The Good, the Bad, and the Call of Duty Warzone
| Tags: Call of Duty
| Author Harrison Giza

Just when it seemed like life was finally going well for Call of Duty fans, our dire reality reloaded on them with full force.
The latest COD game is doing fantastically across the boards, scoring record numbers for the game and Activision franchise. Call of Duty: Warzone is a definite hit, but it also is a success that may have changed the future and scope of the shooter series for years to come.
In With The New
It seems that most of the support staff have been inundated with broken server reporters, impossibly long waiting times for games and overall poor functioning. At a time where Activision/Blizzard is hinting at big rumors (COD in Vietnam, a return to Black Ops) this type of fanbase fodder is exactly what they don’t want.
Even CharlieINTEL on Twitter wasn’t prone to the backlash, as a report they posted soon became a hotbed for COD user complaints.
And while the news itself is not particularly upsetting, looking over the disappointment of the fans that want to play their favorite game truly is. Here is one response that touches on the issue.
This tweet seems to be quite disheartening for longstanding Call of Duty Fans. While the game has certainly been around for a long time, the community has been known to cater to fans pretty well throughout the years.
Yet, with the unspeakably quick rise of Fortnite popularity, Call of Duty: Warzone has become quite a successful alternative for giant multiplayer gaming. This would usually be a good thing, but it seems like COD fans are disappointedly torn.
The Future
While some fans are happy to even be playing Call of Duty, whether it is Warzone or regular Modern Warfare, players have noticed a lack of care in the community. The server issues have been way too consistent and are at an opening week level of quality. And with some people saying that this is the greatest version of Call of Duty yet, some fans are extremely hesitant regarding the future of the game.
Warzone is a big success and many fans are arguing that without it, the latest wave of COD games would be failing to a degree. Whether or not this new love of change is due to fresher faces picking up the game for the first time, or even seasoned veterans enjoying it, one thing is for sure. The next Call of Duty will surely be a bold one.
The next incarnation of the game is slated to debut this fall, possibly around November. There are actually a few rumors surrounding the game now. One of which is detailing a focus on the early to middle Vietnam War. All sources are still based on unconfirmed rumor but if any more information is leaked out, we will be sure to let our readers know.
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