stacking buff that increases their haste by 5% and movement speed by 10% per stack for 18 seconds.  

On Mythic there is an added effect called Dimensional Puncture. Players that enter the Emptiness Between Stars create a hole through reality for 3 minutes. Players entering this hole will die. I imagine this creates a large void in the encounter area. Players will need to make sure when they hit 10 stacks they do not transition on this deadly void. Now let’s take a look at the phase specific mechanics.  

Phase 1 


  • Make sure you are in a safe spot when Oppressing Howl goes off, this is a knockback. May put a permanent debuff on players called Oppressing Howl.
  • Mass Disintegrate targets random players and then shoots a beam at them, avoid standing in this beam. If hit by Mass Disintegrate with the Oppressing Howl debuff the player will gain Disintegrated. This reduces movement speed and deals arcane damage every 5 seconds.
  • Avoid Searing Breath frontal which will deal damage and apply a dot to anyone hit. If hit by Searing Breath with the Oppressing Howl debuff the player will gain Seared, this deals fire damage every second.
  • If hit by Glittering Surge with the Oppressing Howl debuff the player will be afflicted with Dazzled and stunned for 12 seconds and pulsate raid wide damage.
  • Players with Scorching Bombs should move away from others and drop the bomb to the side of the platform, it will create Burning Ground where it explodes.
  • On heroic Drifting Embers occasionally fall into the area, this will most likely be a ground effect that is easy to avoid.
  • On mythic Oppressing Howl will apply 2 stacks, Searing Breath and Mass Disintegrate can each remove one application.
  • Another mythic effect is that Scorching Bombs will also leave behind a Dimensional Puncture. 


  • The tank buster is called Burning Claws. The tank will take physical damage and additional fire damage every second for 27 seconds, this effect stacks. When it expires it will cause a Blazing Blast, dealing 12% of the total fire damage taken by the player to all players. 


  • If any players are hit by Mass Disintegrate, Searing Breath, or Glittering Surge while afflicted with the Oppressing Howl debuff they will deal shadow damage to the entire raid.
  • Spot heal players targeted by Mass Disintegrate. The marked players may be able to dodge this ability but hard to tell from the description in the journal.
  • Glittering Surge deals arcane damage to all players every second for 8 seconds. Dazzled will make the effected player deal heavy raid wide damage every second for 12 seconds, could cause a wipe if this happens.
  • When a Scorching Bomb detonates it deals raid wide fire damage, and puts a dot on all players. 
  • The dot applied by Searing Breath can be dispelled. (Seared cannot be dispelled).

Phase 2 

Sarkareth will gain void abilities in this phase. 


  • Ebon Might is a passive he has that increases the damage and movement speed of allies by 15% every time Sarkareth casts a spell. At 10 stacks his allies will become immune to CC and interrupts.
  • Players marked with Void Bomb should move out of the raid to drop the bomb. When it expires it deals raid wide damage with Void Surge and leaves behind a Void Fracture. These Void Fractures should be absorbed by a player who almost has 10 stacks of Oblivion so they can get sent to the Emptiness Between the Stars and avoid triggering a second Void Surge.
  • Avoid Abyssal Breath which targets an area of the encounter space. This will spawn an add called Null Glimmer. On mythic it spawns an additional add called Empty Recollection.
  • Stay away from Desolate Blossoms which are bulbs of void energy.
  • On heroic players with Infinite Duress should position accordingly to get ready to be dispelled.
  • On mythic Void Bombs will leave behind a Dimensional Puncture when it detonates. 


  • The tank buster turns into Void Claws which inflicts physical damage. Also puts a dot on the player that deals shadow damage every 3 seconds, and reduces all healing by 25% for 18 seconds. This effect can stack and triggers Void Blast on Expiration. This deals 25% of the total shadow damage taken from Void Claws to all players within 20 yds.
  • On Mythic an Empty Recollection add will also spawn after Abyssal Breath, this add needs to be tanked. It casts a tank buster called Empty Strike, this ignores armor, inflicts physical damage, and increases the player’s damage taken by 25% for 12 seconds. This effect stacks. 


  • When a Void Bomb explodes it triggers Void Surge which deals raid wide damage every second for 4 seconds.
  • Watch the Blasting Scream cast, if it goes off it interrupts all spellcasting and deals raid wide damage.
  • If any player is hit by a Desolate Blossom they will gain a healing absorb shield.
  • On heroic Infinite Duress will be applied to random players, this is a hard hitting dot so watch players with this dot carefully. When it is dispelled, or expires, it will erupt dealing damage to all players and knocking them back.
  • On mythic look out for the Empty Recollection add casting Cosmic Volley, if this goes off it deals raid wide damage. 


  • Kill the Null Glimmer add that spawns when Abyssal Breath is cast.
  • Interrupt the Null Glimmer’s Blasting Scream cast.
  • Prioritize adds that have high stacks of Ebon Might if needed.
  • On heroic Null Glimmers can cast Rescind which restores 20% of their max health every second. This cannot be interrupted, so Null Glimmers probably casts this at low health and players must quickly burn down the add before it finishes the cast.
  • On Mythic DPS should switch to Empty Recollection adds as well and interrupt all Cosmic Volley casts. This add can also cast Rescind.  

Phase 3 


  • Void Bombs continue to happen in this phase.
  • Players should watch their positioning during Comic Ascension to avoid being knocked into other effects.
  • Avoid void images of Sarkareth that rush towards random players.
  • Cosmic Ascension will create Astral Formations that can be used to protect players from Scouring Eternity. Players must quickly move away from the formations as Scouring Enternity will cause them to explode, dealing damage and knocking back any players within 10 yds.
  • Embrace of Nothingness is a soak mechanic that deals damage split evenly among all players hit. A black hole will then form that pulls in any nearby Astral Formations, all players need to move out of this before it erupts.
  • Avoid getting hit by any ground effects.
  • On heroic Infinite Duress is still active in this phase. 


  • The tank buster is now Void Slash which is a frontal cone. This deals physical damage and places a dot on the player that deals shadow damage every 3 seconds, and reduces healing received by 25% for 18 seconds. When it expires it triggers a Void Blast like in phase 2. 


  • Be ready for raid wide damage when Cosmic Ascension hits.
  • If not enough players stack for Embrace of Nothingness then be ready for heavy damage.
  • On heroic and mythic continue to coordinate dispels of Infinite Duress. 

There is the TLDR on all the bosses in Aberrus coming in patch 10.1. If you want to read a detailed explanation of each fight check out the other guides on our website. 

Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible Boss Guide, TLDR Edition
Victoria Crego
Victoria has a passion not only for playing games but teaching others how to beat them. After all nothing is worse than getting stuck because you missed a clue, or the game is unclear on what players must do next. She also enjoys playing WoW, mainly mythic raiding and has gotten CE every tier since Castle Nathria.