Warzone Celebrates The COD League With In-Game Champs Trophy
| Tags: Call of Duty
| Author Charlie Cater

The CDL and Warzone have combined, giving Dallas Empire their 2020 Champs Trophy in-game.
The Call of Duty League and Warzone have had a good, but distant relationship since its release. While the 2020 Call of Duty League Champs desk featured in the Stadium, Warzone and the CDL haven't been integrated too much.
However, this first-of-its-kind collaboration sees the 2020 Champs trophy placed in front of the stadium, with the Dallas Empire roster banners featuring their player images inside of the game.
Activision said, “Dressing the front of the stadium will be banners featuring each of the starting five players from 2020's championship-winning team. This places CDL in one of the world's most popular digital spaces–giving Call of Duty's pro players even more fame and glory to battle it out for as the season goes on.”
The COD League released a video showing the reactions of the Dallas Empire players, with all of them exceptionally surprised when seeing their faces in-game.
This is the first time that we see professional Call of Duty players featured in the game, with player images dressing the Stadium. This puts them in front of a much wider audience, and will likely see more traffic go to the Call of Duty League.
The CDL Trophy will arrive at the Stadium on Monday, May 10. So be sure to visit, and put your hands together for the Champs.