Call of Duty: Midnight Esports Sign Former EUnited Coach “Saintt”
| Tags: Call of Duty
| Author Alex Mcalpine
In a tweet from their official Twitter account, Midnight Esports confirmed they picked up former EUnited coach Brian “Saintt” Baroska to coach their competitive Call of Duty team.
Midnight Esports is pleased to announce @BrianSaintt as our new Coach for the Call of Duty team
— Midnight Esports (@GGMidnight_) April 9, 2019
After his recent and rather unceremonious release from EUnited, several professional Call of Duty players touted Saintt’s proven ability as a coach. The most notable of these players was EUnited team captain James “Clayster” Eubanks who emphasized Saintt’s prominent role in turning around EUnited’s Call of Duty: WWII campaign last year. Given that the Call of Duty community held Saintt in such high regard, it was only a matter of time before another Call of Duty team picked him up.
Midnight: New and Improved?
This comes at a fantastic time for a newly-formed Midnight Esports roster. After a nasty and public falling out between the Midnight Esports organization and their young, starlet roster, Midnight replaced 4 out of their 5 players. Midnight’s new team is definitely not short on talent, but like most new teams, lack teamwork, chemistry, and strategy out of the gates. They were so bad, in fact, that their main Assault Rifle player and former World Champion, Chris “Parasite” Duarte, tweeted that other teams would refuse to even practice with them. Nevertheless, slowly but surely they improved. Ultimately, when it came time to play in the Pro League, they finished their week with a respectable 2-2 record.
No one scrims us cuz we aren’t the best so we can’t really improve and when we do get a scrim something is always up where don’t end up playing lol
— chris (@Parasite) March 29, 2019
While Midnight showed some promise with this recent LAN performance, they still lacked superior decision-making and strategy. Therefore, when one of the best coaches in all of Call of Duty became available, they were quick to seize the opportunity.
Only time will tell how far this Midnight roster will go. While they always had the talent to play for a championship, they now have all the tools necessary for them to realize that potential. Their next opportunity to prove themselves will be at the Gfinity CWL London Invitational from May 3rd to May 5th.