ESTNN Daily: Esports News Recap 2/26
| Author Nick Johnson

Welcome to the ESTNN Daily for February 26th. Some interesting stories broke today, so let's hop right in and give you your Esports News Recap for the day!
It may seem a little weird that we’re going to be talking about a prominent Hearthstone player in today’s DOTA 2 news, but honestly it’s a slow day over here in the DOTA Department with two major tournaments just ending. Amaz, most famous for being a well-known Hearthstone streamer, has been putting major time into DOTA 2 Autochess recently. At least he was – Amaz was banned live on stream yesterday – take a look for yourself. Bans are handed out automatically in Autochess based on the number of reports, making streamers an easy target for trolls. Don't worry though, Amaz was unbanned later in the day.
Oh great, all the streamers getting banned from Auto-Chess…who would have thought a reporting system won't get abused -_-
— Amaz (@Amaz) February 25, 2019
In Overwatch, we got a sneak peek at the new hero Jean Baptiste yesterday, but in all the hype something else got announced! In a blue post on the Overwatch Forums, Overwatch Community Manager Tom Powers announced the start date of Season 15 competitive play. Previously, players had to wait in between seasons, but according to Powers, Season 15 will start immediately after Season 14 ends on February 28th at 4PM. Get ready for your placement matches!
Blizzard also released Overwatch’s 30th hero, Baptiste to the PTR today. He’s definitely a dedicated healer, with tons of area of effect healing options in his kit. His ultimate, Amplification Matrix, also buffs all ranged damage that passes through it. Go check him out on the PTR and read our Baptiste Ability Overview right here on ESTNN!
"No dying on my watch."
Get your first aid on Baptiste's abilities and playstyle. Now healing on the PTR!
⚕️ https://t.co/ienbb2jo9W pic.twitter.com/pJM4M3hMfy
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) February 26, 2019
In other news, looks like a bug has crept into Overwatch undiagnosed. There are several reports of Brigitte’s shield turning completely opaque when set on fire by Ashe’s Dynamite.
The shield won’t return to its normal, see-through state until Brig stops burning, which means that you could theoretically spend half your time as Brig trying to look through a shield you can’t see through. Luckily, the reports are widespread enough that Blizzard should be hot on its heels in terms of a fix.
The Playoffs of the IEM Katowice Major are right around the corner, but instead of putting in some extra work after being eliminated from contention, AVANGAR AWPer Ali “Jame” Djami decided to post a false story about being attacked by “radical Christians” in Poland.
Soon after, AVANGAR tweeted out that Jame’s seriously false story was “just a joke.” AVANGAR then went ahead and ended the “apology” with a “subscribe to pewdiepie” meme in a now-deleted tweet.
“Hello CS:GO fans,@JAMEPAIN has not been attacked by anyone in Katowice. It was a joke, so please calm down and stop these threads. We apologize to everyone who've been offended by his style of humour.
Do your part — say something kind to your folks and subscribe to @pewdiepie. pic.twitter.com/LSG4CaHMVi”
Probably not the best decision to end a serious apology with a meme. Predictably, the community was not pleased by the jovial tone of AVANGAR’s response, prompting the deletion of the tweet.
EPIC Games has released its third teaser image for Fortnite Season 8, which officially kicks off in two days. The photo depicts a dragon surrounded by flames, with the words “Awaken beasts of fire and ash, Battle it out and loot the stash.” Clearly Dragons are officially coming to Fortnite. Maybe they will be a map objective that drops sweet loot. Personally, I hope we get to ride one! With Dragons and pirates on the menu, it seems like Fortnite is pulling out all the stops this season.
Awaken beasts
Of fire and ash
Battle it out
And loot the stash.
2 days to Season 8. pic.twitter.com/rdMrhYbZ1S— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) February 26, 2019
League of Legends
Why is League last today? Well, I can’t believe we’re actually saying this, but there really wasn’t any big news about the MOBA. We don’t want to leave you empty-handed though, so here’s a picture of C9 Sneaky putting on his shoe while Svenskeren tells him he's better than DoubleLift and Jack cheers them both on. Jensen's head is there somewhere, too. Sneaky is love, C9 is life (at least for this writer).
That’s all for the ESTNN Brief for Tuesday, February 26th. Make sure to head on over to ESTNN.com to catch up on all of the latest news and check back here tomorrow for another Episode of The Brief!