Call of Duty: Scump Fined For His Comments Surrounding Modern Warfare
| Tags: Call of Duty
| Author Charlie Cater
It appears that Seth “Scump” Abner has been fined by the Call of Duty League for his opinion on this year's game.
In a recent Huntsmen YouTube video, members of the organization created a tier list of Call of Duty games. When coming to Modern Warfare, Scump referred to it as “the worst CoD of all time”.
While Scump says a lot about Modern Warfare in this video, he is only expressing his opinion on the game. He may be a professional and one of the major faces of the Call of Duty League, however, is it correct for Activision to fine players to censor their opinions?
Scump recently appeared on the Eavesdrop podcast run by Huntsmen CEO Hector “H3CZ” Rodriguez. He says that people know why he got fined further leading to this clip. While Scump isn’t the only player to be fined, with Octane joining him on the list and possibly many more. Scump also speaks about his “first discipline” from Activision on Twitter, further confirming that he received a fine.
While it is not revealed how much these fines are or how many players have received them, the Overwatch League reveals this kind of information. Could we see the CDL take up this kind of procedure in the future? Possibly. But given the tweets of some professional players this year, that list may be very long.