How to Get Nebula V Ammo Field Upgrade in Warzone Pacific

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How to Get Nebula V Ammo Field Upgrade in Warzone Pacific

Here’s how to get the brand new Nebula V ammo in Warzone Pacific Season 2.

The Season 2 update for Warzone Pacific has brought many new powerful upgrades and weapons. One of the best to be added is the Nebula V Field Upgrade. This new ammunition contains the same gas as the circle, making it deadly to enemies. Here’s how to find it, and how it works.

How to Find the Nebula V Field Upgrade in Warzone

Nebula V Ammunition can be found as a field upgrade in Warzone Pacific, this means that it is extremely rare. While it can be found across Caldera in apply drops, chests and even as floor loot, your best bet is going to the Chemical Weapon Research Labs.

These new underground locations provide some incredible weaponry, and most importantly a higher rate of Nebula V Ammo.

What do Nebula V Rounds do?

Nebula V Ammunition is similar to Stopping Power as it does more damage and also makes downed players emit a cloud of poisonous gas. This means it's great for solo squads, stopping players from reviving their fallen teammates.

The Field Upgrade can be used as normal, allowing you to load the Nebula V rounds into your weapon and instantly equipping this upgrade.

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Charlie Cater
Charlie "MiniTates" Cater has been an esports writer since May 2020, specialising in Call of Duty. He is also a University Student studying esports.