Witchfire Combat Tips
| Tags: Features
| Author Diana D'Estefano

That Witchfire is not a simple game was something that was already known before it was released in Early Access as an Epic Games exclusive. However, many found themselves a little confused by the structure and game mechanics that were conceived by the developers. For this reason, after having given you some general tips and tricks on how to approach the game, here are some Witchfire combat tips that you should follow.
In this article, we will try to give you some useful advice that is not related to how to approach the game on a general level but precisely how to deal with the enemies that infest the game map. At the moment, the entire game map is not available, but we will give you some general advice that will also be useful when the full game is released.
Witchfire Combat Tips
Before proceeding to the heart of the matter by giving you some useful tips that you need to know to best approach your adventure in Witchfire, it is good for you to know that you will need practice and a lot of patience before being able to complete an expedition easily. The game, as we have already said, is not easy, so don't be discouraged if you aren't able to be perfect the first few times you start an expedition. Having said that, let's see some practical advice that you can follow.
Study Your Enemies
The first thing to do, even before going to the raid and trying to kill as many enemies as possible, is to study them. Each enemy in Witchfire will have its own characteristics and therefore will have weapons or spells that he will use to attack you. Studying the enemies, therefore, is an important step to understand what their attack strategy is so as to be able to counterattack in the most effective way possible. Don't dive headlong and try to understand how to approach every single enemy in the area.
Always Move
It goes without saying that always remaining in one place is counterproductive. You need to move as much as possible, making use of all the space you have available. The enemies, in this way, will be disoriented and will not know where to aim to carry out their attacks (especially those who use weapons and spells from long range). By constantly moving, you will avoid enemies being able to hit you easily, but be careful not to come across areas with many enemies and therefore fall right into the wolf's lair.
Take Advantage of Covers
Another strategy that you can follow to get the better of the enemies that infest the Witchfire game map, in addition to constantly moving, is to make use of covers. In Witchfire there are houses, fences, rocks, etc that can be used as a sort of temporary cover. Sure, it's not a Call of Duty or Battlefield game, so you can't stay there and kill everyone from afar, but there's still a possibility you have to temporarily dampen the pace, which you should use especially while healing yourself or recharging your weapon.
Use Spells and Arcana
But in order to be victorious and successfully complete an expedition, it is not enough just to protect yourself; you must also attack. In addition to making use of weapons (which change based on the class you chose at the beginning of your adventure), you will also have spells and Arcana (a kind of boosts) that you can use. Don't forget about these two things because they are very important and, in some cases, they can save your life.
Level Up Your Stats
Finally, it goes without saying that leveling is definitely the best way to have an easier life in a game like Witchfire. Every time you successfully complete an expedition, you will accumulate witchfire (experience) that you can spend in the game hub to increase your statistics. This is certainly an important step that should not be underestimated, because it allows you to become increasingly stronger and be able to attack enemies more easily during subsequent expeditions. So, if you are having difficulty, our advice is to spend some time leveling before completing what the game has to offer.