A Complete Guide On How To Dance In Lethal Company

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A Complete Guide On How To Dance In Lethal Company

Here is a complete guide on how to dance in Lethal Company with your teammates 

Lethal Company is a game developed by Zeekerss of the horror co-op survival genre. It is a frankly terrifying indie horror game that was released in October 2023. Despite having terrifying creatures and daunting tasks in the game, it is also quite goofy. 

The best way to show goofiness in the game is by dancing using the available emotes. Hence, here is a complete guide on how to dance in Lethal Company and show your goofiness. 

How to Dance in Lethal Company

As mentioned before, dancing is one of the goofiest things that you can do in Lethal Company. It is a great way to lighten the mood amongst teammates or just be goofy in general. You can also dance after turning in your inventory full of scraps for the day to Jeb the Tentacle Monster, who is the Representative at the Company to celebrate your fulfillment of the profit quota. 

Dancing or using emotes in the game is also a wise option to show your emotions because the monsters can hear you, which can end up in instant death. You can discuss the signals with your teammates before embarking on an exploration by using the dance emote as a way to signify danger. Not only will that save your team from danger, but it also opens up the possibility of messing with your teammates and becoming a little troll.

Now, to answer the long-awaited question, how to dance in Lethal Company? Well, it merely takes one press of a button on your keyboard to dance. Simply press the “1” key on your keyboard, which is the default emote button for dancing and your character will break into a goofy dance number. Keep in mind that when you want to dance, make sure to not initiate any other action in the game, otherwise it will interrupt and stop the dancing emote instantly. Hence, stay still and let your character groove to the non-existent beat. 

There is also another emote in the game, which simply points straight ahead of the character. To do that, simply press the “2” key on your keyboard, which is the default emote button for pointing.  If you want to, you can also choose to change the controls for how to dance in the game by going into the game files. You have to go change the input binding there because Lethal Company is currently in early access and a settings interface has not been added yet. Fingers crossed that it will be here soon, with the amazing effort from the developer, Zeekerss.


Needless to say, dancing is a universal emotion that can be used to express excitement, fear, pain, arrogance, celebration or even just give your teammates a morale boost. Frankly, it also looks very funny when the whole team does the dance together at the same time. Hence, make sure to read up on our guide on how to dance in Lethal Company and get to dancing in the game today. Also, check out our Scrap list guide to get information on all the scraps in the game so that you can also earn a good chunk of profit while learning how to dance and stay tuned for more content in the future. 

A Complete Guide On How To Dance In Lethal Company
Who knew combining a love for cheesy one-liners and Valorant would lead to a writing career?