
Tarkov Tips and Tricks, Level The Playing Field

Tarkov Tips and Tricks, Level The Playing Field

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Tarkov can be rough at times, so it’s best to do some research first. In these Tarkov Tips and Tricks, we’ll help you level up your knowledge. If you want some Beginner’s tips, check out our Beginners Guide to Tarkov. The following tips and tricks don’t really fall into any of those categories but I […]

Beginner’s Guide to Tarkov, It’s Time to Escape

Beginner’s Guide to Tarkov, It’s Time to Escape

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With the new wipe, there are bound to be heaps of new players who take their first steps into Tarkov. Fear not, The Beginner’s Guide to Tarkov is here to help. Escape from Tarkov is a cruel mistress, some of you might’ve seen the warning when you first boot the game up. You will die […]

Dota 2: The Popular Core Hero Combos in The Current DPC

Dota 2: The Popular Core Hero Combos in The Current DPC

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We take a look at some of the most popular core hero combos coming out of Tour 3 of the DPC. The 2021-2022 DPC began a few months ago and allowed us to watch the best team in the world in action. After the first two tours and the first Major of the year, we […]

Overwatch 2: Is Winston a Viable Tank in Overwatch 2?

Overwatch 2: Is Winston a Viable Tank in Overwatch 2?

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We take a look at how Winston will square up after his changes in Overwatch 2. Everyone who played Overwatch has heard of the phrase “No aim. No Brain. Winston Main”. Trolls used this all the time because people Winston is one of the heroes in Overwatch that is easy to play. However, the hero […]

Final Fantasy XIV Guide | Tribe Quests and Where to Find Them

Final Fantasy XIV Guide | Tribe Quests and Where to Find Them

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Learn everything you need to know about Final Fantasy XIV’s Tribe Quests! Tribe Quests are the closest Final Fantasy XIV has to the classic reputation grind of other MMORPG’s. They work similarly but also a little differently from other games. They’re usually worth doing, just to unlock all the perks that come with finishing a […]

Apex Legends : DarkZero Picks up Former Reignite Roster

Apex Legends : DarkZero Picks up Former Reignite Roster

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American Esports Organization DarkZero has entered the Apex Legends scene by signing former players of Reignite, winners of Stage 2 Playoffs at ALGS. The Australian three-member roster, consisting of Noyan “Genburten” Ozkose, Zer0 “Rhys” Perry, and Rick “Sharky” Width, parted ways with their previous organization Reignite Esports, right after scoring a Stage 2 playoff victory […]

CSGO The Best P90 Skins

CSGO The Best P90 Skins

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The best P90 skins you can buy in CS:GO. Even though the P90 is not the most popular weapon in CS:GO, there is no arguing that it has a special role in the game. Everyone knows at least one P90 CSGO meme because this weapon is often by lower-ranked players and people who want to […]

Fortnite: Faze Clan Member Cented Gets Kicked Out for Hate Speech

Fortnite: Faze Clan Member Cented Gets Kicked Out for Hate Speech

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After a clip of the Fortnite pro using a racial slur on his July 3 live stream made rounds on social media, it was immediately bought to FaZe Clan’s attention, thus leading to his removal from the team. Earlier associated with Team Liquid, the 19-year-old Fortnite prodigy’s path to pro is now uncertain after using […]

LCS Week 3 Day 2 Summer Split 2022 Recap

LCS Week 3 Day 2 Summer Split 2022 Recap

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LCS is finished with its Week 3 so let’s take a look at the Day 2 games. If you’d like to read more about the teams in the league you can read our LCS Power Rankings, which gets updated weekly. Dignitas vs TSM TSM started out the game very aggressively around objectives. They got the […]

LCS Week 3 Day 1 Summer Split 2022 Recap

LCS Week 3 Day 1 Summer Split 2022 Recap

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LCS finished the first day of Week 3 and here is a recap of it if you’ve missed it. If you’d like to read more about the teams in the league you can read our LCS Power Rankings, which gets updated weekly. TSM vs Evil Geniuses The first game of the day started out fast. […]

Dota 2: WEU Tour 3 Division I and II Overview – Week 4

Dota 2: WEU Tour 3 Division I and II Overview – Week 4

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The action in Western Europe is slowly coming to and after we had three epic weeks. So far, a couple of teams seem to stand out from the crowd, but we are yet to see which of them will prevail and qualify for the Major. Before we learn the names of the teams that will […]

Final Fantasy XIV: Introducing the Island Sanctuary

Final Fantasy XIV: Introducing the Island Sanctuary

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Everything we know so far about Final Fantasy XIV’s new Island Sanctuary. We finally have some details on one of Endwalkers most anticipated Island Sanctuary. And its a different kind of content entirely. Here are all the details for you to check out! The Island Sanctuary We never really got details on what the Island […]

Intel Extreme Masters Cologne 2022 Preview

Intel Extreme Masters Cologne 2022 Preview

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With the third IEM of the year just a couple of days ahead let’s take an overall look at the tournament. Cologne as a city has been a Counter-Strike staple for a long time whether it is an IEM or another ESL event, even hosting three Majors between 2014-16. This year the city will host […]

Overwatch 2: Echo’s Role in The Game

Overwatch 2: Echo’s Role in The Game

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We take a look at how Echo will fare when Overwatch 2 drops in October. There are all sorts of interesting DPS heroes in Overwatch. Some are swift, and others do tons of damage, but you can also come across names that offer both. Echo is definitely a hero that falls in this category. Due […]

Final Fantasy XIV: The New Quests and Raids of FF Patch 6.2

Final Fantasy XIV: The New Quests and Raids of FF Patch 6.2

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Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.2 will release as Buried Memory, and marks the first really big patch since the release of Endwalker back in December. Here are all the quests and encounters you can expect! [Warning this Includes FF Patch 6.1 Spoilers] The Unending Journey Continues With a new quest comes a new chapter in […]

Final Fantasy XIV: Miscellaneous Updates for Patch 6.2

Final Fantasy XIV: Miscellaneous Updates for Patch 6.2

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Patch 6.2 promises to be exciting. And besides new content there is also a slew of quality of life enhancements and nice little additions that’ll make adventuring a little easier. The Overhaul of the Main Quest Scenario Continues While getting ready for 7.0, the Final Fantasy XIV team is hard at work to make older […]

Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter 71 Summary

Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter 71 Summary

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Here’s the short and sweet summary of the Live Letter 71 Letter from the Producer. Intro Of course this Live Letter was all about what content we can expect with the release for 6.2. Director and Producer Naoki Yoshida and Global Community Producer Toshio Murouchi invited players once again to listen to what they have […]

Apex Legends: Team Empire Gets Replaced by AYM Esports At ALGS

Apex Legends: Team Empire Gets Replaced by AYM Esports At ALGS

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After being unable to secure their visas to travel to the United States for the Apex Legends event, the Russian Esports team, Team Empire, got replaced by the Spanish organization AYM Esports. Due to sanctions issued by the United States against Russian citizens, Team Empire players Denis “cleaveee” Rassokhin, Kirill’ Ranchees’ Rulinwere, and Alexey “Maliwan” […]

Biggest Esports Tournaments in Summer 2022

Biggest Esports Tournaments in Summer 2022

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With the Covid-19 restrictions mostly behind us, there are still plenty of Esports Tournaments in Summer 2022. The last two years with the pandemic impacted the Esports events as much as it did anything else. With most tournaments moving to online play, the hype of it all was decreasing. Of course, with all the recent developments […]

Apex Legends ALGS Full Schedule and Start Date

Apex Legends ALGS Full Schedule and Start Date

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After an extended hiatus of 3 years due to the global pandemic, Respawn Entertainment and EA Games are back with the massive 2 million USD prize pool Apex Legends ALGS event. The Apex Legends Global Series, or ALGS 2022, will have 40 teams competing for the top World Champion spot at Raleigh, USA, starting July […]

OWL: Every Roster Change Ahead of Midseason Madness

OWL: Every Roster Change Ahead of Midseason Madness

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Every recent roster change to know about ahead of Midseason Madness. Midseason Madness, the second tournament of the Overwatch League 2022 Season, is just about to start. But how are all teams standing as they are heading in this new competition? Which players left the competition, who joined, and what do the teams look like […]

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 Weapons Tier List

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 Weapons Tier List

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The best Fortnite weapons to grab every time in the latest season! Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 has finished up its pre-season now, with proper competitive events due to start soon. That makes it a perfect time to look at the balance of the game so far. We’ve had enough time with all of the […]

TFT: Riot Reveals Huge Balance Update for TFT Patch 12.2

TFT: Riot Reveals Huge Balance Update for TFT Patch 12.2

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Riot’s TFT team revealed the adjustment-heavy Balance update for TFT Patch 12.2, pushing out adjustments for a series of over performing champions, traits, and items. To ensure a consistent, playable meta throughout the 12.2 Patch cycle, Riot’s TFT team couldn’t wait until the game’s next patch, 12.13, to boost underperforming champions and items while including […]

LoL: LEC Summer Finals 2022 Heads Back to Malmö

LoL: LEC Summer Finals 2022 Heads Back to Malmö

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After two years in the Berlin LEC Studio, the conclusion of the European Championship is back on the LEC Summer Finals 2022 Heads Back to Malmö. The LEC Roadshow is back! Riot Games just announced that the 2022 LEC Summer Finals will be held in the Malmö Arena in Malmö, Sweden! The organizers have also […]

Apex Legends Season 13, Split 2 Start Date Revealed

Apex Legends Season 13, Split 2 Start Date Revealed

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Respawn Entertainment has revealed the start date for the Second Ranked Split in Apex Legends Season 13. When does Apex Legends’ Season 13 Split 2 Start? Season 13 Ranked Split 2 starts on Tuesday, June 28 at 1 pm ET / 6 pm GMT. Apex fans grind to reach the highest rank possible before each […]

Overwatch 2: Four DPS to Keep an Eye On

Overwatch 2: Four DPS to Keep an Eye On

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We’ve looked at the tanks, now it’s the damage dealers turn; we check out the DPS to keep an eye on in Overwatch 2. Most people who play Overwatch prefer to take the DPS role because it seems the most interesting one. Whether this is true is doable, but there is no arguing that most […]

Envy Brand Retired from Esports as All Teams Take OpTic Name

Envy Brand Retired from Esports as All Teams Take OpTic Name

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The Envy name is now completely out of esports, as OpTic rises from the ashes.  Since the merger between Envy and OpTic back on November 9th, 2021, little has been heard from Envy in esports. While they still had teams competing in games such as Rocket League and Valorant, one by one they all started […]

Overwatch 2: Four Tanks To Keep An Eye On

Overwatch 2: Four Tanks To Keep An Eye On

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We take a look at the tanks you should keep an eye on when Overwatch 2 drops in October. October is just around the corner, which means that we will have access to Overwatch 2 in just a couple of months. Blizzard announced that this would be a free-to-play game, which means everyone can install […]

Dota 2: South America Tour 3 Division I and II Overview – Week 3

Dota 2: South America Tour 3 Division I and II Overview – Week 3

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As Week 3 comes to an end, we take a closer look at South America’s DPC Tour 3. Usually, the South American Dota 2 region is not as attractive as the rest because Beastcost and Thunder Awaken have little to no competition. Even though they are doing pretty well, Infamous won its first four matches. […]

LCS Week 2 Day 2 Summer Split 2022 Recap

LCS Week 2 Day 2 Summer Split 2022 Recap

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Week 2 of the LCS Summer Split is finished so let’s take a look at what happened during the games of Day 2. If you’d like to read more about the teams in the league you can read our LCS Power Rankings, which gets updated weekly. Golden Guardians vs TSM The draft of this game […]

LCS Week 2 Day 1 Summer Split 2022 Recap

LCS Week 2 Day 1 Summer Split 2022 Recap

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Day 1 of the LCS Summer Split’s second week is concluded and here is a recap of all the games. If you’d like to read more about the teams in the league you can read our LCS Power Rankings, which gets updated weekly. Dignitas vs Cloud9 In the first game of Week 2, we finally […]

Dota 2: WEU Tour 3 Division I and II Overview – Week 3

Dota 2: WEU Tour 3 Division I and II Overview – Week 3

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We take a closer look at how things are faring in Week 3 of WEU’s DPC Tour 3. Following OG’s dominant performance during Week 2, it is time to review the most action-packed series from the third week of Tour 2 in Western Europe. There were a few interesting series that we had to keep […]

FUT 22 Shapeshifters Team 2 Revealed

FUT 22 Shapeshifters Team 2 Revealed

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The FUT 22 Shapeshifters team 2 is here, and it features a great selection of players as FIFA 22 comes to an end. Shapeshifters are a new edition of FIFA 22 Ultimate Team that change the position of players and upgrades their stats. This gives you new ways to experiment with players in their new […]

Former FNCS Champs Queasy and Hen Split

Former FNCS Champs Queasy and Hen Split

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Two of Chapter 3’s top players are looking for a new duos partner after Queasy and Hen part ways. Queasy and Hen are two players who have had a run of fantastic results in Europe for Fortnite. They’ve proven themselves to be one of the best duos out there, especially in Chapter 3. It looks […]

2Real Joins Florida Mutineers Ahead of CDL Major 4 Qualifiers

2Real Joins Florida Mutineers Ahead of CDL Major 4 Qualifiers

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The Mutineers have a new look going into Major 4 as 2Real Joins Florida Mutineers. The Call of Duty League has seen a lot of change in the recent weeks following Major 3, with multiple rosters making changes heading into the Major 4 Qualifiers. The Florida Mutineers have made a long-needed roster change, bringing in […]

LoL: The New Star Guardian Skins Are Revealed

LoL: The New Star Guardian Skins Are Revealed

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With the arrival of Nilah, a new set of Star Guardian Skins will try and protect the Earth in one of the most popular skinlines. Riot Games has just released the abilities for Nilah, the Joy Unbound, League of Legends’ newest ADC. With her release skin, Star Guardian Nilah, the rumored return of the alternate […]

LOL: Discounted Skins and Champions from June 20th

LOL: Discounted Skins and Champions from June 20th

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This week’s skin sale has some really good-looking outfits for our favorite Champions. Check out this week’s Discounted Skins and Champions. Every week, Riot Games discounts 15 skins and 5 Champions so that players can get their hands on the cheap. This week is no different, and there are some great outfits for your favorite […]

CS:GO: The Galil AR Skins You Should Have

CS:GO: The Galil AR Skins You Should Have

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The best Galil skins you can buy in CS:GO. The fact that the Galil is not the most popular weapon in CS:GO shouldn’t come as a surprise. Most people who play this game on the T side prefer to get the AK-47 because it deals more damage and is better for long-range combat. However, Galil […]

Overwatch 2: Junker Queen Overview

Overwatch 2: Junker Queen Overview

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We breakdown everything we know so far about the 34th hero to be released in Overwatch; Junker Queen. As you may have heard, Overwatch 2 is just around the corner. One of the most expected games in the last couple of years is finally arriving just a few months from now. In October 2022, we […]

Fortnite V3.60 Update Patch Notes

Fortnite V3.60 Update Patch Notes

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Everything that’s changed in the latest Patch Notes for Fortnite v3.60 update! Fortnite’s first patch of Chapter 3 Season 3 has just dropped! The Fortnite V3.60 update has brought a much-anticipated boss to the map, a new Mythic, and some other anticipated changes. This is the first major update of the new season, so what’s […]

Dota 2: Which Heroes Are Not That Good in Patch 7.31d

Dota 2: Which Heroes Are Not That Good in Patch 7.31d

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The newest patch in Dota 2 brought some notable changes to the current meta. Even though we expected patch 7.31d to include a couple of minor changes, the patch had a massive impact on the current meta and some heroes. Interestingly, we often see heroes like Zeus in the mid-lane and even Pudge in the […]

OWL: Guangzhou Charge Release Eileen Because of “Inappropriate Personal Conduct”

OWL: Guangzhou Charge Release Eileen Because of “Inappropriate Personal Conduct”

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Guangzhou Charge just took a decision that surprised most Overwatch League fans. The team is parting ways with Yiliang “Eileen” Ou in fear of “inappropriate personal conduct.” “We have done so after careful consideration of relevant factors including risks to our team from inappropriate personal conduct as well as the future development of our team,” […]

Overwatch: Do This With Cassidy To Win Your Games

Overwatch: Do This With Cassidy To Win Your Games

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We take you through some tips and tricks for Overwatch’s gun-toting cowboy hero, Cassidy. Cassidy is one of Overwatch’s most controversial heroes. Besides the fact that he is incredibly popular in every skill bracket, the hero also plays a crucial role for many professional teams. Due to his high damage output from close and long-range, […]

The Most Played ADC of the LEC Superweek

The Most Played ADC of the LEC Superweek

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Even as the meta shifts around, there is a Marksman who just refuses to leave competitive matches. Let’s check out the Most Played ADC during the LEC Superweek. The first weekend of the 2022 LEC Summer Split has concluded, and there was more than one surprise! G2 was the only team that finished with a […]

CS:GO: The Coolest Skins for the Desert Eagle

CS:GO: The Coolest Skins for the Desert Eagle

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We take a look at some of CS:GO’s best Desert Eagle skins. Even though there are a couple of very popular weapons in CS:GO, it is safe to say that the Desert Eagle has one of the biggest fan bases. Despite not being as popular as the AWP, the Deagle plays a crucial role in […]

Overwatch: How to Take Advantage of Tracer

Overwatch: How to Take Advantage of Tracer

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We break down the top tips for taking advantage of Tracer in your next game of Overwatch. Every hero in Overwatch is unique and offers something special. Of course, some of them are more popular than others because they deal more damage and are extremely fun to play. Tracer is definitely one of the names […]

LCS Super Week Day 3 Summer Split 2022 Recap

LCS Super Week Day 3 Summer Split 2022 Recap

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LCS Summer 2022’s first super week is done and dusted and here is our recap of the last day of games. To learn more about where teams started out the season compared to each other, check out our LCS Power Rankings. 100 Thieves vs Dignitas Dignitas, specifically Blue had a rough start in the last […]

Dota 2 EEU Tour 3 Division I and II Overview – Week 2

Dota 2 EEU Tour 3 Division I and II Overview – Week 2

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Eastern Europe is among the hottest regions in Dota 2 right now because Roman “RAMZES666” Kushnarev is back in Virtus.Pro. Check our recap of the Dota 2 EEU Tour 3. Although the team plays under a different tag, it already won its first match, which put them in a good position. Speaking of winning, Natus […]

Dota 2: DPC China Tour 3 Division I and II Overview – Week 2

Dota 2: DPC China Tour 3 Division I and II Overview – Week 2

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We break down all the hottest Dota 2 action from Week 2 of China’s DPC Tour 3. The Chinese region in Dota 2 was one of the most interesting ones to follow. As you remember, this was the only place that did not send its representatives to Stockholm for the Major. Therefore, people from other […]

OWL 2022 Power Rankings – #1 Shanghai Dragons

OWL 2022 Power Rankings – #1 Shanghai Dragons

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The time has come to reveal the team we believe could win the Overwatch League this year. At 1st place in our Overwatch League 2022 Power Rankings are last year’s champions, Shanghai Dragons. Shanghai Dragons 2022 Roster Shanghai Dragons is heading into the Overwatch League 2022 Season with almost the same roster as last year. […]

Mesut Ozil’s Agent Says the Footballer Could Get Into Esports After Retiring

Mesut Ozil’s Agent Says the Footballer Could Get Into Esports After Retiring

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The famous German footballer’s agent talked about his client’s future after football, according to him, Mesut Ozil could be looking to esports. Mesut Ozil is a German professional footballer who played for teams like Schalke 04, Real Madrid and Arsenal as an attacking midfielder. Ozil is currently under contract with the Turkish Super League team […]

Dota 2 WEU Tour 3 Division I & II Overview – Week 2

Dota 2 WEU Tour 3 Division I & II Overview – Week 2

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Following week 1, it is time for our overview of the second week of Tour 3 of the 2021/2022 DPC in Western Europe. Check out our recap of Dota 2 WEU Tour 3 below. We saw a couple of interesting results last week when OG won against Secret and Secret dominated against Alliance.The second week […]

Dota 2 SEA Tour 3 Division I & II Overview – Week 2

Dota 2 SEA Tour 3 Division I & II Overview – Week 2

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Southeast Asia is a region where we have a couple of top teams that have what it takes to reach the Major. Here’s our Dota 2 SEA Tour 3 recap. We already had one week of interesting results and epic games, so it was time to focus on the second one. Although we are yet […]

First look at Nilah, League’s newest ADC

First look at Nilah, League’s newest ADC

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Riot Games revealed the game’s 161st Champion of League of Legends, who seems to be unique, as Nilah joins the Rift. Bel’Veth has not been part of League of Legends’ roster for a long time, but Riot Games does not want to slow down. The developers of League of Legends have released the first look […]

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Does Exist, and I’m Excited About It

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Does Exist, and I’m Excited About It

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It’s real… it’s real. Actually, I was expecting it to be announced sometime soon. But it feels good to be validated. Thanks, Mr. Itsuno, I never doubted you. Dragon’s Dogma 2 btw. I AM THE DANGAN My breath is short, I’m close to panting at this point. Now 19 hours removed from what ended an […]

Asmongold returns to Final Fantasy XIV

Asmongold returns to Final Fantasy XIV

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After almost a year, twitch streamer Asmongold returns to Final Fantasy XIV on June 21. The OTK Alumni Returns to the Critically Acclaimed MMORPG For those who missed the announcement– Final Fantasy 14 streams return on the 21st. — Zack (@Asmongold) June 15, 2022 It’s been almost a year since Twitch streamer Asmongold last ventured […]

Bel Veth Guide Become the Empress of the Void

Bel Veth Guide Become the Empress of the Void

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League of Legends’ newest champion looks to take over Runeterra as well as Summoner’s Rift. Find out about her in our Bel Veth Guide. A week ago, Riot Games has released their 160th Champion called Bel’Veth, Empress of the Void. The new character was a highly anticipated one, as she was teased a lot, brings […]

CS:GO: The M4A4 Skins You Should Have

CS:GO: The M4A4 Skins You Should Have

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We take a look at the best M4A4 skins in CS:GO that your money can buy. After we’ve covered some of the top-tier skins for the AK-47, it is time to take a look at the most popular weapon for CTs. As we already pointed out, the CSGO skins do not provide any in-game benefits. […]

CS:GO: Overpass Guide for Beginners

CS:GO: Overpass Guide for Beginners

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We break down the best tips and tricks for begginers to try on CS:GO’s Overpass map. Everyone who wants to play CS:GO must know that some maps are more popular than others. Whether you play with your friend or decide to search for a competitive match, you will come across a couple of maps. Most […]

Evil Geniuses LCS Preview, Summer Split 2022

Evil Geniuses LCS Preview, Summer Split 2022

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After a hard-fought MSI, the reigning champions are back to protect their throne. Check out our Evil Geniuses LCS Preview. Evil Geniuses LCS Preview Summer 2022 Roster Jung ‘Impact’ Eon-yeong Kacper ‘Inspired’ Słoma Joseph ‘Jojopyun’ Pyun Kyle ‘Danny’ Sakamaki Philippe ‘Vulcan’ Laflamme If you asked a hundred people before Lock-in, not many would predict Evil […]

Team Liquid LCS Preview, Summer Split  2022

Team Liquid LCS Preview, Summer Split 2022

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LCS’s super team will be looking for redemption during Summer after a disappointing Playoffs exit in Spring. Check out our Team Liquid LCS Preview. Team Liquid LCS Preview Summer 2022 Roster Gabriël ‘Bwipo’ Rau Lucas ‘Santorin’ Larsen Søren ‘Bjergsen’ Bjerg Steven ‘Hans sama’ Liv Jo ‘CoreJJ’ Yong-in For Team Liquid, there is no definition of […]

100 Thieves LCS Preview, Summer Split 2022

100 Thieves LCS Preview, Summer Split 2022

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100 Thieves are entering the Summer looking for their third straight final appearance. Check out our 100 Thieves LCS Preview. The last two splits have been a success story for the 100 Thieves. After acquiring almost all the up-and-coming Golden Guardians roster, 100T has enjoyed two straight finals and won the first trophy in the […]

Watching Their Backs Again: LEC Fnatic Summer Preview

Watching Their Backs Again: LEC Fnatic Summer Preview

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Can Fnatic overcome their rivals in the Summer, or will they be the “second team” again? This Friday marks the beginning of the 2022 LEC Summer Split, where all the 10 teams only have one goal in sight: making it to the top 6, so they can fight for the three World Championship spots. But […]

Dignitas LCS Summer 2022 Preview

Dignitas LCS Summer 2022 Preview

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Missing Spring Playoffs by just one game, Dignitas is coming into the Summer with high ambitions. Dignitas in Spring 2022 were fun to watch as they’ve always been in recent years. However, just like the recent years, they were once again a fringe playoff team despite the fun gameplay. They had a strong start with […]

Cloud9 LCS Summer 2022 Preview

Cloud9 LCS Summer 2022 Preview

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Cloud9 is coming into the Summer with a more familiar roster, here are our expectations of this team. Spring 2022’s Cloud9, or the Korea9 as the fans affectionately dubbed them, was a project with big promises. In his announcement video, the head coach Nick ‘LS’ De Cesare said if they don’t win the Spring and […]

Call of Duty League Championship Weekend Heads for Los Angeles

Call of Duty League Championship Weekend Heads for Los Angeles

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The city of angels host the Championship Weekend once again. The Call of Duty League is heading towards the end of the season, and this year the Championship Weekend will be hosted in Los Angeles on August 4-7th. With Los Angeles being the hosts of the Championship Weekend for almost every single year, it’s no […]

LEC Astralis Summer Preview, Veterans Against the Flop

LEC Astralis Summer Preview, Veterans Against the Flop

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The Danish organization signed some worthwhile players, but will they be enough to succeed? Check out our LEC Astralis Summer Preview. We’re finally at the start of the 2022 LEC Summer Split, and while there haven’t been as major roster changes. Most teams signed some new players in order to achieve the best possible result […]

LEC Team BDS Summer Preview, The Young Guns

LEC Team BDS Summer Preview, The Young Guns

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The newest team in the LEC made some bold moves in the off-season before the 2022 LEC Summer Split. Check out our LEC Team BDS Summer Preview. Only a few days remain until the 2022 LEC Summer Split begins. The strongest teams of the European Region are ready to battle it out for the top […]

LEC Rogue Summer Preview, The Curse Lives On

LEC Rogue Summer Preview, The Curse Lives On

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Always making it so far, even to the Finals, but always failing – will this be the fate of Rogue this Summer as well? Check out our LEC Rogue Summer Preview. Some sides seem to be set by a Curse, especially in the LEC. Look at Fnatic who wants to beat G2 Esports as a […]

FlyQuest LCS Preview Summer Split 2022

FlyQuest LCS Preview Summer Split 2022

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There are just a couple of days to the start of the Summer Split and FLY is looking to get back to their 2020 form. Check out our FlyQuest LCS Preview. 2022 Spring Split was a roller coaster for FlyQuest. They had a fast start to the season while trying out different drafts, mostly centered […]

TSM LCS Preview Summer Split 2022

TSM LCS Preview Summer Split 2022

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After the worst split of the organization’s history, TSM is ready to bounce back. Read why in our TSM LCS Preview. TSM’s history is filled with successes, and they’ve always been at the top of LCS. Then the last year happened. After losing their franchise player and then head coach Søren ‘Bjergsen’ Bjerg to TL, […]

CLG LCS Preview, Summer Split 2022

CLG LCS Preview, Summer Split 2022

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After a not-so-great Spring Split, let’s see what is the expectation in our CLG LCS Preview. Counter Logic Gaming has been one of the most talked-about organizations in the LCS in the last year or so, and all that without any recent success. After four bottom two finishes, most fans started to talk about an […]

Immortals LCS Preview, Summer Split 2022

Immortals LCS Preview, Summer Split 2022

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LCS Summer Split is nearing as Immortals are looking to get back to Playoffs. Check out our Immortals LCS Preview. Immortals Summer 2022 Roster Mohamed ‘Revenge’ Kaddoura Shane ‘Kenvi’ Espinoza Tristan ‘PowerOfEvil’ Schrage Lawrence ‘Lost’ Hui Lee ‘IgNar’ Dong-geun There is no need to mince words, Spring Split was a disaster for Immortals. In the […]

Overwatch 2 Changes, Some of the General Changes in the Upcoming Game

Overwatch 2 Changes, Some of the General Changes in the Upcoming Game

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If you’ve paid attention to our Overwatch section, you already know that Overwatch 2 will be free to play and feature a new hero. According to the official information, the game will become available on PC and loads of other platforms on October 4 this year. We had the chance to play the game during […]

Overwatch: Use These Things to Win With Ashe

Overwatch: Use These Things to Win With Ashe

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Check out our handy tips to help you win your next game of Overwatch with Ashe! Many people who play overwatch like Widowmaker because this is the main sniper in the game. However, the hero is not always that great, especially in the hands of those who can’t land headshots. Sure, she can work in […]

G2 Esports LEC Summer Preview, The Kings of Europe

G2 Esports LEC Summer Preview, The Kings of Europe

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With LEC 2022 Summer Split rapidly approaching, let’s look at the teams competing! Check out our G2 Esports LEC Summer Preview. This Friday, the first day of the Summer Season of the LEC, and the 10 participating teams are eager to show how they improved during the off-season! The stakes are also higher this time […]

How to Level Up Fast in Fortnite C3 S3

How to Level Up Fast in Fortnite C3 S3

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We take you through some grinding tips to help you level fast in Fortnite C3 S3. Each new Season of Fortnite brings a new Battle Pass, with cool skins locked behind those high XP levels. Most people can’t wait to get their hands on the high-tier rewards. This season a Darth Vader skin sits at […]

Warzone Fortune’s Keep: New Map Revealed

Warzone Fortune’s Keep: New Map Revealed

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A new map comes to Warzone, taking players to the coast of the Mediterranean. Call of Duty Warzone has featured the same two maps for the majority of its lifetime, with Caldera only just being added to the game with the destruction of Verdansk. Rebirth Island has given the fast paced players a smaller map […]

MAD Lions Summer Preview, Rising Lions

MAD Lions Summer Preview, Rising Lions

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Failing to make playoffs in the Spring, 2021 LEC Champions are looking to bounce back. Check our MAD Lions Summer Preview. A few days remain until the start of the Summer Split of this years’ League of Legends European Championship, where the 10 teams battle it out for the three sports in the 2022 Worlds! […]

LEC SK Gaming Summer Preview, No Changes For The Win

LEC SK Gaming Summer Preview, No Changes For The Win

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The team which failed to qualify for the Spring Playoffs fields the same roster for the Summer. Check our LEC SK Gaming Summer Preview. Just days before the start of the LEC Summer Split, the 10 teams only have one goal in mind: making it to the Summer Playoffs, so they can compete for the […]

Misfits Gaming LEC Summer Preview, One Man Army

Misfits Gaming LEC Summer Preview, One Man Army

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They made third, then fell off – what will it take for the Misfits to make it to Worlds? Check out our Misfits Gaming LEC Summer Preview. After a long break, the 2022 LEC Summer Split is finally kicking off this Friday! G2 Esports have returned from MSI, most of the teams made some changes […]

CS:GO: 6 Mistakes That You Should Avoid While Using an AWP

CS:GO: 6 Mistakes That You Should Avoid While Using an AWP

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We go over six mistakes you definitely want to avoid if you’re playing with CS:GO’s AWP. Despite the fact that many people who play CS:GO focus on using rifles, the AWP is probably the most popular weapon in the game. Most players are more than happy when they can use it. With that being said, […]

Dota 2: EEU Tour 3 Division I and II Overview – Week 1

Dota 2: EEU Tour 3 Division I and II Overview – Week 1

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We bring you all the latest Dota 2 action from Week 1 of the EEU’s DPC Tour 3. Since Eastern Europe is home to the current TI champions, it probably doesn’t come as a surprise it’s one of the most action-packed regions to watch. Aside from Team Spirit, several other teams have what it takes […]

Overwatch 2 will be free-to-play and feature a new hero

Overwatch 2 will be free-to-play and feature a new hero

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Overwatch 2 will come out on PC and consoles on October 4. The PvP mode of the game will be free-to-play and feature a new hero, Junker Queen. During the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase, Activision Blizzard finally unveiled the release date of Overwatch 2. The game will be available on October 4 on PC […]

Dota 2: China Tour 3 Division I & II Overview – Week 1

Dota 2: China Tour 3 Division I & II Overview – Week 1

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After the dust settled on the ESL One Stockholm 2022. It was time to check in with the Dota 2 China Tour 3 Division I and II Overview – Week 1. China is and will always be one of the best regions in Dota 2. The top teams here are always among the favorites, regardless […]

Dota 2: Western Europe Tour 3 Division I and II Overview – Week 1

Dota 2: Western Europe Tour 3 Division I and II Overview – Week 1

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After the dust settled on the ESL One Stockholm 2022. It was time to check in with the Dota 2 Western Europe Tour 3 I and II Overview – Week 1. Tour 3 of this year’s DPC is finally here. ESL One Stockholm 2022 was amazing to watch and OG defended Western Europe’s prestige as […]

Dota 2: SEA Tour 3 Division I & II Overview – Week 1

Dota 2: SEA Tour 3 Division I & II Overview – Week 1

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After the dust settled on the ESL One Stockholm 2022. It was time to check in with the Dota 2 SEA Tour 3 Division I and II Overview – Week 1. After the teams in Southeast Asia could not show their prowess during ESL One Stockholm 2022, they will try to do that in the […]

OWL 2022 Power Rankings – #2 Seoul Dynasty

OWL 2022 Power Rankings – #2 Seoul Dynasty

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We kept you waiting long enough: the time has come to unveil the two best teams of our Overwatch League 2022 Power Rankings. Coming in second place is the team that won the silver medal last year, Seoul Dynasty. Seoul Dynasty 2022 Roster For the 2022 Season, Seoul Dynasty has a balanced roster. The team […]

Summer Games Fest 2022 Recap, 2023 Looks Stacked

Summer Games Fest 2022 Recap, 2023 Looks Stacked

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Summer Games Fest 2022 was mostly information on titles we’ve already heard from. But that doesn’t mean there were no pleasant surprises. Here we have a detailed recap of the event! Street Fighter 6: Guile is back! We’ve already seen more of Street Fighter 6 at the PlayStation State of Play last week. And the […]

League of Legends ADC Guide, The Bot-Lane Carry

League of Legends ADC Guide, The Bot-Lane Carry

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ADC is one of the most popular roles in League mainly because it is the role that promises players a late-game hyper-carry experience that deals insane amounts of damage, as long as they can pilot their champions. Our League of Legends ADC Guide will help you on your journey. Even though it sometimes can be […]

LEC Welcomes Fans Back to the Studio for Summer 2022

LEC Welcomes Fans Back to the Studio for Summer 2022

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Europe’s premiere League of Legends competition, the LEC has been playing its regular seasons without an audience for the last two years. Even with most traditional sports allowing live audiences, Riot and LEC have been very cautious about opening up the Berlin studio until the last split’s playoffs. Even though it wasn’t a stadium event, […]

CS:GO: Sensitivity Guide – How To Find The Best Option For You

CS:GO: Sensitivity Guide – How To Find The Best Option For You

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Whether you play Dota 2, Call of Duty, or CS:GO, you need to use the most comfortable settings in order to be successful. This rule applies to all kinds of games, but it is especially true for shooters.  Aside from the FPS guide that showed you some of the things you can do to get […]